Monday, June 21, 2010

The least loving are the religious. The most controlling are the religous. See the problem?

The most intolerant people against gays are the religious. How could anyone call their religion a true religion when it divides humanity so easily? If your religion is true, then why does it not unite everyone worldwide, overnight, whether you believe in it or not?

Look how your religion divides people--like a sharp knife. Christians and non-Christians. If you are not part of the club, it is moral for Christians to demonize those who are not in their club. What an immoral doctrine.

You believe in a perfect God. A perfect being needs nothing. A perfect being does not need anyone to believe in him. A perfect being would not be offended if you did not believe in him.

Why are the non-believers saying the words, "We all share the same humanity." Why are the non-believers saying, "We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person." Why are these words of love, of human solidarity, not coming from your keyboards and pulpits. Why do the religious hate the doctrine, "Love one another?"

Why is there so much hate for those who are not part of your club? Because, all religions are man-made, not god made. Sin is a man-made concept. Many men, made many Gods, not the other way around.

Why is slavery, genocide, racism, sexism, the repression of women's rights, the demonizing of non-believers, secret death wishes (Can't wait to get to heaven and I can't wait for Earth to be blown to bits), being good for bad reasons (be good or go to hell), love your enemy (You defend yourself against your enemy, not love your enemy. I.E. Suicide, by not defending yourself is moral), thought crimes (Example: Coveting other people's things is totalitarianism.), a celestial dictatorship (believe or go to hell, it's not a choice, it's a dictatorship) is moral per the Bible. And... the mandatory love of someone and fear at the same time is Sadomasochism.

Why was the Bible written this way? Ancient primitive men wrote the Bible in the culture and science in their day trying to explain the world around them. And they did a horrible job.

When will people leave Iron Age beliefs, horrible morals and the bad ethics of ancient mythologies and get into Scientific Age?

I asked legitimate questions to Christians, to which I usually get no good answers. Simply excuses as to why theri God can't perform and can't love everyone. No surprise there.

Claiming to know there is a God is claiming the impossible. For the 1 millionth time, the burden of proof as to the existence of a god is on the believer, not the non-believer.

The Bible is the best a god could inspire?

It would be child's play for a god who is all just, all wise, all knowing, perfect, omnipotent, all powerful and who knows past, present and future, (and who by the way, just created the entire universe) to write and publish himself (or inspire people and have people publish) a book filled with impeccable morals and good ethics which would apply to any culture in any time period in human history which would never be misinterpreted.

You believe that God answers prayers. You say that God answered your prayers for your new SUV or your Prada handbag or your kitchen remodel. Why won't God heal amputees? God could heal an amputee with the wink of his eye. Yet he is deaf to their prayers. What about the 5 million children who starve to death each year? They are simply praying for a bowl of rice each day, yet your God ignores their prayers. Why is this? So many questions and no answers from the believers.

See Matthew 6:25-27 where it says that God feeds the birds, and people are more important than birds, so you don’t have to worry about where your food will come from. God can’t do something as simple as feeding 5 million starving children per year?

Where is Equal Rights and Human Rights in the Bible? They are no where to be found in the Bible.

The premise that a God made man leaves many questions and no answers. The premise that many men made many gods explains why contradictions, Iron Age thinking, disgusting morals and bad ethics permeate the entire Bible.

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