Friday, June 12, 2009

Who are my heroes?

For years, I really did not have any heroes. Until I read the book, "Letter to a Christian Nation," by Sam Harris. Now I have a hero.

In fact, after reading, "The God Delusion," by Richard Dawkins, I now have two heroes.

Of course, I'd have to add James Randi, I read many of his books before Sam Harris' book. Randi has such an awesome website:

Who else? Carl Sagan and the people who publish the Skeptical Inquirer. And there are the scientists--who when faced with a scientific problem they can't solve--don't assign a supernatural reason for not knowing the answer. They are my heroes also.

And my friends and acquaintances I have met over the years who refuse to rationalize religion (and who rarely speak up about it), they are my heroes also.

I guess I have a lot of heroes.

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