Monday, January 25, 2010

Ted Olson - Straight, Conservative, Republican, 42nd United States Solicitor General, Attorney and the Right is Mad.

For those who don't know, some gay activists prefer to wait until the majority of public opinion is in favor of gay equality before gays march into the courtroom. At the outset, it makes sense, why throw money at a bad case, then lose the case and then lose the money spent on the case.

Gays know that equal rights is equal rights is equal rights. Pious Christians of course, are proud their God hates those who they hate and feel their hatred should by rights, be made into law.

(Pious: practiced or used in the name of real or pretended religious motives, or for some ostensibly good object; falsely earnest or sincere)

Of course, since their God hates gays, pious Christians are not really hating anyone, are they? They are simply following in the foot steps of their (thunder and lighting) God.

And pious Christians who believe their religious beliefs should be made into law, never, ever, acknowledge that a free country allowing the worship of any religion or god without restriction, would have to by rights, make all religious laws from all religions into government law because fair is fair.

However, pious Christians, since they are the only ones with the true God and true religion, would never want non-Christian religious dogmas made into U.S. law. They would be outraged!

Here is what we know. Pious Christians believe that hatred of other Americans based on their religious beliefs is sanctioned by their God. Hatred of America as a melting pot is un-American. Pious Christians don't believe in equal rights. This is un-American. Pious Christians don't believe in the separation of church and state. This is un-American.

We have many people in the United States who don't believe in American ideals, yet they think they are upstanding Americans! It's very gross and I wish they'd leave our country and live somewhere else, don't you?

Then there is the voice of reason. Ted Olson. When it comes to Gay Marriage (actually, it's Marriage Equality) Mr. Olson calls a spade a spade. He hits the nail on the head.

And Mr. Olson knows that it does not matter what public opinion is, when it's concerning protecting the rights of U.S. citizens. Equal rights is equal rights is equal rights. Mr. Olson knows that if someone is not being afforded equal rights by U.S. law, the time to change the law is now and not later.

Mr. Olson has some gay clients who want to have the equal rights to marry each other. So, Mr. Olson and David Boies are taking California to task and demanding the equal rights of it's citizens be recognized.

Mr. Olson also has a nice article in Newsweek concerning this entire affair. The first line of the Newsweek article starts out like this:

"Together with my good friend and occasional courtroom adversary David Boies, I am attempting to persuade a federal court to invalidate California's Proposition 8—the voter-approved measure that overturned California's constitutional right to marry a person of the same sex."

The first sentence of the article cuts to the chase and the article never loses momentum. The Newsweek article is found here: Newsweek article.

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