Saturday, September 04, 2021

Never, ever, follow accounts on social media, to gain more followers.

Why is this? For the simple reason that when you follow social media accounts you are not interested in, to gain more followers, how are you going to see the posts from the accounts you are actually interested in viewing? Following more accounts to gain more followers is a bad idea. Is nuts. Is stupid. Is a horrible idea. Is crazy.

Social Media Companies Make Invalid Claims To Make More Money

Why do social media companies make the invalid claim that following more accounts is the best way to gain more followers? Because they can tell their advertisers (including very large corporations with lots of money to spend) they have amazing statistics from those who use their social media platform. All you need to do is look up the major social media companies online (on Wikipedia or a financial reporting website) and you'll see that all the major social medic companies are multi-billion dollar organizations. 

What If You Are Currently Following Thousands Of Accounts?

If you are following hundreds or thousands of accounts, I recommend to start deleting every account you are following which you have no interest in. This way, you will be able to actually see posts from the accounts you are actually interested in.

When Do You Allow Accounts To Follow You? 

It depends if you want random people to follow you. If you only want people you know to follow you, then you set your account to private. If you don't mind if random people follow you, then I recommend to look at every account that follows you and decide if you will block them or not. 

If the account is from a racist, sexist, intolerant, bigoted person and/or who is against Equal Right and Human Rights, block that person. There is Freedom of Speech in many countries but your account is not a country. It is your own account. You can block anyone you want. you review each person's account and if you don't like the type of person trying to follow you, you block them. 

If an account that is following you has followed hundreds or thousands of accounts, such as a realtor, news personality, band, church, a trailer trash account, a local business, attorney, people trying to make money through sex or phone sex, or a private person, and it is easy to tell they are obviously following accounts to gain more followers. When any account like this that is following thousands of accounts, block them. Or if you can tell if its a new account and the business or non-profit is randomly following accounts to gain more followers, block them.

If your account is a business, government entity or non-profit organization, how should you monitor accounts that want to follow you or are following you and you don't know personally? Again, I recommend to look at every one of these accounts. If the account is from a racist, sexist, intolerant, bigoted person and/or who is against Equal Right and Human Rights, block that person. Again, there is Freedom of Speech in many countries but your account is not a country. It is your business, government entity or non-profit organization's account. You can block anyone you want.

More About Personal Accounts

If you are a private person and you never plan to make money from your social media account(s), there is no reason to gain lots of followers who you don't know. This is your account, don't allow anyone who is a mean person or who is following thousands of accounts to follow you. 

If You Are Trying To Make Money From Instagram Do You Still Block Unwanted Accounts?

If you are trying to make money on Instagram, I would recommend that you block all the undesirable accounts which I listed above who are following you because if you have hundreds or thousands of followers who are not interested actually in your business, you will have a false number of followers on your account. 

All businesses should want an accurate number of followers, not an inflated false number of followers. If you have an inflated number of followers on Instagram, then you will wonder why your marketing efforts are not working well. 

How Do You Gain More Followers On Social Media (for fun or to make money)?

There are multiple ways to gain more followers. 

  • On your social media home page, you need a very easy to understand description of you or your service or your product. 
  • If you have a business website, you must put your website on your social media home page.
  • On your social media home page, you need to put the city, state and country of your main office or where you live. No exceptions. Why is this? See the next section below titled, "Why Put The City, State And Country On Your Social Media Home Page?"
  • If you want phone calls, then post your phone number, if allowed, on the home page of your account. And always post your business phone number in all your posts. Ask yourself, are you trying to gain more customers and sales or are you trying to turn away business? 
  • You need to post daily. This means you need to become a better than average photographer and videographer. And don't find pictures on the internet to post, post your own pictures. If you have a smart phone, you can take thousands of pictures and videos and it doesn't cost you a penny.
  • Always post a picture, no matter what you are posting. If you are posting a video, if there is a preview picture, then that is okay. However, if you don't like the preview picture the social media platform provides you, you can always take a screen shot from the video and upload that screen shot, when you post the video.
  • Never use acronyms. Why is this? Because we are not using typewriters anymore. There is no absolutely no need to abbreviate things - ever, when using computers. If you want clear communication, you need to reduce using acronyms to zero. No ifs, ands or buts.
    • When writing text in a social media post, I am seeing the word "people" written like this: "ppl" (without quotes). When did the word people become an acronym? Writing ppl for the word "people", is very confusing because it is a made up acronym and it makes no sense. 
    • When I see bizarre acronyms in the text of social media posts, I have to 1) stop reading, and then 2) try to decipher what the person is saying. At this point, 3) there is a chance I will stop following this account because it is difficult to read what is being posted. 
    • If you need to shorten the text in your posts so they fit, you might need to hire a writer so the professional writer can concisely write the message you want people to read. If don't have the money to hire a professional writer because the text in your post is too long, you'll have to use your brain and think about how to shorten and make your post concise, so that people can understand what you are posting about. 
    • On Twitter, people will make multiple posts on one topic since there is not enough room on each Twitter post for long drawn out posts. Be sure to number the posts (Example: 1), 2), 3) or 1 of 6), 2 of 6), 3 of 6) and etcetera) so people can find and follow your train of thought on long multiple posts.
    • If you are going to write a thread of multiple posts on Twitter, write all your posts first in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Notepad first, and make sure they will fit in each post, then you can posts your entire thread quickly. 
    • When you make a graphic, you never, ever, need to abbreviate any word in the graphic because you can change the font size of any word and make all words fit nicely on a graphic.
  • On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms, you need to start the post with the country name, that is, from where the post is originating or where the news article is originating from. No exceptions. Always put the name of the country in every post. 
  • If you know the city, state and country of the post, then you should always add the city, state and country of the post - always. Why? Because people can't read your mind. You need to always spell out the city, state and country in all your posts. 
    • Example: Many people love to abbreviate a state they live in. This is nonsense. Why do people assume that everyone knows the abbreviation of the state where you live.
    • CA means California. CA also means Canada. CA also means: Central America, Central Air, Cost Analysis, Cash Advance, Contract Award, Collective Agreement and CA means hundreds of other things.
  • You need to have well written text for each picture of video you post. Never, ever assume people understand the picture or video you just posted. You need to explain what you just posted. This means you might need to hire a writer. 
  • If you are on Facebook or Twitter, you need to 99% of the time, post websites or links to articles that you are posting about, if the social media platform allows you do to this. 
    • Why add a link to a post? Because if you have a business and you are posting a picture from your place of business, you put your business website in the post. Why? Why make the user try to find your website on your social media home page when they could have easily clicked on your website link in the post? 
    • People are not only extremely busy but they are easily distracted. A person online has millions of websites or social media accounts they can choose from. 
    • When you make it extremely difficult for people to find the link to your business, you have probably just lost a sale. 
  • Instagram is an exception to the "put a link in every post" rule. Instagram doesn't allow links in posts.
  • If you have a store front, put your address in your social media home page, if it is allowed and put your business address in every single post. Why would you want to make it difficult for people to visit your business? 
  • You need to have hash tags for each of your posts. 
Why Put The City, State And Country On Your Social Media Home Page?
  • Because there are almost 8 billion people on earth and there are around 196 countries in the world and in addition, people live in territories, islands and remote places on earth. How do you expect every person on earth to automatically deduce where your company is located? 
    • I know you think that every should know who you are and where you live. Or if you have a business, you think that all 8 billion people on earth should know your little business as intimately as you do. However, this is wishful thinking and self-delusion. Put your damn city, state and country in your social media profile and all your damn social media posts.
  • You might say, "Well, my business is in the USA and I only want customers from the USA, so I don't need to post what city, state or country I'm from." This type of thinking is complete nonsense and makes no sense. 
    • If you want customers from the USA, you should post the city, state and country where you are located so that people in the USA know where your damn business is located. This is an extremely important concept. If you don't understand this concept, then please read this bulleted as many times as you need to understand this simple concept.
  • By putting your city, state and country in your social media home page, you will also help people from other countries know you are located in the USA and allow them to easily skip over your account if they have no interest in a USA-based business.
  • But what about those who live outside the USA and prefer to buy from USA-based businesses? By having your city, state and country in your social media profile and in each post, you'll get business from outside the USA.
  • You must spell out your city, state and country on your social media home page. Why? Because people are extremely busy and you want to provide extremely clear communication using social media so people don't skip over your account due to lack of information. 
    • For example: CA means California. CA also means Canada. CA also means: Central America, Central Air, Cost Analysis, Cash Advance, Contract Award, Collective Agreement and CA means hundreds of other things. 
    • Why would anyone put CA in their social media home page? Do you want to confuse people? Do you want users to block your account because of your inability to understand that people can't read your mind and who don't know where the location of your business is on earth? 
    • Why spell out the country? Because there are around 196 countries in the world and people are using something amazing to visit your social media account, it's called the World Wide Web. I hate to break your bubble but not everyone in the world knows by memory, where your business is located. 

