Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The U.S. Supreme Court will not hear the Boy Scouts Balboa Park lease case.

(The copy of this blog entry was sent to the San Diego Union-Tribune. I doubt they will publish this as they are weak. I did not send the sections to the San Diego Union Tribune noted with square brackets.)

How could anyone religious claim to be mad or offended by the court concerning the Boy Scouts in Balboa Park? The religious are mad because they claim to know the will of a God. Belief is required for action to occur.

For those who don’t know, in June 2000, the Boy Scouts of America (a private organization) achieved their victory, in the United States Supreme Court, to proudly exclude and discriminate against gay youth (or straight youth with gay parents) and agnostic or atheist youth (or believing youth with nonbelieving parents), and gay, agnostic or atheist adult scout leaders from membership.

[Therefore, in San Diego, a lawsuit (as in many cities) was taken out against the Boy Scouts renting city property in Balboa Park. There is a San Diego City Ordinance which does not allow discrimination based on sexual orientation. §52.9601 Statement of Policy. “Discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity deprives the City of the fullest utilization of its resources and capacity for development and advancement. Such discrimination poses a substantial threat to the health, safety and welfare of the community.”

§52.9606 City Facilities and Services. (a) Unlawful Service Practices. (1) City Facilities: “It shall be an unlawful service practice for any person to deny any individual the full and equal enjoyment of, or to place different terms and conditions on the availability of the use of any City facility on the basis (in whole or in part) of such individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity.”

Yet another example of how society's morals have surpassed the the morality of the Bible. Need I remind people that slavery is not moral. Human rights and equal rights were never in the Bible. You don't love your enemy, you defend your against your enemy. You don't do good things for bad reasons, an immoral precept. (You better be good or you'll go to hell forever.) There good reasons to do good things. If I continue with giving examples of the immorality of the Bible, I'd have to write a book. Which, by the way, I am doing.]

Where does the Boy Scouts of America get their impetus to discriminate? Follow the money. The money road leads directly to the steps of the Mormon Church. And the Mormons know their God does not like gay people. And the followers of many other religions feel the same way.

[66.9% of Boy Scout troops are charted by faith-based organizations. See Chartered Organizations and the Boy Scouts of America. And oh how the faith based love to discriminate. Oooooh, the puss of discrimination oozes from the faithful and it is disgusting and insulting to the human race.]

Why is sexual orientation a higher priority to God than the starvation of 5 million children per year? See http://www.bread.org/. God’s highest wisdom? Belief is required for action to occur. The priority of the religious is sex in bed over the starvation of 5 million children annually? That's an immoral conclusion.

Is it God’s will to send a message to American youth that discrimination is an acceptable ethic? Are the followers of a loving God saying they don’t believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and are they saying that all men are not created equal? If this type of thinking the height of their God’s moral wisdom, I want no part of it. More immoral conclusions.

[Why do nonbelievers have to continually point out the immorality of religious dogmas and the immorality of the people for believing in these insulting and insane precepts?]

Christians laugh at others who believe in Zeus, Buddha, Allah or Elvis. And Christians demonize those who do not believe. “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” See Psalm 14:1and Psalm 53:1. How dehumanizing is this type of religious teaching? It’s insulting to hear this type of talk aimed at the human race.

The numerous divisions of religious organizations alone points to a major flaw in religious belief. Then take the dividing of friends, families and communities due to religious beliefs, this is immorality at the core. Then to top it off, the religious claiming that killing others for their nonbelief is insane. If religion is so fantastic, why does it not unite everyone worldwide regardless of anyone's belief? Because it's simply not true.

Christians reject the dogmas of all other religions except their own. The religious deeply understand the reasons as to why they reject all other religious teachings.

Christians are atheists to all other religions. Christians will never admit this, but they know exactly what it feels like to be an atheist to all other religions.

Why don’t Christians understand that nontheists reject the non-Christian religious teachings for the same reasons as they do? Nontheists simply go one religion further and reject the religious teachings of Christianity as well.

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