Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do you believe in a supernatural being?

It's amazing that people are gutsy enough to claim to know a supernatural being. An invisible being that no one has ever seen. Uh huh.

If I told you I talk to an invisible friend and this invisible friend helps to guide my life and in my heart, I know he is real, I know in my heart, I really do know in my heart that my invisible friend is real and my invisible friend reveals universal truths to me--you'd tell me to get psychological help.

But if someone claims they know (make thunder and lighting sounds) God, that is socially acceptable. Uh huh.

Bake Sale

Wouldn't it be wonderful if education in the U.S. was fully funded and the military had to hold bake sales when they needed to purchase new war machines?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A quote.

"Where knowledge ends, religion begins." -Benjamin Disraeli

If Jesus was really a god...

"If I had the power that the New Testament Narrative says that Jesus had,
I would not cure one person of blindness, I would make blindness impossible;
I would not cure one person of leprosy, I would abolish leprosy."

Joseph Lewis, Answer to Preacher Jack Coe, Miami, 1956

Is God Fair?

"Is God fair? The Christians say that God damns forever anyone who is skeptical
about truth of bunkistic religion as revealed unto the holy haranguers. What
this means is that a God, if any, punishes a man for using his reason.

If there is a God in existence, reasons should be available for his
existence. Assuming that such a precious thing as a man's eternal future
depends on his belief in a God, then the materials for that belief
should be overwhelming and not at all doubtful.

Yet here is a man whose reason makes it impossible for him to believe in
a God. He sees no evidence of such an entity. He finds all the arguments
weak and worthless. He doubts and he denies.

Then is a God fair in visiting upon such a skeptic the penalty for his
inevitable intellectual attitude? The intelligent man refuses to believe
fairy tales. Can a God blame him? If so, then a God is not as fair as an
ordinarily decent man. And fairness, we think, is more important than piety."

E. Haldeman-Julius, "The Meaning Of Atheism"

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Egotistical – 2. an exaggerated sense of self-importance. -from, July 11, 2009.

The word "egotistical" is how I describe any person who claims they know, talk and get direction from any god.

Another vision. Eliminate as much plastic as possible.

Eliminate all plastic ware and plastic straws. Plastic takes a long time to decompose. Use wooden chopsticks and paper straws. Plastics straws are harmful to animals. For years, the San Diego Zoo has refused to give plastic straws with their drinks. Good for the San Diego Zoo.

"I can't use chop sticks." That is hog wash. There are more people in the world who use chop sticks than those who don't. If the majority of people in the world use chop sticks, then we can lean to use them also.

Let's eliminate all plastic food storage containers. What can we use? Glassware. It's time to eliminate as much plastic as possible.

We need to outlaw all plastic that cannot be recycled. It would be easier for all countries if we made only one type of plastic. The number 1 plastic. If we only allowed the number 1 plastic to be manufactured then everyone would know that all plastic can be recycled.

Farming. A vision for America and the world.

It is my vision that we start building farms between every township (or communities). It's funny how people remember the old stories of farmers selling their land to shopping malls, schools and housing developments and making a fortune from their land.

It is time to start tearing down some of the neighborhood and regain that land with small independent farms. Imagine. A farm where people could shop for fresh vegatables, fruit, eggs and meat. Maybe some farms would have a country restaurant on their property.

Some farms would allow field trips to a farm and the children could learn about farming and even do some weeding or planting a garden or field. Hay rides would be available to city kids and organizations. Houses, farm, shopping center, farm, houses, farm, hospital, farm, restaurants, farm, houses, farm.

Faith demands respect? I think not.

"The religious touting that faith is a virtue and finally demanding respect for all spiritual beliefs gives shelter to extremists of all faiths." -paraphrased from "Letter to a Christian Nation", Sam Harris, page ix.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Most people ARE athiests in some form, they just don't know it.

It's funny how religious people are worried about 2012. Aren't religious people atheists to the Mayan faith? Oh wait... aren't all religious people atheists to all faiths except their own?

"Where does it say that in the Bible?" This is the typical response from Christians, isn't it funny how I have to read the Bible but Christians don't?

Matthew 4:10 Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.

Yes, Christians are atheists to all other faiths. The New Testament teachers require Christians to NOT believe in any other gods. You can't even purchase a Buddha statue if you travel to Asia and keep it as a souvenir, it's against the teachings of the Bible. Look it up.

Christians are proud to not believe to all other faiths (which mean they are atheists to all other faiths) because all other religions are mythology of old and honest inquiry of other religions show their scriptures are flawed which means their gods are false.

I'm simply an atheist to all religions because I don't close my eyes at the numberous flawed verses of the Bible and the mythology of Christianity.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Danger of Religion.

The danger of religion is that liberalism allows fundamentalism which allows extremism. Extremism comes directly from religion and from religious followers touting that faith as a virtue.

What many people of faith don’t know (because they either don’t read their own scriptures or they simply ignore the many horrible immoral and unethical verses of their scripture) is that most scriptures have verses which allow the murder and rape of people with God’s blessing (and have other immoral teachings) which is what allows extremists to kill and murder people.