In Summary:

I recommend using extremely clear communication and to never use acronyms when using social media: 
  • So that people can understand what you are posting about.
  • So the people don't block your account because you are not providing enough information.
  • People live very busy lives and if you don't provide key information (what you are selling, where you are located and your phone number) then it is easy to skip over your social media account and/or block your account. Who wants to follow business with a trailer trash social media account?
  • You follow good social media practices to gain more sales. 

#facebook #twitter #instagram #youtube #socialmedia

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

How To Extend The Life Of Your Razor Blade

To go directly to the steps to extend the life of your razor blades, please scroll down the end of this blog article.

I remember when I first started shaving, that I used a single-edge razor blade and this was very prone to small cuts and bleeding. When I discovered double-edged razor blades, it was such a pleasure to shave. I would rarely cut myself. I have therefore used a double-edge razor for most of my life.

For me, double-edge razor blades usually lasted about a week and I thought this was normal. And if you remember, razor blades where fairly inexpensive years ago, so it really didn't matter to me how long the razor lasted. I simply wanted a sharp razor for a nice clean shave.

Even though there are newer razors on the market with three blades or more, and while there are electric shavers, I simply prefer the double-edge razor. The one I use is the Gillette Sensor Excel. It has two blades and provides a very nice shave.

Gillette Sensor Excel razor blades.

About 10 to 12 years ago, the cost of razor blades started to go up. So, I started to purchase razor blades online. The cost was more affordable but it was still an expensive proposition to shave. Eventually, I realized to do some research online to find out how to extend the life of a razor blade. Fortunately, there were articles on this.

The main issue with razors becoming dull is water. The enemy of the razor is water and damp air. The articles I read recommended you pat dry your razor blade and never store your razor and extra razor blades in the damp bathroom. For many years, I have done this. My razor blades last about a month now. I store my pack of razor blades in a hall closet (where it's dry) and I keep my razor blade in a dry room.

However, I have now added a new technique to extending the life of a razor blade. After I pat dry the razor, I use a air dryer on the blade! 

Hair Dryer

Here are the complete steps I use to extend the life of my razor blades. Remember, the enemy of the razor is water and dampness. Never store your razor and extra razor blades in the bathroom or in the bathtub!
  • Rinse the razor blade thoroughly. 
  • Inspect the razor blade and check to see if there is any remaining shaving cream and small cut bits of facial hair between any of the blades. Rinse again if necessary, to make sure all shaving cream is gone.
  • Inspect the blades again. See if there are any remaining longer hairs in the blade. Take them out. (You can use your finger nails to do this or a pair of tweezers.)
  • Tap the handle of my razor blade to get the excess water out.
  • I then run the razor blades once, gently over a dry towel. In the direction opposite of the cutting edge of the razor blades.
  • Adjust the dryer for hot and high and blow dry the razor until you feel you there is no remaining water in the razor. 
  • And to extend the life of your razor blade handle, dry it with a towel and make sure you dry it off each time with your hair dryer. 
  • Store the razor and your extra razor blades in another room that is typically a dry room. (Or you can store your razor and razor blades in a dry storage closet.) 
  • To keep your shaving can from rusting, I dry the shaving can after I use it and keep this in a dry storage closet as well. 
I hope this helps!

