Why is religious moderation dangerous? The categories generally accepted of those who are believers are religious moderates, religious fundamentalists and religious extremists.
Starting backwards, most would agree that religious extremists are dangerous for society. Religious moderates and religious fundamentalists always cry out and say, they are not part of *our* groups! False. Religious extremists are faith based groups.
Religious fundamentalists say, our religion is right and all the others are wrong. I'm sure we can agree that the religious right, by my definition, does not like any type of religious organization than their own.
What about religious moderates? Religious moderates spout quite contently that all faiths are okay with them. What the hell? Religious moderation by definition support religious extremists. How many times have you heard religious moderates spout, you can't criticize another person's faith? It's a bullshit statement.
People don't respect beliefs, we only respect reasons. For example, change the subject from God to the lottery. If I told you I believe I will win the lottery, do you respect my belief of winning the lottery?
If I change the subject from God to a diamond. If I said to you that I believe there is a diamond buried in my back yard the size of a refrigerator and this belief gives me meaning to my life. I have found peace in my life by having the belief there is a diamond buried in my backyard the size of a refrigerator. I know this is a truth because I believe and you can have this same belief also and have peace in your life.
If I said this in a job interview, I would not be taken seriously. If I made this statement at a political rally, I'd never be voted into office. Yet publicly claiming a belief in a god is respected, by many, in our society.
Times have changed. There are many secular countries, based on UN studies, who's quality of life indices are much higher those societies with a high population of religious believers.
It is time that religion is outed for what is really is. Religion is mythology. Religion is dangerous for society at large. All religions are man-made. And religion is an insult to our intelligence.
Most of what I have written is paraphrased from after watching a Sam Harris video.
By Mike Hampson. San Diego, California, USA.
More Unvarnished Truth's address is moreunvarnishedtruth.blogspot.com
published by Blogger.com.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Study Links Religion and Racism
Study Links Religion and Racism, By Carl Marziali on February 10, 2010.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Why There is Religion
This is a transcript of a Youtube video with Sam Harris speaking. The transcript begins at the two minute mark into watching the video:
"I view religions as essentially failed sciences. Religion was the discourse that we had when all causes in the universe was opaque. We didn’t know the basis of anything. We didn’t know why we were here. We didn’t know how diseases spread or what disease was. We didn’t why people died early and why others flourished. We don’t know what causing thunderstorms or what’s causing crops to fail.
We very naturally as a cognitive and behavioral imperative we formed descriptions of the world and we try to figure out what’s going on. We tell ourselves stories about our origins and about where we are going and about causes in the world.
Those stories given our pervasive ignorance and our disposition to see agency in the world, to view ourselves in relationship to the world, these stories entail being in relation to invisible friends and enemies. So we have this parent figure and this guy who is going to take care of things if you live rightly and we have other demonic presences that which we should be really worried about.
Gradually, what you see happening, as rationality and dozens of specific sciences were birthed in the human conversation, you see religion on a hundred fronts losing the argument with science.
On the front of human health and disease, it used to be that you could get a diagnosis of demonic possession, that was a reasonable thing to believe that you had, if you were having seizures. But now we have a science of neurology and we know about epilepsy and so when your kid has seizures you don’t go to the church to get him diagnosed and treated by exorcism. And so that’s a good thing.
I’m saying that religion is losing the argument on every other front, it’s losing the argument ethically, it will lose the argument spiritually, I mean we will understand spiritual experience so well at some point, at the level of the brain, at the level of the way in which using attention in certain ways can change the human experience.
We’ll understand it in a way that makes a mockery of this kind of denominational religion talk about Jesus and grace or about Buddha and magic powers. And that will break down in the same way it’s broken down on medicine. That’s a process we have to be honest about and let it unfold."
"I view religions as essentially failed sciences. Religion was the discourse that we had when all causes in the universe was opaque. We didn’t know the basis of anything. We didn’t know why we were here. We didn’t know how diseases spread or what disease was. We didn’t why people died early and why others flourished. We don’t know what causing thunderstorms or what’s causing crops to fail.
