Thursday, February 05, 2009

Tom Brokaw Sees Vice President Cheney As 'Dr. Strangelove'

See this article by Cybercast News Service (

Tom Brokaw sees Vice President Cheney as 'Dr. Strangelove':

MSNBC "An end of an error."

Letterman: 'Dick Cheney Couldn't Care Less About Americans'

Dick Cheney Smirking During State of the Union Address

Dick Cheney telling the truth about Iraq. Video from 1994.

Dick Cheney Benny Hill Style:

The below quote is from entry by "lampshadetattoo" ( logon name) under the Benny Hill style video clip. I couldn't have said it better.

"For me, this was a very powerful moment—seeing Cheney leave the White House in a wheelchair symbolized the weak, enfeebled, worn-out policies of an unhealthy and sick administration on its way toward an ultimate ideological and long-overdue-for death! Soon, the ideas and sick policies of Cheney and the rest of the sociopathic and spiritually bankrupt ideologues of the Bush administration will return to the garbage heaps of history! CHENEY in a WHEELCHAIR is a living symbol of all that needs to die in D.C."

Below is a quote from George Phenix whose blog is entitled, "Blog of the Ages." The blog entry headline reads, "Good riddance, George Bush." Phenix's blog entry is worth reading, it's a short easy read.

"...I have no respect for George Bush. For the office, yes. For the man, none. ...George Bush may have left the building, but not soon enough. Get over it? We’ll spend decades getting over it."

George Learns He Shouldn't Golf While Soldiers Die

George W. Bush: Listen to Osama bin Laden, Not U.S. Citizens

George: Saddam Hussein Has Weapons of Mass Destruction

Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11

God, Bush is such an asshole.

1 comment:

Tom Interval said...

Great stuff. Thanks for posting.