Friday, January 26, 2018

"Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters" (2017) - First Thoughts

I feel like I am writing this review a little late but I live in the USA and this particular Godzilla series was first released in Japan on November 17, 2017 and Netflix released the series worldwide on January 17, 2018. While I certainly like the "Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters" first episode, there are several things which I would do, to make it better.

Side Note About The Story Line:
At the beginning of this Godzilla animation, we learn there are two alien races that have arrived to earth, apparently, around the same time time period. There is the Exif alien race whose purpose is apparently to convert humanity to their religion. (Religion is about controlling people and extortion of believer's money - whether you want to believe this or admit to this, or not.)

And there's the Bilusaludo race, who wanted to emigrate to Earth, since their planet was destroyed. If humanity would allow the Bilusaludo race to emigrate to Earth, in return, they claimed they would defeat Godzilla with their mechanized Godzilla, called Mechagodzilla. However, the Bilusaludo's failed to start Mechagodzilla quickly enough and Godzilla destroyed mechanical Mechagodzilla.

Item 1

The God thing (or religion) in this Godzilla series is frankly, quite stupid. (Unless the Exif alien race is actually pretending their religion is real when they know in reality that it's fake and their actual purpose is to take over and control the people on Earth. We don't know if there is a sinister purpose for the Exif race to push their religion on humanity at this point in the series or not.)

Back to critiquing this series and to do this, I need to provide a little scientific and religious history of humanity. As of 2018, humanity is 300 to 400 years past the Age of Enlightenment. For those who don't know, the Age of Enlightenment was when prominent scientists and great thinkers in Europe collectively pronounced that humanity needs to stop basing society on mythology (which includes all religions and all religious belief) and superstitions, and start basing our society on science, knowledge, facts, evidence and the Scientific Method.

Fortunately, today, we know that the fastest growing religion in the world is no religion.1 Atheism. Even though Atheism is not a religion, by saying that the fastest growing religion is no religions, is about the easiest way to write this particular point. Studies have shown that the more education a person has, that in general, they become less religious.

Remember, the definition of an Atheist is: A = Not. Theist = A person who believes in a god. (Or better put, a theist is a person who believes he has a real invisible friend.) An Atheist simply means that person has no invisible friends. Atheism does not describe the morals or ethics of any person. Just as being a Christian or Muslim does not describe how moral or ethical that person is.

All religions are creation myths. Welcome to the Scientific Age.

An alien race such as the Exif, capable of interstellar space travel, would be far enough advanced to realize that all religions are creation myths and would not believe in any religion or superstition.

All religions are creation myths. Welcome to the Scientific Age.
Even Godzilla knows that all religions are creation myths.

It's quite easy to debunk all religions. No amount of belief makes something a fact. Or no amount of sincere belief makes something a fact. If belief equals fact, then all religions are true. If belief equals fact, then anything you believe that is true, would be true. Well, guess what? Belief does not equal fact! Just because you (or billions of people) have a sincere belief in something, does not make that something you (they) think, makes it true.

There are lots of books about how we can easily fool our brain and therefore fool ourselves. There are also plenty of logical fallacies that help us better understand the reality of the world, as well.

Claiming to know a god is claiming the impossible. Sin is a myth. Knowledge is not humanity's downfall, knowledge is humanity's greatest asset. (For those who don't know. In the beginning of the mythology of the Bible, Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge and that's when became "sinful." Knowledge made them sinful. How billions of people on our planet could think that knowledge is inherently bad, is what is called being brain washed.) People do good and bad things but there is no such thing as sin. We are the top species on the planet. No one needs to ask for forgiveness for being born a human being. Salvation from what? Rational thought?

Heaven and hell do not exist. How could finite sin equal infinite punishment? Where's the justice? Prayer never works because god is imaginary. If prayer worked, cancer would be cured overnight, starvation and poverty would be ended overnight, rape would not occur, there'd be no car or jet crashes and there'd be no war. Faith is not a virtue, reason is a virtue. People don't fall from grace, they rise to reason.

All religions are failed sciences. If any religion was true, that religion would be taught in all major universities and colleges explaining to engineers how the world works. Why isn't religion the basis for any engineering degree? Because religion or religious belief, does not explain how the world and how the universe works. Religious belief is called belief because it's not knowledge.

Religious texts do not help us understand how to be moral or have good ethics and they certainly do not help us understand things such as love and relationships. Science, philosophers, great thinkers and ourselves - is what provides us with good morals and ethics, and is what we use to explain love and relationships.

Morals and ethics preceded all religions. If modern religions were the first to provide morals to the human race, we wouldn't be here today because the human race, without any morals, would have killed itself off.2 Christopher Hitchens stated, "Morals and decency is not derived from religion, it precedes it." He also said, "We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid."

Quote by Christopher Hitchens states that religion does not provide good morals.
Christopher Hitchens quote. Religion does not instill good morals on society.

Two quick examples. Many people will quickly claim that the Golden Rule, "To treat others as you want to be treated," is a great rule and most believers will act as if this rule is as good as it gets. Believer think: "This proves that the Bible was written by a god! Nothing is better than this rule!" Wrong. The "Golden Rule" is not that golden. There is the Platinum Rule, "Treat others as they want to be treated." That means one would actually have to get to the other person, to know how they want to be treated. The "Golden Rule" is much less personal and does not take into the account of someone else's needs or desires. Some people simply want to be left alone. If you are trying to help someone who wants to be left alone, you are in reality, not being nice to that person.

The second example. Believers claim that "Love thy neighbor" is a firm and good ethic which could never be debated. Unfortunately, this ethic simply does not work and cannot work for people. It's an ethic no one can achieve or uphold. If you actually believe in this teaching, you'll always fail at following this nonsense. What if you don't like your neighbor?  And who is your neighbor? Those who live on your street? Your town? Your city? The entire world? Honestly, no one can love everyone.

