Friday, April 08, 2005

Bush Encourages Sex and the Transmission of STDs.

Scientific studies show that young people have more sex when they are taught abstinence versus using condoms. There are several reasons for this.

When you tell young people not to have sex, they want to do it even more. This is due to the simple reason that when adults say something is bad, youth are smart enough to figure out that it must be fun.

In addition, since sex IS fun, youth are going to have sex anyway. Most youth don't share the fantasy that if adults tell them to abstain from sex, that they must blindly obey them.

What's really sad about the Bush fantasy of teaching abstinence, is that fewer young people won't know to how to use condoms or will be afraid to use condoms which in turn will cause several things happen.

Pregnancies will increase and STDs will increase. Bush, thanks for encouraging American youth to have unwanted pregnancies and transmitting sexual diseases. My question to Bush is, “Mr. Bush, are you going to add funding to local government health departments to handle the increase in STD's throughout the country? And are you going to increase HIV funding as your abstinence policy will also increase the transmission of HIV?”


See: This is a new government website telling parents how to talk to their children about sex. This site is filled with myths, lies, and junk science. Note: this site will open in a new browser window.