Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What do Straight Parents do?

What's the first thing that many straight parents do when they find out one of their children are gay? They freak out. They say it's a phase. They tell them it's not natural. They tell them that being gay is wrong. They tell them that being gay is a sin. They beat their kids. They throw them out of the house. They try to change them to be straight. They cut off financial support. They treat them with less respect than their straight kids. For gay guys: When will you meet a nice girl? For gay gals: When will you meet a nice guy? They say there is something wrong with them. They say, "What will other people say?" They put so much pressure on their kids that the suicide rate among gay kids is three times higher than their straight counterparts.

Here is my message to homophobic straight parents: Fuck you, assholes.

(Homophobic parents don't care how much damage they inflict on their gay children, since they think pushing heterosexuality on their children is not morally wrong. Of course, if a gay person makes advances to a straight person, that's wrong! Hypocrites. Homophobic parents will also vote against their gay children concerning marriage equality.)

Are Gay Children Safe With Homophobic Straight Parents?

Are gay children safe with homophobic straight parents? Hell no.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Will the Real Anti-Christ Please Stand Up?

Christians ignore hundreds of gods, who lived before Christ, with the same god-like characters as Christ. The writers of the New Testament copied characteristics of previous gods to "prove" that Christ is the one "true" God. For Christians, the real anti-Christ can now stand up: History.

As You Look Back On Life Was Your Discriminatory Religion Worth it?

Is the religion you believe in, support your own personal prejudices towards others? For example, if you are straight, do you believe your religion only favors those who have your own sexuality?

When there is division in your family due to your religion, I hope dividing your family was worth it. Was it?

If I said, I believe in Dionysus (Greek God of Wine/Festivals 900-800 B.C. or slightly later), Horus (Egyptian God of the Sun, 3,000 B.C.), Indra of Tibet 725 B.C., and Jao of Nepal (622 B.C.), you'd probably say why do I believe in all these mythological gods?

Did you know all these gods share the same characteristics of Christ? All the above gods were born a virgin birth, were a miracle worker/teacher, crucified and came back to life and ascended to heaven and all lived before Christ.

Did you know:

The Ten Commandments are taken directly from the Egyptian book of the dead. (Note: There are about 400 commandments in the Egyptian book of the dead.)
Virgin birth: Copied from previous gods/religions
Born on the 25th of December: Copied from previous gods/religions
Baptism with water: Copied from previous gods/religions
Communion host: Copied from previous gods/religions
Miracle worker/teacher: Copied from previous gods/religions
12 disciples: 12 signs of the zodiac
33 years: That's how many vertebrae are in the human spine. Many Gods who walked earth have a life span of 33 years.
Crucification: Copied from previous gods/religions
Three crosses: Copied from previous gods/religions
Resurrection: Copied from previous gods/religions
Trinity: Copied from previous gods/religions
Holy Spirit: Copied from previous gods/religions

Yet Matthew, Mark, Luke and John never met Christ. In fact, they wrote about Christ thirty years after Christ was dead. Why did the writers of the New Testament copy the same qualities from hundreds of gods who lived before Christ? For the simple reason there was no "God" to inspire them.

If God is all knowing—past, present and future, then God would know that one day the masses would be educated, that books would be researched and published about previous gods and the internet would facilitate the distribution of incredible amounts of information world-wide to the masses.

Obviously, if "God" is all knowing, all powerful, all perfect, who knows the past, present and future—a god who was powerful enough to create the entire universe, yet this "God" couldn't do something as simple as inspire the writers of the New Testament to develop an original set of god-like qualities for Christ. And it's simply for the reason, there is no "God".

Are you happy that you believed in a fake god and selectively quote the Bible to justify your own personal, pre-existing prejudice against gay people and whomever else you are against? And ruined personal family ties, ta boot.

Friday, February 20, 2009


If you are a person who has decided it only takes "faith"to know there is God—without requiring proof—then don't you owe it to yourself to seriously look at the other side of the coin and consider the rationality of it all, that there is no God?

Hint: Remember it's at least a 50/50 chance there is or is not a God. If you accept God on faith, which is an easy thing to do (Requiring no thinking involved, the lazy way out.), then isn't it worth the task to think things through by using rational thought and common sense to see if believing in a God makes any sense at all?