Look at the divorce rate. It's 50%. People getting married can sometimes take years to plan a wedding, they sometimes spend lots of money getting married, "Go tell it on the mountain" to everyone they know, make it a very public event, will claim love for each other until death do they part, for sickness and in health, and for better or worse, and that they have been married by the blessing of god, yet about 50% of these people get divorced. If people who spend lots of money on marriage, publicly declare their love for each other and actually sign a legal document confirming their love yet about 50% of these marriages end in divorce, then how can anyone be expected to follow such a rule that states you have to "Love your neighbor?"

Of course, ultimately, the "Love they neighbor" rule does not work because god can't even do it. What happens if you don't love god back? You go to hell. If god can't ultimately love his neighbor, how could god expect us to love our neighbors? (Of course, we know that heaven and hell is mythology.)

The entire point here, is that any race that has the capability of interstellar travel (or galaxy to galaxy travel capability) would have advanced far enough to understand that all religions are creation myths.

Better morals are based on science. Science, great thinkers and politicians know that we have a better society when people try to work together. For example, if everyone is running red lights, there would be lots of car accidents and deaths.

A better moral than "Love your neighbor" would be, to try to be nice to people, if you are up to it. Morals and ethics depend upon the well-being and suffering of humans - sometimes in the short run but most likely, morals can be evaluated better in the long run.

And morals and ethics will always be dependent upon the situation. If you live in a very small town and you walk down main street, you might say hello to everyone you see, since everyone knows each other. If you live in the city and you are walking down the street, you can't say, "Hello" to everyone, otherwise within the first city block, you'd be worn out from speaking to people. But holding a door for someone when entering a building is nice, if a person makes eye contact with you when walking - returning with a smile is nice. However, if you can't do this or are not up to it, you are not required to do these things. Maybe you are having a bad day and simply want to be left alone.

I Don't See Any Positive Use Of Religion Or Religious Belief In Most Sci-Fi Series.

Honestly, when we have a world torn apart by religious belief and our past is torn apart by religious belief, why would any self-respecting sci-fi writer pretend that space fairing people would believe in an invisible sky daddy? This is especially true when the science fiction based on our planet like Star Trek and Godzilla. Star Trek's vision of the future was that poverty was ended, war was ended, and that religious belief was at a bare minimum. Some of the characters in the Netflix TV series "Travelers" make brief comments about how everyone knows that religion is mythology, in the future. I am happy about that.

Isaac Asimov quote on how religion is a loss of opportunity and waste of our resources.
Isaac Asimov was a professor and writer of science fiction and popular science.

Of course, we probably know the answer why people want to use religious belief  in science fiction. There is a high probability that the people writing the sci-fi are probably religious believers themselves, on some level, and are writing this to gain some type of favors that they think they'll get from their invisible sky daddy, when they die and go to "heaven."

To me, Star Wars is an exception. Star Wars is a fantasy sci-fi series and the Force is something that no one worships but is used to explain the magical powers of the Jedi Knights and the Sith. I think the Force works in Star Wars. However, in my opinion, sci-fi stories when they are related to our own Earth where magical powers really don't move the narrative along, then they ruin the story when they add a religious element. Take Firefly the TV show. It's supposed to take place in the year 2517 and yet people still believe in religious mythology. Bad idea.

And yet people will always say things such as, "What's the harm that people believe in religion?" or "What's the harm that religious belief is in sci-fi?" Well, here's a graphic below which answers that question.

What's the big deal? What did the religious ever do?

Why is science and science fiction important? Science is the best method we have to date, to explain the world and universe around us, including explaining the human condition including but not limited to love and friendships. Science is also the best method we have to date, to keep from fooling ourselves.

Many times, science fiction becomes scientific fact. Science fiction, as well as many other movies, help keep us entertained and allows us to have fun. But more importantly, science fiction can look towards a better future, a better humanity and with new ideas for technology. There are many scientific advances that originated from the Star Trek TV series in the 1960s. We got the cell phone and needleless medical needles. Tricorders or instruments that can detect things have been made for many years but to fit multiple detectors in a cell phone, is what scientists and researchers are working on now.

Science fiction has allow a company to make "communicator badges" by Vocera. It's not as small as a Star Trek insignia pin yet it allows hospital workers to communicate better than using an overhead loud speaker. The military has already made laser weapons. There is also a company that makes a language translator (in Star Trek, it's called a Universal Translator). The company is called, iTranslate. You use ear plugs which work using blue tooth and your smart phone. As of January 2018, their technology can translate up to 40 languages in real-time.

"Star Trek: The Next Generation" from the late 1980s to the 1990s had tablet computers. They had a type of tablet, even in the 1960s Star Trek TV show which recorded things by writing on a screen with a stylist. We now have plenty of tablet computers that people worldwide use. Even though prototypes and simple tablets started around the 1980s, it was Apple that is credited with debuting the first user friendly tablet, the iPad, in 2010.

Replicators haven't been made exactly yet like Star Trek, but we have 3-D printers that make a variety of things from aircraft turbine engine parts to making food. Replicators like Star Trek, will most likely be made in the future. Scientist have even "transported atoms." Again, we are far away from making 100% reliable transporter technology but it will probably happen in the future.

Is science important? Is science fiction important? Hell yes, to both questions. You couldn't read my blog without science. You probably would not being using a smart phone or iPad without science fiction thinking of it first. And you certainly would have a shorter life-span without modern science and modern medical science. In conclusion on religion in science fiction: If writers of science fiction love religion so much, then why not simply go back and live like they did in the Bronze Age. If you love religion, then stop using all technology.

Item 2

I believe that it's Haruo who is narrating at the beginning of the film that traveling on the alien space ship, the Aratrum, that people from Earth were cold and had a lack of food. Conditions on the space ship were so horrible that some people committed suicide. This seems very unlikely to me. If an alien race could travel at warp speeds, they should be able to travel through space providing heat, rooms and food for all people aboard their space ship.

Item 3

It would be nice if the main character would be gay. In the first scene when Metphies is visiting Haruo Sakaki in prison, there were some sexually charged moments. One example is shown below where Metphies put his hand on Haruo's shoulder, in his prison cell.

The sexually charged prison cell scene where Metphies put his hand on Haruo.
The sexually charged prison cell scene where Metphies put his hand on Haruo.

