Friday, February 20, 2009


If you are a person who has decided it only takes "faith"to know there is God—without requiring proof—then don't you owe it to yourself to seriously look at the other side of the coin and consider the rationality of it all, that there is no God?

Hint: Remember it's at least a 50/50 chance there is or is not a God. If you accept God on faith, which is an easy thing to do (Requiring no thinking involved, the lazy way out.), then isn't it worth the task to think things through by using rational thought and common sense to see if believing in a God makes any sense at all?

A normal rational person can look and find oh so many problems at having a blind faith in a "God." Here are a few examples below:

Faith says you must believe that Christianity is the only true religion. Faith makes many excuses as to why there are so many religions world-wide. If you don't believe in God, the answer is simple as to why there are many religions world-wide because all religions are man-made.

Faith believes in good (derived from God) and evil (from the Devil). Faith dictates that God creates good and his fallen angel Satan causes evil. If you don't believe in God, you simply know that the concepts of good and evil are simply from day and night. Primitive men (and women) knew that the day brings warmth, light and goodness and night brings, cold, darkness the unknown. Day = Good, Night = Evil. Therefore, the concepts of good and evil are born.

Faith says that sin is real. If you don't believe in God, you realize that sin is simply man-made.

Faith invents many, many excuses as to why God does not heal amputees. If you don't believe in God, you realize the amputees are not healed by God, because there is no God.

Faith says God answers prayers. If you don't believe in God, you realize no prayers are ever answered by God, because there is no God.

Faith states God answers prayers and accepts that the only answers to prayer are "yes", "no" or "later". If you don't believe in God, you realize that you can pray to a jug of milk and you'll always get the same answer to your prayer, "yes", "no" or "later" and the reason is simply: There is no God.

Faith makes many excuses as to why Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians. Christians get married in front of "God" and their Christians friends. Christian friends are praying for their marriage to last a lifetime. "What god has put together, let no man put asunder." (Asunder: 1: into parts, 2: apart from each other in position.) God is all powerful, right? Why doesn't God make a Christian marriage last forever? Faith makes many excuses for Christians getting divorced, for example, sin caused the divorce, or the divorce was caused by their lack of faith in God—oh there are so many excuses. If you don't believe in God, you simply realize that marriages don't last due to personality conflicts, infidelity, physical abuse, financial problems, intellectual incompatibility, falling out of love, lack of commitment to the marriage, lack of communication between spouses, substance abuse and the list goes on and on.

If God created the universe (Creating the universe took a lot of work and I'd venture to say, if there is a God, then God has an outgoing personality, don't you agree?) how could a God with an obvious outgoing personality pretend to be shy and not appear to us everyday? Faith makes excuses as to why God does not show himself: It's in God's plan. There is a reason and the reason is mysterious. Excuse after excuse. Is not God proud of his universe? Don't you think he'd want to show off a little bit and ensure his creations see who the creator is, the one who made this incredible place? If you don't believe in God, you know why God does not appear to us, because God does not exist.

Why does God need worshiped? Faith makes excuses as to why God needs to be worshiped. A person who does not believe in God, knows a perfect being does not need to be worshiped.

Why are there many contradictions, homophobia, rape, human sacrifice, the condoning of murder, the condoning of slavery, Egyptian mythology, Greek mythology and Astrology in the Bible? Faith says the Bible is perfect and faith demands believers to blatantly ignore all the problems the writers created when they authored the Bible. Some believers develope elaborate rationalizations to explain the contradictions and to explain the vast amount of problems found in the Bible. A person who does not believe in God, easily says, after "God" created the ENTIRE UNIVERSE (Yes, this is shouting.) it would have been child's play for a "God" to inspire a perfect book. A timeless book filled with wisdom, having total continuity, no contractions, announcing we all share the same humanity, filled with advanced mathematical formulas and scientific knowledge, denouncing slavery, supporting equal rights for all, would all be a part of "God's" Bible. But the Bible is not this, and we can easily see why the Bible was not inspired by a "God" because there is no "God." The Bible was written by primitive, bigoted, intolerant, racist and chauvinistic men.

When you assume there is no "God", then all of a sudden, the tough questions about faith, God and the Bible are easy to answer. All the various excuses or rationalizations to explain faith, God and the Bible go away in the blink of an eye.

There is a saying, if you want to become an Atheist, read the Bible.

1 comment:

David Jones said...

There is another saying: if you want to become a Christian, look at the destruction that secular humanism and the political systems it has berthed has wrought on the world, which has far exceeded the destruction of all the religions in all of human history:

WWI--9 Million Dead
Communist Revolution--20 Million Dead
WWII--60 Million Dead
Korean War--4 Million Dead
Vietnam--7 Million Dead