A normal rational person can look and find oh so many problems at having a blind faith in a "God." Here are a few examples below:

Faith says you must believe that Christianity is the only true religion. Faith makes many excuses as to why there are so many religions world-wide. If you don't believe in God, the answer is simple as to why there are many religions world-wide because all religions are man-made.

Faith believes in good (derived from God) and evil (from the Devil). Faith dictates that God creates good and his fallen angel Satan causes evil. If you don't believe in God, you simply know that the concepts of good and evil are simply from day and night. Primitive men (and women) knew that the day brings warmth, light and goodness and night brings, cold, darkness the unknown. Day = Good, Night = Evil. Therefore, the concepts of good and evil are born.

Faith says that sin is real. If you don't believe in God, you realize that sin is simply man-made.

Faith invents many, many excuses as to why God does not heal amputees. If you don't believe in God, you realize the amputees are not healed by God, because there is no God.

Faith says God answers prayers. If you don't believe in God, you realize no prayers are ever answered by God, because there is no God.

Faith states God answers prayers and accepts that the only answers to prayer are "yes", "no" or "later". If you don't believe in God, you realize that you can pray to a jug of milk and you'll always get the same answer to your prayer, "yes", "no" or "later" and the reason is simply: There is no God.

Faith makes many excuses as to why Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians. Christians get married in front of "God" and their Christians friends. Christian friends are praying for their marriage to last a lifetime. "What god has put together, let no man put asunder." (Asunder: 1: into parts, 2: apart from each other in position.) God is all powerful, right? Why doesn't God make a Christian marriage last forever? Faith makes many excuses for Christians getting divorced, for example, sin caused the divorce, or the divorce was caused by their lack of faith in God—oh there are so many excuses. If you don't believe in God, you simply realize that marriages don't last due to personality conflicts, infidelity, physical abuse, financial problems, intellectual incompatibility, falling out of love, lack of commitment to the marriage, lack of communication between spouses, substance abuse and the list goes on and on.

If God created the universe (Creating the universe took a lot of work and I'd venture to say, if there is a God, then God has an outgoing personality, don't you agree?) how could a God with an obvious outgoing personality pretend to be shy and not appear to us everyday? Faith makes excuses as to why God does not show himself: It's in God's plan. There is a reason and the reason is mysterious. Excuse after excuse. Is not God proud of his universe? Don't you think he'd want to show off a little bit and ensure his creations see who the creator is, the one who made this incredible place? If you don't believe in God, you know why God does not appear to us, because God does not exist.

Why does God need worshiped? Faith makes excuses as to why God needs to be worshiped. A person who does not believe in God, knows a perfect being does not need to be worshiped.

Why are there many contradictions, homophobia, rape, human sacrifice, the condoning of murder, the condoning of slavery, Egyptian mythology, Greek mythology and Astrology in the Bible? Faith says the Bible is perfect and faith demands believers to blatantly ignore all the problems the writers created when they authored the Bible. Some believers develope elaborate rationalizations to explain the contradictions and to explain the vast amount of problems found in the Bible. A person who does not believe in God, easily says, after "God" created the ENTIRE UNIVERSE (Yes, this is shouting.) it would have been child's play for a "God" to inspire a perfect book. A timeless book filled with wisdom, having total continuity, no contractions, announcing we all share the same humanity, filled with advanced mathematical formulas and scientific knowledge, denouncing slavery, supporting equal rights for all, would all be a part of "God's" Bible. But the Bible is not this, and we can easily see why the Bible was not inspired by a "God" because there is no "God." The Bible was written by primitive, bigoted, intolerant, racist and chauvinistic men.

When you assume there is no "God", then all of a sudden, the tough questions about faith, God and the Bible are easy to answer. All the various excuses or rationalizations to explain faith, God and the Bible go away in the blink of an eye.

There is a saying, if you want to become an Atheist, read the Bible.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Why would I want to spend one minute with a straight person—as friends—who does not agree I share the same humanity as they do and who does not feel I should be afforded the same rights as they do concerning marriage equality, under the law?

(Hint: Respond to my blog so others can either agree with or not agree with an intolerant point of view.)

