Sunday, May 23, 2010

On Belief

If you are a Christians or claim a religious believer or believer is some power, you believe you have the ultimate truth, the only answer.

What the religious do is issue a proclamation, a statement, they are not able to engage in a conversation, debate or even a real discussion. For simply, they already know the truth. They don't have to look elsewhere. As for Christians, they have been told from their scriptures to not even think about any other religion or else!

The real question is, do you seek the ultimate truth, at all costs or do you simply think you don’t have to seek or think any further.

The religious cleverly made it taboo to criticize religion. They want to keep this taboo alive. We as humans, don’t respect religious beliefs. It’s only the religious who demand respect for their beliefs because of the insane teachings their scriptures propose.

The religious are afraid to criticize other religions because this would now allow their own religion to be open to scrutiny.

If I told you I will win the lottery this week, I know this. It is my truth. Would you respect my belief? Nope. Would you respect my belief that the world is ending tomorrow? I hope not. We don't respect beliefs, only the reasons for beliefs.

The immorality the Bible seems endless. Some examples. Christians and non-Christians. What an immoral teaching. There is no "them", non-Christians. We all share the same humanity.Why does the Bible want to divide people?

In fact, religions are a their core, immoral. They want you to join their club. You are either ni the club or out of the club. If you are in the club, you are good, if you are not in their club, you are bad. Why does not Christianity (or any religion) unite the entire world, whether we are believers or non-believers? Religion is immoral.

Doing good things for bad reasons. You better be good or you'll go to hell. How immoral of a teaching. There are many good reasons to do good things.

Love your enemy. An utterly immoral teaching. You defend yourself against your enemy. How many Christian churches are calling for the US Military to be dismantled? None.

Is this the best a god could provide us? I propose the Bible's immoral teachings are more harmful to society than good.

The religious pronounce their religion is the only real religion and all other religions are rejected. The religious know what it is to reject all other religious belief systems, except their own.

Nontheists simply go one religion further and reject all religious beliefs.

Theory of Evolution

“Christians who doubt the truth of evolution are apt to say things like “Evolution is just a theory, not a fact.” Such statements betray a serious misunderstanding of the way the term “theory” is used in scientific discourse.

In science, facts must be explained with reference to other facts. These larger explanatory models are “theories”. Theories make predictions and can, in principle, be tested.

The phrase, “the theory of evolution” does not in the least suggest that evolution is not a fact. One can speak about the “germ theory of disease” or “the theory of gravitation” without casting doubt upon disease or gravity as facts of nature.

Harris, Sam, (2006). Letter to a Christian Nation. New York: Knopf. Page 69.

I've quoted this several times in my blog but this is something which the general public in America needs ingrained in their head, don't you agree?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Christian’s last ditch attempts are now claiming abuse by those who break the self-made taboo of not allowing anyone to question their faith.

Recently, I've noticed when Christians (and other religious people) are questioned about the validity of their belief, their hair stands up on the back of their neck and proclaim, you MUST respect my belief. Don't tell me I can't believe. Don't be abusive to me! You are disrespectful to me. You make me feel uncomfortable being around you. You are obviously angry and bitter to talk to me in a negative way about my faith.

Really? First, we don't respect people's beliefs, only the reasons behind their beliefs. Of course, for eons, religious people have wallowed in their own taboo which disallows criticism of their belief or faith. They have to have this taboo because their beliefs are simply mythology of old and for some reason, the masses cling onto these beliefs, like a drowning man, grasping at a razor blade to save his life.

If I tell you I have a diamond, the size of a refrigerator, buried in my backyard. Wouldn't you want some proof?

What if I said, I wouldn't want to live in a universe where I did not believe I have a diamond, the size of a refrigerator, buried in my backyard. Or if I said my life would not be meaningful if I did not believe I have a diamond, the size of a refrigerator, buried in my backyard.

Wouldn't you want some proof as to if I had a diamond, the size of a refrigerator, buried in my backyard? Would you respect my belief?

The reason people say they believe in Christianity is the Bible. Okay. Take a look at the Bible... is this the best an all knowing, all wise, all perfect, all powerful god—who knows the past, present and future—could write or inspire?

So many translations, so many interpretations. Why wouldn't a god simply write and publish his own book? This would be child's play for an omnipotent god to write a book filled with timeless morals and ethics and a book which would never be misinterpreted. After creating the Universe, was god tired?

I know when Christians are called on the carpet about this, their brain will be working on uttering some excuse to defend why their god could not write (and publish) an all perfect, all moral, all ethical book which would apply to any culture in any time period in human history and which would also apply to any alien planet in our galaxy or in the universe.

Why isn't there equal rights and human rights in the Bible? Why does God want you to fear and love him at the same time? Fearing and loving the same person are the words you'd expect to hear from a dictator or totalitarian leader.

