Thursday, July 07, 2005

4th of July, Patriotism, and Voting.

As I watched the fireworks on the 4th of July this year, I didn't feel patriotic. With Bush openly hating the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Americans, waging a needless war and not making domestic issues a priority, I have grave reservations about the future of our country. America is not the only country in the world. We have a responsibility to take care of the earth, our people and democracy in our own country. We need to fix our voting machines and so there is absolute certainty that all our votes count and that the rich can't fix votes.

We should be ashamed of the inconsistencies in the last two Presidential elections and fix our own internal voting issues before focusing on other countries and their democracy issues. If we can't even get it right here then how can we help someone over there?

The Bush Legacy

Junk science, the hate of others and the wasting of trillions of our tax dollars on the Industrialized Military Complex, these are some of his horrible legacies. One of Bush's worst wack-o policies is the progress that he's making to break down the wall between Church and State. The separation of Church and State is one of the ideals which truly makes America a great country. There is lots of world history that shows that religious intolerance is the cause of wars, bloodshed and the repression of people. Bush is threatening the very fabric of our U.S. Constitution by encouraging the merging of Church and State. And it is a fact that the U.S was not founded on Christian principles. If you don't know this, you'll need to re-read your history books. Back to how Bush is trying to merge Church and State, please see See the left hand links and scroll down to see a religious link there. If you are not outraged, it's time to be outraged at that Bush has publicly declared that he disagrees with the Founder Fathers of the United States of America concerning the separation of Church and State. Did I mention this link is called, "Faith-Based and Community Initiatives" which allows the U.S. Government to give money to churches.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Everyone is gay.

Are you a little unnerved that I wrote this? I hope so, the opposite is exactly what the Religious Homophobic Right (RHR) say. They say, everyone (there are over 6 billion people on earth) is born straight.

Uh huh. Well... let's see, people are born smart, dumb, have both sexes, physically deformed and bigoted, just joking about the bigoted part. So, why can't people be born gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender?

What is a transgender person? Well... gender is in your head and sex is between your legs. It's fairly easy to see that someone could be born with a brain wired as a female but have male sex organs and vice versa. Some people would rather not be "genderized" and say, "I have no gender" but that's material for another story.

I love to take the premise of the RHR (Religious Homophobic Right). OK, I'm a male with an insatiable sex drive. Reality check: Most guys are like this. Anyway, the RHR (Religious Homophobic Right) are saying that I originally liked women (keep in mind I am a male with an insatiable sex drive) and I switched my entire sex drive (to look at a guys ass, instead of a female's) just to screw with my parents, society or the RHR (Religious Homophobic Right). Or any reason you want to give, since it obviously doesn't matter to the RHR (Religious Homophobic Right) why you are gay, etc., because the RHR (Religious Homophobic Right) have the final word on sexuality and everyone is born straight! Life is so simple (and boring) if you are an intolerant RHR bigot.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Do you work too many hours?

Do you ever feel guilty for leaving the office on time? Do you ever brag about the overtime you put in? Do you put off things you like to do because you are so busy with work? Do you know that the US has now surpassed Japan in hours worked by employees?

Our brains are like cell phone batteries, we are only productive for so many hours of the day (about 7 or 8 hours) and then our brain needs to be recharged. Our brains need a break. Do you remember what it’s like to take it easy, going for a walk, doing nothing or enjoying free time?

If your company downsizes or goes out of business, all the overtime and loyalty you had for the company now means nothing. The US is the only country that has the shortest vacations of the top industrialized nations.

If you’ve ever bragged to anyone about your overtime (meaning that you brag to people that you don’t have a life) then you need to read the book “Work to Live” and change your life. It’s time for America to wake up.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Fahrenheit 9/11

The movie "Fahrenheit 9/11" should be required viewing by high school students and I recommend that all Americans see this movie. If you haven't seen this movie, it's time to purchase it or rent it.

The only reason why you wouldn't want to see this movie is if you don't like facts and prefer to be part of the uneducated masses. Or maybe you don’t want to watch it because you enjoy blindly following overly-rich-power-hungry people who spew lies which you believe since you’d rather save face than admit you’ve been wrong about the person you elected.