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Tom Brokaw Sees Vice President Cheney As 'Dr. Strangelove'

See this article by Cybercast News Service (CNSNews.com):

Tom Brokaw sees Vice President Cheney as 'Dr. Strangelove':

MSNBC "An end of an error."

Letterman: 'Dick Cheney Couldn't Care Less About Americans'

Dick Cheney Smirking During State of the Union Address

Dick Cheney telling the truth about Iraq. Video from 1994.

Dick Cheney Benny Hill Style:

The below quote is from www.youtube.com entry by "lampshadetattoo" (youtube.com logon name) under the Benny Hill style video clip. I couldn't have said it better.

"For me, this was a very powerful moment—seeing Cheney leave the White House in a wheelchair symbolized the weak, enfeebled, worn-out policies of an unhealthy and sick administration on its way toward an ultimate ideological and long-overdue-for death! Soon, the ideas and sick policies of Cheney and the rest of the sociopathic and spiritually bankrupt ideologues of the Bush administration will return to the garbage heaps of history! CHENEY in a WHEELCHAIR is a living symbol of all that needs to die in D.C."

Below is a quote from George Phenix whose blog is entitled, "Blog of the Ages." The blog entry headline reads, "Good riddance, George Bush." Phenix's blog entry is worth reading, it's a short easy read.

"...I have no respect for George Bush. For the office, yes. For the man, none. ...George Bush may have left the building, but not soon enough. Get over it? We’ll spend decades getting over it."

George Learns He Shouldn't Golf While Soldiers Die

George W. Bush: Listen to Osama bin Laden, Not U.S. Citizens

George: Saddam Hussein Has Weapons of Mass Destruction

Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11

God, Bush is such an asshole.

Isn't It Funny How the News Stations Have Changed The Way They Report The News?

Since Obama is now the President of the United States, I see news story after news story about equal rights, the importance of science, private sector accountability, the importance of green issues, taking financial institutions to task and how this country is in desperate need of change.

Then I heard stupid Dick Cheney trying to put false fear into the news concerning the possibility of "terrorist attacks." Let's be honest, Cheney is an asshole. This week, a person on TV said something like this, "Cheney is just trying to use fear tactics just to be in news. Good riddance Cheney. No one has any interest in you."

I See Homeless People Eating Out of Trash Cans

Matthew 10:31 (New International Version)
31So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Luke 12:6 (New International Version)
6Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.

If human beings are worth more than a sparrow, then why do I see many homeless people living (eating and sleeping) on the streets of downtown San Diego? And why do I see homeless people eating out of trash cans?

Are You Really a Moral Christian?

"One of the most pernicious effects of religion is that it tends to divorce morality from the reality of human and animal suffering. Religion allows people to imagine that their concerns are moral when they are not—that is, when they have nothing to do with suffering or its alleviation.

Indeed, religion allows people to imagine that their concerns are moral when they are highly immoral—that is, when pressing these concerns inflicts unnecessary and appalling suffering on innocent human beings.

This explains why Christians like yourself expend more “moral” energy opposing abortion than fighting genocide. It explains why you are more concerned about human embryos than about the lifesaving promise of stem-cell research. And it explains why you can preach against condom use in sub-Saharan Africa while millions die from AIDS there each year."

—Harris, Sam, 2006, "Letter to a Christian Nation," page 25, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, a divison of Random House, Inc.

Sam Harris is an Awesome Author.

Don't you think it's about time for another quote from Sam Harris?

Do You Doubt the Theory of Evolution?

"Christians who doubt the truth of evolution are apt to say things like "Evolution is just a theory, not a fact." Such statements betray a serious misunderstanding of the way the term "theory" is used in scientific discourse.

In science, facts must be explained with reference to other facts. These larger explanatory models are "theories." Theories make predictions and can, in principle, be tested. The phrase, "the theory of evolution" does not in the least suggest that evolution is not a fact.

One can speak about "the germ theory of disease" or "the theory of gravitation" without casting doubt upon disease or gravity as facts of nature."

—Harris, Sam, 2006, "Letter to a Christian Nation," page 69, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, a divison of Random House, Inc.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Concerning Jesus Christ.

In the 1970's, I easily believed that Christ died and rose for our sins because of the incredible hope for everlasting life. Why should I not believe in a messiah/savior who promises eternal life?

