Friday, July 10, 2009

Most people ARE athiests in some form, they just don't know it.

It's funny how religious people are worried about 2012. Aren't religious people atheists to the Mayan faith? Oh wait... aren't all religious people atheists to all faiths except their own?

"Where does it say that in the Bible?" This is the typical response from Christians, isn't it funny how I have to read the Bible but Christians don't?

Matthew 4:10 Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.

Yes, Christians are atheists to all other faiths. The New Testament teachers require Christians to NOT believe in any other gods. You can't even purchase a Buddha statue if you travel to Asia and keep it as a souvenir, it's against the teachings of the Bible. Look it up.

Christians are proud to not believe to all other faiths (which mean they are atheists to all other faiths) because all other religions are mythology of old and honest inquiry of other religions show their scriptures are flawed which means their gods are false.

I'm simply an atheist to all religions because I don't close my eyes at the numberous flawed verses of the Bible and the mythology of Christianity.

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