It’s amazing how millions of people (who are not millionaires) can find admiration for scum sucking liars (Bush and his administration) who couldn’t care less about the average American.

I know what you are thinking, "Conspiracy Theory," this blogger is a nutcase. Please answer several questions for me: 1) Why did both twin towers fall almost perfectly down to the ground as if it was a controlled demolition. 2) Why did a third building collapse (7 World Trade center, did you forget?) as if by a controlled demolition also. 3) Why were the video tapes of the "plane" hitting the Pentagon confiscated by U.S. Government authorities? Also, why wasn't there a larger dent in the Pentagon where the wings should have hit? Hint: It was a missile that was fired at the Pentagon, not a plane.

See the movie Fahrenheit 911.

Is Bush a Christian? Nah... he's a fraud.

When I travel abroad, one common theme on foreign news stations is that the US is the world's leader of pollution. How often do hear this on US national news? Almost never.

The Bible (whether you believe in the Bible or not) tells Christians to be good stewards of the earth. Bush couldn't care less about the pollution we make in the US. This is another example of why Bush's "so-called" Christian faith is fraudulent. If Bush really had a "Christian faith" then why isn't he promoting clean fuel sources and keeping the environment clean?

Bush only "became" religious when his advisor's told him that this would win him the election. The Bush administration also knows that "so-called" Christians base their faith in fear (that they'll go to hell if not a believer) and will believe just about anything someone says in the name of God.

Therefore, it follows that Bush and his administration love the right-wingers since they blindly follow them. The Bush administration knows that right-wingers seem to prefer not to use their own common sense, don't wish to think for themselves and don't question the lack of ethics or lack of morals of their leaders. Why are the Religious Right afraid to make decisions based on rational thinking instead, they are like sheep ready for the slaughter.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Are you sure HIV came from Africa?

Is it not strange that just about ten years after the gay movement (Stonewall, June 27, 1969) in America was gaining momentum that all of a sudden a new sexually transmitted disease magically appeared in the gay community?

“Could covert human testing of classified biowarfare agents explain the exclusive "introduction" of HIV into gay men, the most hated minority in America, via the government-sponsored experimental hepatitis B experiments that began in Manhattan in New York City in 1978 (and San Francisco)—the year before the onset of the "gay plague."” See link below.

The fast rate of infection of gay men in large gay populated cities sounds more like biological warfare. This warfare was obviously carried out by homophobic people with a hatred running so deep that they’d do anything to stop a movement of peaceful loving people.

“AIDS became official in the U.S. in June 1981. At the time AIDS was unknown in Africa, and the epidemic did not begin there until autumn 1982 at the earliest.”

All quotes from here:

Here are some Google search terms to consider: biological warfare human experimentation, U.S. Army Biological Warfare Program, hepatitis B vaccine experiment, man made origin of AIDS

Friday, April 08, 2005

Bush Encourages Sex and the Transmission of STDs.

Scientific studies show that young people have more sex when they are taught abstinence versus using condoms. There are several reasons for this.

When you tell young people not to have sex, they want to do it even more. This is due to the simple reason that when adults say something is bad, youth are smart enough to figure out that it must be fun.

In addition, since sex IS fun, youth are going to have sex anyway. Most youth don't share the fantasy that if adults tell them to abstain from sex, that they must blindly obey them.

What's really sad about the Bush fantasy of teaching abstinence, is that fewer young people won't know to how to use condoms or will be afraid to use condoms which in turn will cause several things happen.

Pregnancies will increase and STDs will increase. Bush, thanks for encouraging American youth to have unwanted pregnancies and transmitting sexual diseases. My question to Bush is, “Mr. Bush, are you going to add funding to local government health departments to handle the increase in STD's throughout the country? And are you going to increase HIV funding as your abstinence policy will also increase the transmission of HIV?”


See: This is a new government website telling parents how to talk to their children about sex. This site is filled with myths, lies, and junk science. Note: this site will open in a new browser window.