Japan is very a progressive country but I think there's lots of progress that needs to be made concerning human sexuality. Case in point, porn from Japan by law, has genitals censored by using a filter over them, to make the genitals look fuzzy.

One of the most famous sexual equality events that happened in the USA started with transgender people in the USA with the Stonewall riots. While riots aren't always necessary for social change, by having gay characters in a Japanese Godzilla science fiction movie will start people realizing that sexuality and diversity is real and will eventually, in the future, help social change in Japan and around the world.

Item 4

The Netflix English translations are wrong, wrong, wrong. Here are just a very examples of how the closed caption translations are wrong.

One Netflix closed caption reads, "In the frozen, black space," however, the actual words spoken are, "In the frozen void of space."

Another Netflix closed caption reads, "Our brethren's numbers plummeted in the blink of an eye." However, the actual words spoken are, "Our population numbers took a nose dive."

One last example of the Netflix closed caption reads, "Kindness and pride are now long-gone stories of the past." However, the actual words spoken are, "Kindness and pride were nothing but a memory now."

I'm not sure how the closed captions on Netflix are completely wrong but they are. If you take a look at Star Trek closed captions, they are almost 100% correct for all the TV shows and movies on Netflix. Unfortunately, most movies and other TV shows have incorrect closed captions. It's obvious to me that people in charge of closed captions are not doing their job.

Item 5
If earth's plants have formed into the same material as Godzilla's body, then wouldn't the earth be uninhabitable for humans? Unfortunately, I don't know how Haruo or the two other alien races can change almost 20,000 years of Evolutionary Biology turning earth into a Godzilla-based lifeforms, back to normal plant and animal life? If they can change the plants back to normal, then maybe that would be the solution to ultimately destroying Godzilla. But if they can't figure out how to reverse the damage done by Godzilla to evolution on earth, then hope of repopulating earth won't happen.

In Summary
I think that everyone one of us, owe it to the future of humanity, to understand that all religions are creation myths, to realize the importance the dangers of religious belief to individuals and to society and to understand the importance criticizing religious belief. Billions of people on earth actually believe their is an invisible sky daddy is up there, somewhere. It's time for all of humanity to wake up and do their part and ushering the Scientific Age and stop promoting ancient Bronze Age and Iron Age immoral religious teachings.

Sam Harris, neuroscientist and philosopher on criticizing religious belief.

Christopher Hitchens, writer, great thinker, on on criticizing religious belief.

Christopher Hitchens on criticizing religious belief.

Richard Dawkins, Evolutionary Biologist, on why we now criticize religious belief.

1. "The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion". National Geographic article online here:

1. "New Study: Worlds Fastest Growing Religion? No Religion". Anonymous article here online:

2. "Frequently Asked Questions About Evolution". PBS has some information about Evolution Biology here:

(This FAQ section states that the human race has been on earth for about 100,000 years. I've heard some scientists estimate that homo sapiens have been around for about 200,000 years. Of course, it took millions of years for Homo sapiens to develop.)

2. "Human" On Wikipedia:

(In this Wikipedia page, they cite an article that the human race has been on earth for about 315,000 years. Obviously, as carbon dating or more accurate types of dating become developed and more archaeological studies are made, these figures are likely to change.)

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Windows XP Home Edition 2002 Using Windows Classic Restart (or Shut down) With Blank Screen Using Only A Key Board.

Do you use dual monitors  on a PC, using Windows XP Home Edition with Windows Classic profile from 2002? Did your main left screen go blank and it failed, and gasp, you want to shut down or restart your computer correctly? (Or are you using one monitor and the monitory failed and you want to shutdown or restart your computer correctly?) If yes, then this article is for you.

The graphics below might take up more space than the directions, so the pictures don't match the directions to the left.

To Shut Down Your Computer, Only Using Your Keyboard (Fast and to the point, instructions):
  • Using your keyboard, hit the "Windows" key once, to press the "Start" button on your screen. (See graphic to the right, to see the "Start" button on your screen.)
  • Tap the "Up Arrow" key once.
  • Hit "Enter" twice.
  • This will shut down your computer correctly.

To Restart Your Computer, Only Using Your Keyboard (Fast and to the point, instructions):
  • Using your keyboard, hit the "Windows" key once, to press the "Start" button on your screen. (See graphic to above, to see the "Start" button on your screen.)
  • Tap the "Up Arrow" key once.
  • Hit "Enter" once.
  • Tap the letter "R" once.
  • Hit "Enter" once.
  • This will restart your computer correctly. 


To Shut Down Your Computer, Only Using Your Keyboard (Detailed Instructions):
  • You can't see the "Start" icon button on your screen but you wish you could. 
  • I've added a screen shot of the Windows XP computer screen to the right, so you can visualize what you are doing.
  • Find the "Windows" key on your keyboard (see the graphic, below-right, titled, "The Windows Key"). 
  • The "Windows" key, on your keyboard, is somewhere to the left of your space bar. 
  • Pressing the "Windows" key once, it presses the "Start" icon (above graphic) that you see on your screen and that you would normally press with your mouse. 
  • By pressing the "Windows" key once (you already did this), this opens the "Start" menu. And the "Start" menu will remain open by itself.
  • Reminder: If you hit the "Windows" key on your keyboard again, it will close the "Start" menu. So remember to only click the "Windows" key once.
  • Then tap the "Up Arrow" key once.
  • Hit "Enter" twice.
  • This method will shut down your computer correctly. 

Restart Your Computer Only Using Your Keyboard (Detailed Instructions):
  • You can't see the "Start" icon button on your screen, but you wish you could, so I've added a screen shot of the computer monitor above.
  • Find the "Windows" key on your keyboard (see the graphic, above, titled, "The Windows Key"). 
  • When you press the "Windows" key once, it has the same effect as pressing the "Start" icon on your computer screen. When you press the "Start" icon, this opens the "Start" menu on your computer.
  • Reminder: If you hit the "Start" key again, it will close the "Start" menu.
  • Tap the "Up Arrow" key once.
  • Hit "Enter" once.
  • Tap the letter "R" once.
  • Hit "Enter" once.
  • This will restart your computer correctly. 