And because other immoral verses exists in scriptures, concerning the poor treatment of people (Slaves, women, children, gay people--typically people who are not middle eastern straight men.), allow people to ignore their own instinctive moral conscience.

Fundamentalist (and some liberal) believers permit themselves to allow the bad cultural morals of ancient Biblical societies to override our high standards and morals of our modern society. Christians today, unfortunately, claim interpreting the Bible in this way allows themselves to be justified to be bigoted and intolerant towards other human beings.

How could a God, who should have the highest of morals and ethics, allow horrible texts in his/her scripture? Here is the reason why these texts are in scripture. Because the Bible was not inspired by God or a god. The Bible (and the scriptures of all religions) were written by ancient primitive who wrote recorded their own cultural morals and science into their scriptures which is why the Bible (and other scriptures) are subject to misinterpretation.

Christians claim that certain followers (or people who claim to follow God) don’t interpret the Bible correctly. An all powerful God who knows the past, present and future would know interpretation of his scriptures would be a huge issue.

If you truly believe your God was creative enough to make the entire incredibly vast, beautiful, wondrous, fantastic, mind-boggling and almost beyond measure Universe, it would be child’s play for a God to write a scripture that could not be misinterpreted.

If you were a God, would you want your people to misinterpret your scripture? No. If you were a God, you would certainly be clever enough to write a scripture which would allow no misinterpretation. No tolerance for misintrepretation. If you were a perfect being for that matter, you would not need worshiped. Anyone in their right mind knows this to be true.

Even if all religions had no bad scriptures, to be intellectually honest with yourself, scriptures do not prove there is actually a God. It just means that some people sat down and wrote a book.

If there were scriptures, from thousands of years ago, filled with impeccable morals and ethics, advanced science, first aid and medical knowledge and food preparation then one could certainly make the case that there is probably was a supernatural being (or an advanced alien civilization) who was trying to talk with human beings.

The simple truth is, there is no reason why a god would have to hide himself/herself/itself. Which is why pretending to believe in any god unseen is sheer make-believe.

The danger of religion is the lack of rationality which allows a pretend belief that can lead to extremism. Extremism does include the Crusades, the Inquisition, witch hunts, abortion doctors being killed by Christians and suicide bombers.

Blind faith also robs people of facing reality and living life in the wonder of it all. I’ve talked to Christians who say the world is not a wondrous place because heaven will be better. These are sad, sad people.


I want to hold a party in 2014 for those who believe something bad will happen in 2012/13 based on Mayan "prophecy." Then I would laugh at them all and ask the question, "Don't you realize the technique for prophecy is to place the date after the death of the oracle so that when nothing happens at the appointed time, the oracle doesn't have to explain why."

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

"Well, I don't understand gay people."

When straight people say something like this, "Well, I simply don't understand gay people. It's beyond me." is precisely why our society are having problems such as homophobia, hatred, intolerance, bigtory and equal rights issues.

On counseling kids.

I was in Santa Fe, New Mexico vacationing, several years ago, and my boyfriend and I were sharing a table with a straight married couple (with kids back home) at my favorite Santa Fe restaurant, Cafe Pasqual's. We had a great conversation and were simply enjoying the moment of eating excellent food with good stimulting conversation.

When the conversation turned to the challenges gay kids face growing up, I made several suggestions to the parents. They told me I really should become a counselor for High School age kids. They told me I said things they never thought about. They were glad to meet me and told me they will take the hints I suggested to them back to Chicago.

Another Richard Dawkins quote.

"Faith is an evil precisely because it requires no justification and brooks no argument. Teaching children that unquestioned faith is a virtue primes them—given certain other ingredients that are not hard to come by—to grow up into potentially lethal weapons for future jihads or crusades." -Dawkins, Richard, 2006, "The God Delusion", Houghton Mifflin Company, page 308

A Richard Dawkins quote.

“Even if religion did no other harm in itself, its wanton and carefully nurtured divisiveness—its deliberate and cultivated pandering to humanity’s natural tendency to favor in-groups and shun out-groups—would be enough to make it a significant force for evil in the world.” –Dawkins, Richard, The God Delusion, Houghton Mifflin Company, page 262

On parenting.

Most parents encourage their sons and daughters to find a mate. "Son, have you found a nice girl?" "Daughter, have you found a nice guy?" If you know your son is gay, do you say, "Son, have you found a nice guy?" And if you daughter is a lesbian, do you say, "Daughter, have you found a nice girl?" I hope the answer is yes. Sexual bigotry is unbecoming, don't you agree?

Are you uncomfortable around gay people?

Are you a homophobic straight person (or a slightly homophobic straight person) and you feel uncomfortable around gay people? Then you can imagine how gay people feel around straight people.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Witty saying.

You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do.

An analogy.

Here is a nice analogy of the definition of a wall or the definition of an impasse.

1) My parents didn't want a gay child.
2) I didn't want homophobic parents.
3) I have no interest in homophobic parents.