Monday, February 02, 2009

Concerning Jesus Christ.

In the 1970's, I easily believed that Christ died and rose for our sins because of the incredible hope for everlasting life. Why should I not believe in a messiah/savior who promises eternal life?

With just a small amount of research, one can find hundreds of messiah/saviors who were born of a virgin on the 25th of December, were miracle workers/teachers and died and rose to heaven three days later. Some of these ancient gods have some characteristics of Christ and some of these gods have many characteristics of Christ.

It is really the other way around. The writer's of the New Testament took many characteristics from previous messiah/saviors and gave these to Jesus Christ.

If God is all powerful, all knowledgeable and knows the past, present and future, would it not be child's play for God to have inspired the writers of the New Testament to create a brand new set of God-like qualities/characteristics for his son, Jesus Christ?

How much easier is it for me to *not* believe in Christ (and his promise of everlasting life) since it is obvious the writers of the New Testament simply copied previous messiah/savior characteristics to "prove" the validity of Christ as the son of God.

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