Shut Down Computer Using The "Ctrl" + "Esc" Keys (When you don't have a "Windows" key on your keyboard):

  • If you don't have a "Windows" key (or you prefer another method), hold down the "Ctrl" + "Esc" keys at the same time and lift up your fingers. Doing this clicks the "Start" menu button on your screen. 
  • Remember, when you press "Ctrl" + "Esc" once, the "Start" menu stays open. 
  • Repeating this procedure ("Ctrl" + "Esc"), it closes the "Start" menu.
  • Tap the "Up Arrow" key once.
  • Hit "Enter" twice.
  • This will shut down your computer correctly.

Restart Your Computer Using the "Ctrl" + "Esc" Keys  (When you don't have a "Windows" key on your keyboard):
  • Hit the Ctrl" + "Esc" button once.
  • Tap the "Up Arrow" key once.
  • Hit "Enter" once.
  • Tap the letter "R" once.
  • Hit "Enter" once.
  • This will restart your computer correctly. 

    Shut Down Your Computer Using The "Task Manager":
    • Hit "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "Delete".
    • Hit the letter "S" once, for Shut Down.
    • Your computer will turn off correctly.

    How this all came about for me. 
    One day in June 2014, I was messing around with some computer wires in the back of my computer and my left screen went blank. I have two computer screens. I don't know if touching my computer made this happen but I thought for sure, that my left monitor blew out.

    A computer friend said that my video card probably went bad and I'd have to get a new one. He said I'd need to unplug the left screen, restart the computer and the computer will reset itself to the right screen which was still plugged in. I forced-quit my computer because I never wrote down instructions on how to shut down Windows XP only using the keyboard.

    I restarted my computer just to see what would happen and I plugged my left monitor back in and it was working. I didn't have to replace my video card. In fact, I never found out why the left monitor went blank. 

    Therefore, I have written the above instructions in my phone book under "W" for "Windows". That way if this happens again, I will be able to figure out what to do. Another idea is to write or print these instructions and put them in a place you'll remember where they are. You could also copy and paste these instructions on Notepad or Word and make sure there is a short-cut to that file on both your left and right computer screen.

    One last comment about Windows XP...

    I hope everyone knows that computer technicians strongly advise not using Windows XP online. Apparently, Microsoft is not updating the security for Windows XP operating systems anymore. I personally like the Windows XP operating system the best, out of all the Windows operating systems.

    That means you should not have your Windows XP computer use any cloud service that has online access. If you have a personal cloud server at your own place, that personal cloud server should not be online and you should only have a dedicated personal cloud server for those computers which don't have internet access.

    I would love to see some philanthropic company purchase the Windows XP operating system and make it available for free to everyone, with excellent security firewalls. 

    Saturday, January 20, 2018

    "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" - The Unreview

    When the movie "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," was released in the movie theaters, I wrote a detailed article on why the movie was disappointing to watch. Of course, I suspect that no one in Hollywood who writes, directs or produces Star Wars films ever read my detailed review of why the story line of  "Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a huge disappointment to me.

    I started my review of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" by stating that I saw the original Star Wars movie (multiple times) in 1977 as a teenager, in the movie theaters. Not only have I been an avid fan of Star Wars since then, I'm also in a place where I've seen all the movies over and over again and I enjoy most of them. As a fan, I feel confident when I review the newer movies being made. 

    The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi Movie Posters.
    The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi Movie Posters.

    When speaking about the first six Star Wars movies ever made, the only movie which was a big disappointment to me was "Return of the Jedi." Why is this? For two main reasons: 1) When they revealed a partially constructed Death Star, I already knew the ending. 2) The movie title itself. To me, "Return of the Jedi" means multiple Jedi. When I found out that it was just one Jedi returning, it was such a big disappointment. A better title for that movie would have been, "The Return of One Jedi". 

    Out of the first six Star Wars movies, not liking one of them is not a bad record, in my book, for a Star Wars fan. For the record, I typically like most Star Wars movies. I really liked the two animated "Star Wars: Clone Wars" series very much. 

    I certainly liked the movie "Rogue One," it had a very good story line. I think with some minor changes, "Rogue One" would have been better. The mantra, "I am one with the Force and the Force is with me", was unnecessary and waste of time. That line being said over and over again seemed like Chirrut ÃŽmwe (played by Donnie Yen) was feeble-minded and certainly did not move the story forward. Splicing in video from the first Star Wars movie was wonderful. Only those fans who know the first Star Wars movie well, from 1977, would have recognized that footage. 

    Again, I like most Star Wars movies. So, when I criticize a Star Wars movie, it's because the movie really rubbed me the wrong way. Back to "Star Wars: The Last Jedi," could one be more disappointed in a Star Wars movie? (The last sentence is better if read like Chandler talks from the TV series, "Friends". That is, emphasize the word "more" when reading the last sentence.) The plot? Not interesting. This is my main comment on "Star Wars: The Last Jedi". The story line is not interesting. 

    There were several things I did like about "Star Wars: The Last Jedi." The actors did a fine job. I liked some of the new space ships, the new paint scheme of the X-wing fighters and I certainly liked the AT-M6 walkers. However, it's difficult to find good high resolution photos of the new space ships and vehicles online from the movie. Because of this, I can't list or show all the spacecraft I like. However, I do have pictures of two vehicles which I like below. 

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi - AT-M6 walkers
    AT-M6 Walkers from "Star Wars, The Last Jedi".

    As of January 2018, try going online and find good images of space ships from "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" and good luck! The image of Snoke's Supremacy space ship below is typically the best image in Google Images that one can find for his space ship. Quite disappointing. 

    Snoke's Supremacy space ship.
    Most images online for Snoke's Supremacy space ship is this one.

    However, I did find one clear image of Snoke's Supremacy space ship on the Star Wars Wikia web site. ( At least there is one good image online, of his space ship from the movie. 

    I found a very nice illustration of Snoke's ship (located below), the Supremacy, by artist Julian Faylona. This artist's website is here: This illustration below is also on the Devian Art website here:

    Illustration of Snoke's ship, the Supremacy, by Julian Faylona.
    Illustration of Snoke's ship, the Supremacy, by Julian Faylon.

