Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Do You Believe the Bible is the Inspired Word of God?

Do You Believe the Bible is the Inspired Word of God? Yes? Great.

Do you believe society's morals come from the Bible? Yes? Great.

Do you believe homosexuality is wrong? Yes? Great.

Do you read the Bible? No? Then, why did you answer yes to all the previous questions?

If God wrote a book, don't you want see what He has to say?

For those who read the Bible, read on:

If God is all powerful, all perfect, all wise, omnipotent, and knows past, present and future, why did He not write a perfect, timeless book filled with high morals and wisdom that would apply to any culture in any time period of human history on earth?

If you read the Bible and claim it to still be perfect, why do you ignore the hundreds of nutzo verses? I know why. You are desperate to believe you have found the key to everlasting life and don't want to miss the chance of living forever in "heaven".

The fear of not knowing what happens to you when you die drives you to believe the absurd notion that somehow a God can extend your life beyond death. It's funny how the masses so easily accept the delusional thinking that if science doesn't know the answer then you simply say God did it.

Why are we here? Science does not know. God put us here!

What happens to us when we die? Science does not know. God determines where we go after we die!

In the 1400s, 1500s, etc., people would say, why did we have a drought? Science did not know. God must be mad at us! Wrong!

Now science does know. We have droughts because we are on a living planet and it's called Earth Science. Now the masses can't say that God causes natural disasters. The masses know better, there is Earth plate tectonics which cause earth quakes, storms which cause flooding, cold weather and hot weather due to the tilt and distance earth is from the sun.

Now, any question that you or science can't answer does not make it necessary to believe in any god to help you find an answer that leaves you satisfied. If you don't know the answer to a question about earth or life, we simply say, we don't know.

Maybe science will find the answer some day, maybe it won't. But it's okay, as we are simply human beings and we will probably never know all the answers. I don't have to believe in any form of mythology just because I don't an answer.

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