With just a small amount of research, one can find hundreds of messiah/saviors who were born of a virgin on the 25th of December, were miracle workers/teachers and died and rose to heaven three days later. Some of these ancient gods have some characteristics of Christ and some of these gods have many characteristics of Christ.

It is really the other way around. The writer's of the New Testament took many characteristics from previous messiah/saviors and gave these to Jesus Christ.

If God is all powerful, all knowledgeable and knows the past, present and future, would it not be child's play for God to have inspired the writers of the New Testament to create a brand new set of God-like qualities/characteristics for his son, Jesus Christ?

How much easier is it for me to *not* believe in Christ (and his promise of everlasting life) since it is obvious the writers of the New Testament simply copied previous messiah/savior characteristics to "prove" the validity of Christ as the son of God.

Why Do People Believe In The Mythology Of Religion?

The promise of everlasting life is probably the number one reason to believe in the mythology of religion. The second reason would be the promise of talking and knowing an all powerful God. The third would be the miracles which your God has done in the past and the miracles you think your God is doing today.

It boils down to this. Your god violates the laws and principles of science. How cool is that? Alas, all religions are man-made and there is no truth in the existence of God. There is one truth, the truth of when you stop believing the mythology of religion, you'll begin to enjoy life on earth as it was meant to be.

How Well Do You Know American History?

"The fact that the United States was not founded as a Christian nation was early stated in the terms of a treaty with Tripoli, drafted in 1796 under George Washington and sighed by John Adams in 1797:

[Article 11.] As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Musslemen; and as the said States never have entered in to any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the partied that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

(First and second paragraph by Dawkins, Richard, 2006, "The God Delusion," page 40, Boston & New York, Houghton Mifflin Company.)

Uh err.... well... what about the Pledge of Allegiance? Huh? "...one Nation under God,..." What about that? By bringing this subject up, means someone doesn't know American history. The original Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 and did not have the words, "one Nation under God." The "...one Nation under God..." phrase was added to the Pledge of Allegiance by religious fanatics in 1951. This merging of Church and State, to be blunt, is pure bullshit.

It is time we strike the words, "...one Nation under God..." from the Pledge of Allegiance.

Uh... what about "In God We Trust?" This official U.S. motto did not become nationwide until 1956. Again... religious fanatics pushed for these words to be on our currency. Again, another bullshit decision made into law which goes directly against our founding fathers. Please see the first two paragraphs.

If Christian Americans insist we have the words, "In God We Trust" on American currency, then there is no reason why we can't have the following:
On $1.00 bills: "In Allah We Trust"
On $2.00 bills: "In Baal We Trust"
On $5.00 dollar bills: "In Buddha We Trust"
On $20.00 bills: "In God We Trust"
On $50.00 bills: "In Zeus (or Apollo or Poseidon) We Trust"
On $100.00 bills: "In Science We Trust"

So what's the solution? It's very simple. Take off the words, "In God We Trust" on American currency. No one can prove the existence of God. There is a clear separation of Church and State for the very reason, that if I pushed Buddha on Americans by enacting laws to do this, Christian America would freak out.

How do you think non-Christian taxpaying Americans feel when Christianity is pushed on them by Christian-Americans when they enact laws which promote the mythological God of the Christian religion?

Just because someone (or millions) of people feel that God exists, does not mean it is so. If I tell someone I feel that Elvis is real to me and I talk (pray) to Elvis and I feel Elvis is protecting me and that Elvis is my personal savior and lord, just because I feel this, does not make this so.

Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris

Are you a devout Christian? Meaning you pray on a regular basis, read the Bible on a regular basis, go to church on a regular basis and go to Bible study on a regular basis? You have accepted Christ as your personal savor? As an intelligent normal rational human being, it is time to purchase (or check-out this book from the Library) the book called, "Letter to a Christian Nation," by Sam Harris. It's an easy read and a book worth reading.

Are you a Christian in name only? You believe in God and believe the Bible is true. However, you don't pray on a regular basis and you don't go to church on a regular basis and you don't attend a weekly Bible study. It is time, as a rational intelligent human being, to read the book, "Letter to a Christian Nation," by Sam Harris. It's an easy read and a book worth reading.