Friday, June 12, 2009

Is there a God?

Concerning if there is or is not a god that created the entire Universe. No one knows if there is a god. That is real truth.

If there is a perfect all knowing god, he/she/it has not revealed him/her/itself to the world. This is obvious. The writers of the Old and New Testament copied many ideas from other religions into Christianity. After creating the entire incredible Universe, how could an all powerful God loose His creativity when putting together his religion?

Many Christians constantly infer only their religion provides the morality we need to make moral laws for humanity. Do Christians know the history of humankind? Human morals started before religion began. It is a fact that modern civilization has surpassed the morality of the Bible.

A perfect, all powerful god does not need worshiped, would not invent sin, would not require that we believe in him and would not need anything, including helper angels.

If I was God, I would not care if people I created believed in me. Why? Because I created them. I know I created them. Why do they have to believe in me when I already know I exist?

Now, let's say I'm God, and I now decide to become invisible to everyone. Yet, I demand that people believe in me to get to heaven. How unfair is that? People have to believe in something they can't see? And what about people who have never heard about Christianity in their lifetime, don't you think that's unfair? I do.

If I was a God and decided to create sin, why not just forgive everyone? It would simply take the wink of an eye to forgive everyone.

In addition, an all powerful God would not need to create any religion. Why would a God need religion? He has nothing to prove to anyone.

If I was God and I decided to make a person with two parts, a finite human body and a spirit that lives forever, why can't everyone go to heaven?

In fact, why not just make a body that lives forever? Why does anyone have to go to heaven? Why make a separate entity called the spirit? Also, as science can't detect your spirit, why does anyone believe in an infinite spirit? It's nuts.

If there is a God, then he is either active or not active in our world. For Christians to say that God is sometimes active and sometimes not, makes no sense.

If I was a God and I felt my creatures needed help, I'd be there for them all the time.

Out reason a God? If there is such a thing as a God, I probably could not out reason a god.

However, I can out reason ancient primitive men who created religions.

It is easy for me and many others to look at the Bible using hind-sight, knowledge of modern science, and education to easily see the many problems of the Bible and it's dogma.

The problem with Christianity stem from man creating a religion, not from a God creating a religion.

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