We very naturally as a cognitive and behavioral imperative we formed descriptions of the world and we try to figure out what’s going on. We tell ourselves stories about our origins and about where we are going and about causes in the world.
Those stories given our pervasive ignorance and our disposition to see agency in the world, to view ourselves in relationship to the world, these stories entail being in relation to invisible friends and enemies. So we have this parent figure and this guy who is going to take care of things if you live rightly and we have other demonic presences that which we should be really worried about.
Gradually, what you see happening, as rationality and dozens of specific sciences were birthed in the human conversation, you see religion on a hundred fronts losing the argument with science.
On the front of human health and disease, it used to be that you could get a diagnosis of demonic possession, that was a reasonable thing to believe that you had, if you were having seizures. But now we have a science of neurology and we know about epilepsy and so when your kid has seizures you don’t go to the church to get him diagnosed and treated by exorcism. And so that’s a good thing.
I’m saying that religion is losing the argument on every other front, it’s losing the argument ethically, it will lose the argument spiritually, I mean we will understand spiritual experience so well at some point, at the level of the brain, at the level of the way in which using attention in certain ways can change the human experience.
We’ll understand it in a way that makes a mockery of this kind of denominational religion talk about Jesus and grace or about Buddha and magic powers. And that will break down in the same way it’s broken down on medicine. That’s a process we have to be honest about and let it unfold."
Monday, February 15, 2010
Why I like Sam Harris
I like Sam Harris because he is one of the smartest and well spoken people I've ever seen. I know of no religious person who can even come close to Sam, intellectually. The icing on the cake? He's hot.
Friday, February 12, 2010
It's Time to Pass U.S. Health Care Reform
The function of government is responsibility towards it's citizens. Yet, in the U.S. there is still an anti-state political culture.
We don’t like to call a government program using "central". We have a central bank but it’s called the Federal Reserve. We don’t call it the Central Revenue Service, we call it the Internal Revenue Service. Americans talk the anti-socialism talk but don’t walk the walk.
Americans say they don’t want a socialist government but some of the strongest support for socialist programs are Social Security and Medicare. What about the farm subsidies that the government provides? Socialism? No one balks at that?
We have government sponsored libraries, the postal service, public parks, public roads, police departments, fire departments, ambulance service, NASA, the Navy, the Army, the Marines, the Air Force, the Coast Guard and Homeland Security, to name a few. In fact, which politicians balked at Homeland Security? Practically no one. For that matter, who balks at all the above services that are in place to help U.S. Citizens?
Look at the government intervening recently with the many bank bailouts and the three top car manufacturers in the U.S. Yet, people yell and scream horror at the idea of government intervention for health care reform but did not balk at the banks and car companies being helped. If the U.S. government did not do so many good things for it’s citizens, western civilization would be completely different today.
The function of government is responsibility towards it's citizens. It is "We the People" not "We the Corporations". To help our citizens, we simply shift some funds from promoting war and death and spend the money on life. It is time we start walking the walk and pass health care reform.
We don’t like to call a government program using "central". We have a central bank but it’s called the Federal Reserve. We don’t call it the Central Revenue Service, we call it the Internal Revenue Service. Americans talk the anti-socialism talk but don’t walk the walk.
Americans say they don’t want a socialist government but some of the strongest support for socialist programs are Social Security and Medicare. What about the farm subsidies that the government provides? Socialism? No one balks at that?
We have government sponsored libraries, the postal service, public parks, public roads, police departments, fire departments, ambulance service, NASA, the Navy, the Army, the Marines, the Air Force, the Coast Guard and Homeland Security, to name a few. In fact, which politicians balked at Homeland Security? Practically no one. For that matter, who balks at all the above services that are in place to help U.S. Citizens?
Look at the government intervening recently with the many bank bailouts and the three top car manufacturers in the U.S. Yet, people yell and scream horror at the idea of government intervention for health care reform but did not balk at the banks and car companies being helped. If the U.S. government did not do so many good things for it’s citizens, western civilization would be completely different today.