Why does God want you to do good things for bad reasons? Be good or go to hell! There are many good reasons to do good things. Is doing good things for bad reasons the best a god could come up with?

Why does God want you to love your enemy? A horrible moral. You defend yourself against your enemies. How many Christian churches are recommending we dismantle the entire US military? Yet, Christians preach love your enemy. Are they nuts?

Also, the Bible says that slavery is moral. The Bible says the repression of women's rights is moral. The Bible says discrimination against gays is moral. The Bible says that genocide is moral. The Bible says that human and animal sacrifice is moral. The Bible says that murder is moral. (Examples, if a child curses his parents, it's okay for the parents to kill their child.) The list seems endless.

One of the most horrible teachings of the bible: Christians are taught that demonizing nonbelievers is moral. What a perfect example of how religion divides people. If Christianity was so fantastic, why would anyone need to believe in it? Why doesn't Christianity unite the entire world whether you believe or not? Religious beliefs divide friends, families, marriages, co-workers, partners, communities and nations. For this reason alone, religion is not only immoral but a clear danger to a productive, free thinking, rational, progressive civilization.

And the one of the biggest problems of all, if not the biggest: Is it ethical to believe another person can take on the responsibility for your actions? Christ as a human sacrifice for your sin is an utterly immoral proposition. (Another problem, sin is a man-made concept.) The Christ sacrifice that eliminates personal responsibility is utterly immoral because personal responsibility is what all ethics and good morals depend.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Christianity Celebrates Dividing People Apart.

The mere belief in claiming to know a god divides people. To top if off, Christians demonize those who do not believe.

How incredibly stupid is it that Christians are proud to announce their own religion divides people. I'm a Christian (Psst... they are non-Christians).

Religions are truly sick, sick institutions promoting hatred between people. Is this the best a god could do? To create religious organizations which divide people by their core belief? To have their believers tell non-believers they know their god is the one true god and if you don't believe, you are excluded from their group?

When did perfection need anything?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Religion is fantastic. God is perfect.

Errr... let me get this straight. Religion is fantastic! Right? Then why do I have to believe in it? And another point... why does religion not bring everyone together, believers and nonbelievers?

Let's see... god is perfect. Okay, got it. A perfect being needs nothing. I got it! Great! I'm getting it. Oh, I have a question. If god is perfect and needs nothing, then why does god need me to believe in him? Errr... put it another way, why would a perfect being be offended if I did not believe in him?

Psst..., here's the answer: There is no god. All religions are man-made.

It is Time to End the "Diplomatic Immunity" Which the Vatican Claims Protects the Pope.

Many individuals have wanted the entire Catholic Church brought to justice but individuals typically don't have the knowledge or clout to get this type of action taken.

What religious groups, politicians or governments have taken on the responsibility of bringing the end to the Catholic Church's run on the sexual enslavement of children? None that I know of.

Who would have thought that scientists and scholars would be the ones to be outing the Catholic Church as the criminal organization that it is, by the sexual enslavement of children, and to demand the end (by trial) of the "diplomatic immunity" which the Vatican claims protects the Pope from any responsibility.

Read Sam Harris' article, "Bringing the Vatican to Justice" here.

Do you want to know the truth about religion at all costs?

It's actually quite simple to out religion as the fraud that it is.

Item 1:
If a certain religion was such a great thing, why would anyone have to believe in it?

Item 2:
And if a religion was the true religion, why would it not bring humanity together regardless of anyone's belief or non-belief?

Item 3:
Believers think their god is perfect. Believers even tout that a perfect being needs nothing. But the believer can't put two and two together. If a perfect being needs nothing, then a perfect being does not need anyone to believe in him/her/trans/it or his/her/trans/its religion.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

A calling for a National Day of Islamic Prayer.

Isn't it time we all vote and try to pass into law a National Day of Islamic Prayer?

Huh? No? Scoff, scoff? You don't agree?

How would you propose to not allow a National Day of Islamic Prayer becoming law?

Here is the Christian response:

Errr... errr.... errr....

Oh yeah... let's see, let me sort through the U.S. Constitution. Normally, we would dismiss the U.S. Constitution when it comes to passing laws promoting Christianity into US law but we do have our standards.

We don't want other religions made into US law. However, we will fight and scream when Christianity is not made into law. We will not have a National Day of Islamic Prayer. No, NEVER!

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Errrr.... errrr... that's it. The wall of separation of church and state protects us from the evil of Islam.

We have to make sure there is not a National Day of Islamic Prayer.

The wall of separation of church and state protects us from a National Day of Buddhist Prayer, also.

And... the wall of separation of church and state protects us from a National Day of Jewish Prayer.

And... the wall of separation of church and state protects us from a National Day of Hindu Prayer.

And, god forbid, the wall of separation of church and state protects us from a National Day of Satanic Prayer.