    In summary, I'm always glad to watch a new Star Wars movie but when will Hollywood start to make all new Star Wars movies with good story lines? 

    Saturday, May 13, 2017

    Dreamweaver MX template not working, not recognized. Dreamweaver MX template not updating files. Template will not apply to page. Dreamweaver MX template not attaching to web pages. Bad File Path, Error Code 3.

    If your Dreamweaver MX templates are not attaching to your web pages, it's really an easy fix but if you can't remember the solution, it can drive you crazy, like it was driving me crazy. You know you have this problem when you hit >Modify >Templates >Apply Template to Page..., and a dialog box will show up and you can't see your templates and Dreamweaver MX will say there is a Bad File Path, Error Code 3.

    I found the answer to this problem. This solution works if your website files are on your computer's hard drive or on a flash drive (and I would think this works if your files are anywhere else, such as a cloud server online or on a personal cloud server in your home or office).

    When you are in Dreamweaver MX and you do this to Edit or Set Up your website:
    >Edit Sites (or New Site)
    >Edit (or New)
    >Advanced (Tab)
    >Local Info (is highlighted)

    ... you usually press the File Folder Icon to get the pathway on your hard drive (such as this: C:\Libraries\Documents\YourWebsite\ ... or if you are using a flash drive: F:\YourWebsite\).

    But sometimes Dreamweaver MX will ONLY copy the HARD DRIVE and INCORRECTLY will show the pathway as this: C:\ (for a flash drive, this: F:\). Therefore, Dreamweaver MX IS NOT COPYING the entire pathway to your website file folder on your hard drive (or flash drive) to your website files.

    Dreamweaver MX needs the ENTIRE pathway to your file folder so that the templates will work. The solution is easy (as long as you can remember the solution!).

    Go ahead and click on the File Folder Icons to simply START the pathway to make sure you have the CORRECT HARD DRIVE and the correct symbols to this hard drive. This way you know, for sure, that you are telling Dreamweaver MX exactly what drive your website files are on.

    Once you get the correct hard drive name and the correct symbols for the pathway (Such as C:\ or F:\), now go back into Local Root Folder box and type in the full pathway name to your website File Folder. Do the same thing for the Images file folder.

    For the images file location, just click on the Filer Folder Icon to start get the correct hard drive for your images file folder pathway. Now go back and type the entire pathway in the box so that Dreamweaver actually knows where your website images are located.

    Eventually, your Site Definition Dialog Box, in the Advanced Tab, and Local Info category, should probably look something like this, to the right.

    That's it. I hope this helps!


    Saturday, December 19, 2015

    "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" - Review

    Spoiler Alert: If you haven't see the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I recommend to see the movie first, then read this review. This blog article reveals many important parts of the movie.

    I am an avid fan of Star Wars. I watched the original movie, Star Wars 4, A New Hope, in the movie theater around a dozen times as a 16-year-old teenager. (Star Wars 4, A New Hope was first released on May 25,1977 according to Wikipedia.) When I first saw the Death Star, that was quite amazing. I had never seen or heard of any concept of making a moon-sized starship planet-killing military cannon. When the Rebels blew it up, that was a great ending for the movie. Very well done. And later in 1983 and in 2015, I'd think to myself, once is enough.

    It's important, right now, to review the movie order of the Star Wars epic space opera, the years they were made and how many had big military-sized weapons killing spaceship/planets the Rebels blew to bits.

    1999 - Star Wars 1: The Phantom Menace
    2002 - Star Wars 2: Attack of the Clones
    2005 - Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith
    1977 - Star Wars 4: A New Hope - A fully operational Death Star is blown to bits.
    1980 - Star Wars 5: The Empire Strikes Back
    1983 - Star Wars 6: Return of the Jedi - A half-built Death Star is blown to bits.
    2015 - Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens - A planet killing machine (military equipment installed inside a huge trench in a planet) is blown to bits.

    At this point, as of the movie Return of the Jedi, isn't obvious that fans know, for sure, that the Rebels are always going to blow up any huge Death Star-type military space ship or planet killing weapon?

    In the order of years which the movies were made, I liked the first two Star Wars movies (1977 and 1980) very much. Then came Return of the Jedi in 1983. As soon I saw the half-built Death Star on the screen, I knew the Rebels would blow it up. This ruined the film for me. When I heard the name, Return of the Jedi, I expected that Luke Skywalker would have been recruiting new Jedi to take out the Empire. Both of these things points made me dislike this movie. I still liked the Return of the Jedi, I suppose overall, but I was very disappointed with this movie.

    Then 1999, 2002 and the 2005 Star Wars movies came out and I was very pleased. They told the background stories very well. I had people tell me he did not like these back story movies and I simply can't see why anyone wouldn't like these films.

    Now move forward ten years from the last Star Wars film in 2005 to the latest film in 2015. It was during the summer of 2015 at Comic-Con International San Diego (California, USA) that the new director of Stars Wars announced he had a big responsibility to the fans to stay true to the story, it's characters, etc. and that he had risen to the challenge. I was very hopeful that he and his crew would do a good job. 

    Here we have the name of the movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Wow... what a good name! And remember, there have been many books written and other Star Wars stories made over the years from books to animated TV shows. One such TV series I liked very much was the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008), which had very good story telling and I liked that series very much. Except for the fact that the Jedi seemed to be quite stupid for letting the bad guys get the best of them in that series. The point is, new movies or series can be written about Star Wars and the stories are good.

    My main thoughts on The Force Awakens

    To me, The Force Awakens was a much bigger disappointment than I ever expected. The overall story was good, the dog-fight scenes were really good, the spaceship designs were very good, the new actors were all very good. For the most part, the overall movie was good. 

    However, when you have a Death Star-like military weapon, as soon as that's shown on the screen, WE ALL KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN. THE REBELS ARE GOING TO BLOW IT UP. BORING. (If the Rebels couldn't have blown up that new Death Star-like military weapon, that would have made the movie better.) However, the best idea is to never have another Death Star or Death Star-type military weapon ever again in a Star Wars movie. Period. Even the bad guys in the movie know the Rebels are going to blow it up! To me, this is common sense because we all now know the ending of the movie.

