Tuesday, May 04, 2010

People are sick of the religious pushing their immoral dogmas and teachings on others.

People are sick and tired of being pushed around by the religious who claim to know the impossible. How arrogant is it to claim to know a god and to claim to know what he thinks. (Arrogant: offensive display of superiority or self-importance.)

When your god tells you to kill other people, are you going to do it? Oh, I guess, they already have. The human race will not stand for the immorality of ancient religions to hurt civilized society anymore.

Before science, the only thing people had to explain the world around them were religious texts. And the explanations were horrible. It's very odd that people still cling to these immoral and unethical texts in today's world.

For several hundred years, science has been advancing at a rapid rate. Now, the ancient religious texts are being outed for the poorly written texts they are, and are now are being crushed by the billions of science books, journals and studies.

It's only a matter of time and the world will be free from religious oppression and from their insane teachings.

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