The function of government is responsibility towards it's citizens. It is "We the People" not "We the Corporations". To help our citizens, we simply shift some funds from promoting war and death and spend the money on life. It is time we start walking the walk and pass health care reform.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Religion (or Faith) is Dangerous for Society at Large
Faith is dangerous simply because you are willing to be brainwashed by a primitive text and contemporary religious leaders. You are proud to allow the hijacking of your mind then expect others to respect your belief.
Here is the process: Check your mind at the (church) door, think poorly of others who encourage you to think, blindly follow the dogma even if it goes against your better judgment, try to get others to check their minds at the door and to think poorly of others who….
Here is the process: Check your mind at the (church) door, think poorly of others who encourage you to think, blindly follow the dogma even if it goes against your better judgment, try to get others to check their minds at the door and to think poorly of others who….
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
A Field Guide to Critical Thinking:
Here is the link to: A Field Guide to Critical Thinking
Saturday, February 06, 2010
What's Wrong with Religion?
The problem with most religions, is that people who would normally not have any reason to hate others, now have a reason to. And they'll hate you with a passion. They will tell you they don't hate you to your face and talk to you in a nice way. Isn't that nice?
If you ask them, "Why do you feel justified to hate others?", they will deny they hate. In fact, they will tell you they don't hate anyone! God forbid! How could anyone say this about a loving Christian? Are you nuts?
This is what they say: Those people, those not believing in our god, are sinning against our god. We have seen the light, they have not. They are wrong, we are right. They are bad, we are good. And furthermore, the words, "intolerance, hatred and bigotry" which first spread from our churches, to our families and ultimately into our communities are words which would never have the effect (as you say it would) of dividing people, communities and nations.
In the back of their minds, as they talk to you, they feel proud to hate you (oops, it's call love) since their god hates you. They are justified in hating you. When believers are alone or with their own kind, they will talk about how other humans have fallen by the way side. Of course, they don't call it hate! It is simply the correct way, per their god, to view others.
When talking to Christians point blank, and after saying to them that society has not only moved forward from the immorality of the Bible and in fact, has surpassed the morality of the Bible, they disagree. That society has acknowledged this type of behavior, the hating of others base on their sex, race or sexual orientation, is morally wrong.
Christians are in the "surely you don't mean me" club because they answer in this way: It's God's way! Can't you see this? We are not doing anything wrong. We are not hating anyone. We are blameless. We are clean. Who are you (and I) to question God's way? Our brains can't even begin to comprehend who our god is and how he thinks! Don't you get it? Our god is incredible!! If society moves forward and advances intellectually, morally and ethically, ignore this people! Our god says the older methods of hatred are best!
Even though it is true their god is an intolerant hateful bigot towards part of humanity, for Christians, this is okay. Of course it's okay. Their god approves it! It's not intolerance, hate or bigotry for Christians because this is their god's morality! It's his way. It's okay. It's all good!
Their god does not hate in our contemporary society. Their god used to hate in the Old Testament but in the New Testament, he changed his mind. Now he's a god of love and peace. Hatred is not in his vocabulary. So, when their perfect Bible which was inspired by their all perfect, all wise god says it's okay to hate others, Christians say great! It's okay! It's not a problem! Don't you see? God is telling us to do this! We are allowed to hate, errr, oops, I mean we are allowed to love others in the way our god wants us to love you, it's god's will!
So, even though our society has passed laws against discriminating against race, sex and sexual orientation, god secretly-to this day-doesn't approve of acknowledging that every person on earth, are all part of the human race. We all bleed the same color. This is not god's way. I can accept the way of my hateful god because he knows more than I do! Which is why I'm so happy to be a Christian. It's fun to judge others and hate others and then pretend we don't! God, I love this religion!
On top of this, Christians are proud they were the lucky ones who were discovered by their (thunder and lighting) god! I am so lucky! I am one of a chosen few who know (thunder and lighting) a god! Wow! I'm one of the few people who know this is really true! This is really cool!