    In the movie The Force Awakens, they talk about how Luke had gone away to find the original Jedi Temple and to me this indicated that Luke's main purpose of going there was to train a new group of Jedi. And I would assume he had been training many Jedi for about 30 years! I thought this would be very cool. Skywalker will have trained a new set of Jedi Knights in this movie (and there'd be some Padawan Learners as well) to fight the bad guys but this never happened. What a huge disappointment.

    After each character talked about "finding Luke", I thought for sure that Luke would have a much bigger role in the movie with, of course, lots of new Jedi Knights at his side. Don't we as fans want to see Jedi Knights? I know I do. And by the way, how did Ren and Rey so quickly pick up and use a light saber without any training at all? By osmosis? We know from Star Wars, A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Attack of the Clones, one must have extensive training to learn how to use a light saber. 

    And there are more disappointments in the film. What happened to the Republic after the Emperor was killed (in the 1983 movie) and who took his place? How did this new emerging power, the First Order, come into being? This movie is supposed to take place 30 years later from the 1983 movie, the Return of the Jedi. Why not fill us in, at least a little bit? Geez.

    How about the first scene with the silhouette of the Star Destroyer. Boring. If they would have opened the movie like the first Star Destroyer was revealed in the opening scene in the 1977 movie, I would have loved it that way or in a similar way.

    Why didn't they visit Coruscant? I love Coruscant. Why was the first planet called Jakku? I thought it was Tatooine. Why did they have a little teeny-tiny desert trading post on Jakku? Where was the big city like Mos Eisley? It's Star Wars, don't we as fans want big? Yes! It's okay to have a small village here or there but not for the first scene. 

    About the new main "bad guy" called the Supreme Leader Snoke. Why does this alien look like a character out of Lord of the Rings? His look was bizarre and to me, is not a Star Wars-type looking character. And then the young bad guy, Ren, is not introduced and no one explains his rank. How do we understand his position if no one tells us his position? And what about his mask? He takes off his mask several times and doesn't stop breathing. So his mask is only for intimidation purposes? It's not for a breathing problem? If the mask is so important to him, why not have him only take it off in his private quarters? 

    Why did Luke have only one scene? Wow... that was another huge disappointment. (Well, actually he had two scenes, the one scene is in Rey's dream. We actually don't see Luke's face in the dream, we hear his voice, but it could have been another actor who touched R2D2.) 

    And the piece of the puzzle that BB-8 was carrying was a set of millions of star systems that I am sure any droid could have figured out where it was in the galaxy. If you have a huge set of star systems which might be about 1/10th of a piece of a galaxy, even a fifth grader could figure out where that part of the map was in the galaxy. If they wanted to be at least a little realistic, the map piece would have been a pinpoint when R2D2 projected the hologram of the galaxy in mid-air.

    What about C-3PO and R2D2? Why didn't they have bigger roles? What a waste of talent, humor and story line. While I like the idea of BB-8, BB-8's personality was honestly quite bland. R2D2 has a much better personality than BB-8. I think R2D2's personality comes through with his interaction with C-3PO and with humans. The droid comradery between C-3PO and R2D2 really helps make the movie fun. Not using C-3PO and R2D2 as much as they did in the previous movies, is yet another reason why the movie was disappointing.

    Here's how I think the movie could have been better. 

    The opening scene should have had the star destroyer making a grand entrance on the screen. The rest of the scenes at the beginning of the movie were very good except the city on Jakku should have been a big city and by the way, money should have been exchanged for services, not food. Come on. (I also don't like the design of Rey's speeder but there's no accounting for taste, is there?)

    Then when they meet Han Solo, this is where C-3PO and R2D2 could have been introduced as well. It's at this point when Han could have explained what happened in the last 30 years and he could have talked about the new players in the First Order. R2D2 could have projected 3-D hologram pictures of each of the new main players as Han talked. Maybe R2D2 could have pointed out different star systems by name using a map of the galaxy while Han explained everything. This is called making sure all the fans and other movie goers understand what the hell is going on.

    And when Han met his son, he would have been smart enough to know that you don't play around with someone in league with the dark side of the force, unless you are a Jedi. I didn't like that Han was killed off by his own son. Having Han talking to his son might be an okay story line but I'm not really sure that the smuggler would have tried to talk to him in person, since Han knows he's no match for a Sith Lord. It's simply not worth it. 

    However, if he had to talk to him, Han would have been smart enough not to have walked onto the tiny bridge, all alone, with his Sith Lord son. He would have not have gone near his son because if Ren reacted badly, Han could have made a quick retreat. Han is smarter than to intentionally get near a Sith Lord and put himself in such a dangerous position.

    (If Han accidentally turned the corner and he bumped into his son, then tried to run away but his son wouldn't let him, and then if Ren soon killed Han -- that type of story, to me, would have been a more realistic way for Han to have been killed. Also, to me, having Han killed off made no sense, it was a let down. It didn't help the move the story along at all.)

    Then they could have continued their search for Luke, had a set back or two, met Lea and then found Luke and his new band of Jedi Knights. Then the new Jedi Knights could have led an attack on the First Order and taken out several of the main players.

    And obviously, delete the plot line of having yet another militarized planet-killing weapon. Unless if some inept military personnel accidentally blew it up, that would be funny.

    Or how about this? Ren could have told Han that the First Order built a new planet killer weapon which can take out an entire solar system in one fell swoop. And Han could have looked concerned and have said, "Let's go blow it up, I know how to do this, we've done this before." I could then see Han getting all the Rebels together to go blow-up the planet-killer weapon (near the beginning or somewhere near one quarter into the movie). However, during the first test of the plant killing weapon, something goes wrong and it blows itself up. And therefore, as the Rebels are approaching the weapon planet to blow it up (yet are safe enough away from the planet), I could see Han Solo saying, "Oh, they did it for us", then the real story line could continue to be told .

    If these story lines were added to the movie and the good parts of the movie were left in, it would have made a much better movie.