Friday, August 14, 2009

How to make the world a better place.

If all religions ceased to exist, the world would instantly become a better place.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Death alone reveals there is no God.

Death alone reveals there is no God. What God would create something so beautiful and allow it to die? It would be child's play for a God to create an immortal being. What God would allow hardships to constantly face his creatures?

If you were a God, would you have done it this way? Probably not. Wouldn't you make humans beautiful people with body's that would remain as the age of a twenty something year old?

Sin created death? Blah. Gross. What God would create such a nasty thing as sin? Sin is man-made. Sin makes no sense. There will always be good and bad people, whether you believe in sin or not. If you were a God and you had to create sin, they why not just forgive everyone? You are either a loving God or you are not.

If you were a God, why create sin? It makes no sense. Finite sin requires infinite punishment. In our modern society, we know this truth, that the punishment has to fit the crime for justice to exist.

Finite sin requires infinite punishment per God. Where is the justice?

There are only two options. God is real. Which means lots of head tilting and excuses why there is no justice for finite sin requiring infinite punishment. Or God is not real. When we say God is not real, everything makes sense.

Sin, religion, God, heaven, hell, angels, Satan where all man-made by ancient primitive mean who created religions to explain the world around them based on the culture and science of their day.

God of the gaps. If I can't explain it, then God did it. Where did I come from? I can't explain it, God did it. Why are we here? I can't explain it, God did it. What happens when we die? I can't explain it, God did it.

Why was my surgery a success? A trained surgeon worked on me. Why was there an earthquake? (Am I so egotistical that I think something that I personally do or not do in bed causes the earth to shake?) No, we live on a living planet, with a molten core and there is plate tectonics which is constantly shifting all the continents of the earth.

God did not create an earthquake, hurricane, tsunami or flood based on what people on earth are or are not doing? My walking down a road does not affect if it will rain or not.

When we can explain things around us, we don't say God did it. When we can't explain things, why do people cop out and say that God did it? Why can't you admit to not knowing something?

If I can't explain things, I simply say I can't explain it. Science can't explain it. I don't create a religion simply because I don't understand the world around me. Also, I don't simply turn to mythology to explain things in the world that I don't understand.

On prayer.

Christians will claim God heals self-limiting illnesses. If a Christian needs surgery, the Christian knows that God will not heal what only surgery can fix. The Bible clearly states in many places that if you pray in Christ's name, he will answer your prayers. God certainly has never healed an amputee. Why can't God find some charity and heal an amputee once in a while?

There are only three answers to prayer: Yes, no and later. These answers are certainly not supernatural. You can pray to a tree and you will get the same answers.

Christ says if two or more people pray in my name, I'll answer their prayer. Why not pray for cancer to be healed worldwide, overnight? Why not pray to end hunger worldwide, overnight? Why not pray that all amputees in the world be healed overnight? Why not pray that all blind people be healed, worldwide, overnight? Why not pray that all deaf people, be healed, worldwide, overnight?

Let's be honest here: Christ supposedly healed the blind and deaf, why won't he do it now? Is He out of touch with reality? Did he lose some of His powers? Did Christ lose compassion? Why can't He now find any mercy, love and caring for His creatures today, right now?

Since no Christian knows the answer to his, the fake excuse always touted as God's highest wisdom is, "That's the mystery of God." If God's highest wisdom is to do nothing, then why would anyone want to be part of this scam?

Remember, Christians will claim that prayers work. But when you call them on the carpet on specific compassionate prayer requests which never work, they quickly back peddle and use any excuse to explain why their ALL POWERFUL GOD (make thunder and lighting noises here) can't do something as simple as heal all amputees, heal all blind people overnight, or heal all deaf people, overnight.

When you take the premise that Christianity is mythology, then it's easy to see why that amputees, blindness, deafness, world hungry is never supernaturally addressed, overnight, worldwide, by a god.

I know what Christians are saying, prayer does not work like this. Yet another excuse for your ALL POWERFUL GOD! Don't you read your own scriptures? Why do I have to repeat YOUR SCRIPTURE, Christ said that if two or more people pray in my name, I will answer their prayers.

When you say that prayer does not work like this, you are saying you know more about prayer than Jesus Christ. Really? I take Christ's word at face value. If prayer does not work when two people pray a selfless prayer, for example, that all blind people are healed and when it does not happen, then obviously there is only one reason for this. Christ was not a god. Christianity is simply mythology.

Salamanders heal themselves everyday without prayer. However, with a small, selfless prayer, God won't even heal one amputee.