However, as Christians, we want a National Day of Prayer. It's code for National Day of Christian Prayer. And the movement to try to Christianize America.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

People are sick of the religious pushing their immoral dogmas and teachings on others.

People are sick and tired of being pushed around by the religious who claim to know the impossible. How arrogant is it to claim to know a god and to claim to know what he thinks. (Arrogant: offensive display of superiority or self-importance.)

When your god tells you to kill other people, are you going to do it? Oh, I guess, they already have. The human race will not stand for the immorality of ancient religions to hurt civilized society anymore.

Before science, the only thing people had to explain the world around them were religious texts. And the explanations were horrible. It's very odd that people still cling to these immoral and unethical texts in today's world.

For several hundred years, science has been advancing at a rapid rate. Now, the ancient religious texts are being outed for the poorly written texts they are, and are now are being crushed by the billions of science books, journals and studies.

It's only a matter of time and the world will be free from religious oppression and from their insane teachings.

The U.S. Supreme Court will not hear the Boy Scouts Balboa Park lease case.

(The copy of this blog entry was sent to the San Diego Union-Tribune. I doubt they will publish this as they are weak. I did not send the sections to the San Diego Union Tribune noted with square brackets.)

How could anyone religious claim to be mad or offended by the court concerning the Boy Scouts in Balboa Park? The religious are mad because they claim to know the will of a God. Belief is required for action to occur.

For those who don’t know, in June 2000, the Boy Scouts of America (a private organization) achieved their victory, in the United States Supreme Court, to proudly exclude and discriminate against gay youth (or straight youth with gay parents) and agnostic or atheist youth (or believing youth with nonbelieving parents), and gay, agnostic or atheist adult scout leaders from membership.

[Therefore, in San Diego, a lawsuit (as in many cities) was taken out against the Boy Scouts renting city property in Balboa Park. There is a San Diego City Ordinance which does not allow discrimination based on sexual orientation. §52.9601 Statement of Policy. “Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity deprives the City of the fullest utilization of its resources and capacity for development and advancement. Such discrimination poses a substantial threat to the health, safety and welfare of the community.”

§52.9606 City Facilities and Services. (a) Unlawful Service Practices. (1) City Facilities: “It shall be an unlawful service practice for any person to deny any individual the full and equal enjoyment of, or to place different terms and conditions on the availability of the use of any City facility on the basis (in whole or in part) of such individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity.”

Yet another example of how society's morals have surpassed the the morality of the Bible. Need I remind people that slavery is not moral. Human rights and equal rights were never in the Bible. You don't love your enemy, you defend your against your enemy. You don't do good things for bad reasons, an immoral precept. (You better be good or you'll go to hell forever.) There good reasons to do good things. If I continue with giving examples of the immorality of the Bible, I'd have to write a book. Which, by the way, I am doing.]

Where does the Boy Scouts of America get their impetus to discriminate? Follow the money. The money road leads directly to the steps of the Mormon Church. And the Mormons know their God does not like gay people. And the followers of many other religions feel the same way.

[66.9% of Boy Scout troops are charted by faith-based organizations. See Chartered Organizations and the Boy Scouts of America. And oh how the faith based love to discriminate. Oooooh, the puss of discrimination oozes from the faithful and it is disgusting and insulting to the human race.]

Why is sexual orientation a higher priority to God than the starvation of 5 million children per year? See God’s highest wisdom? Belief is required for action to occur. The priority of the religious is sex in bed over the starvation of 5 million children annually? That's an immoral conclusion.

Is it God’s will to send a message to American youth that discrimination is an acceptable ethic? Are the followers of a loving God saying they don’t believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and are they saying that all men are not created equal? If this type of thinking the height of their God’s moral wisdom, I want no part of it. More immoral conclusions.

[Why do nonbelievers have to continually point out the immorality of religious dogmas and the immorality of the people for believing in these insulting and insane precepts?]

Christians laugh at others who believe in Zeus, Buddha, Allah or Elvis. And Christians demonize those who do not believe. “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” See Psalm 14:1and Psalm 53:1. How dehumanizing is this type of religious teaching? It’s insulting to hear this type of talk aimed at the human race.

The numerous divisions of religious organizations alone points to a major flaw in religious belief. Then take the dividing of friends, families and communities due to religious beliefs, this is immorality at the core. Then to top it off, the religious claiming that killing others for their nonbelief is insane. If religion is so fantastic, why does it not unite everyone worldwide regardless of anyone's belief? Because it's simply not true.

Christians reject the dogmas of all other religions except their own. The religious deeply understand the reasons as to why they reject all other religious teachings.

Christians are atheists to all other religions. Christians will never admit this, but they know exactly what it feels like to be an atheist to all other religions.

Why don’t Christians understand that nontheists reject the non-Christian religious teachings for the same reasons as they do? Nontheists simply go one religion further and reject the religious teachings of Christianity as well.