You can't see him, you can't touch him, he's invisible! Wow. But I know for sure, I am certain, he exists. And you must not say that I'm crazy because I believe in an invisible god because there are millions of other people who believe the same way I do. So, if the masses believe in an invisible god, we are not crazy! Who are you calling crazy? Not me!
I'm better than those who don't believe this! I certainly don't admit to others that I think this way, but nevertheless, since I really do believe I do know a god, and that he will give me a life after death, it's pretty hard to not feel better than other people who don't belives this. Hmmm, it's basically impossible to not feel better than others. Which is exactly why it's impossible for people to deal with me. I have seen the light! I am told by my god to view you this way. So, it's okay for me to be intolerant, hateful and bigoted toward others!
Of course, it's funny how before the U.S., before our Civil War, many Bible thumping preachers and believers believed that slavery was okay per their god. For those who don't read the Bible, the Old and New Testament do teach us that slavery is okay, as long as we are fairly nice to our slaves. Today, you don't see Bible thumping preachers and their followers touting the benefits of slavery. Wait! Christians now take their morals from society and not the Word of their perfect god? What's wrong with this picture?
And after the Civil War, segregation was popular in the U.S. There were signs which said "white only" and "colored" for water fountains, bathrooms and places of business. Of course, this was okay by Bible thumping preachers and followers. Segregation was a relief for believers. They could at least, be for segregation and rationalize that this was almost a good of thing as slavery was, in the Bible. It was not exactly slavery but it at least segregation was a good way to divide people. Us versus them.
In 1967, Loving vs Virginia was the "landmark civil rights case in which the United States Supreme Court, by a 9-0 vote, declared Virginia's anti-miscegenation statute, the "Racial Integrity Act of 1924", unconstitutional, thereby overturning Pace v. Alabama (1883) and ending all race-based legal restrictions on marriage in the United States." -Wikipedia.
Hold it! Loving vs Virginia overturned what court ruling? Which court ruling did it overturn? Hello out there? Which one did it over turn?
Pace v. Alabama (1883).
Who has heard of Pace v. Alabama (1883)?
What was Pace v. Alabama (1883)?
In Pace vs. Alabama (1883) "The court argued that it was the duty of the state to protect marriage as a public institution. The state needed to protect married couples "against disturbances from without." By such "disturbances" the court meant interracial relationships. Intimate relationships between whites and blacks, "elements so heterogeneous that they must naturally cause discord, shame, disruption of family circles , and estrangement," were incompatible with the white family life that the state needed to protect, the court argued. Therefore such relationships had to be prohibited, and interracial couples had to be broken up." -Pace v. Alabama (1883), Wikipedia
Well, now I know. I know who has heard of Pace vs Alabama. The religious right homophobic intolerant, hateful bigots! That's who. The religious right nutcases of today use the very words from the Pace vs Alabama court ruling.
Back to Christians being impossible to deal with, this is why. If a god gave you a brain, he'd want you to use it. People of faith say you have to ignore reason to believe in their god. Why would any god want you to ignore reason and critical thinking skills when your "god" gave you a brain. However, this is exactly why it's next to impossible to deal with Christians, because they believe they don't have to use their brain and they are urged not to think for themselves and use their own judgment to make good decisions on an every day basis. They prefer being told what to do.
Also, it makes no sense to say you don't have to use your brain, when thinking about whether your religion is true or not. Would a god want people to blindly follow him? Would he want people that gullible to follow him?
This notion of following a god or worshiping a god is nuts. A perfect god needs nothing. A perfect god does not need to be believed in, or followed or worshiped. Think about it. If a perfect god would reveal itself to the masses, why would it do this? It's perfect, it needs nothing. If a perfect god felt he had to give a scripture for his people, it would be the most perfect timeless book of morals and ethics the world has ever seen and would apply to all cultures and time periods in human history. This would be child's play for a perfect all knowing god.
What's wrong with religion? All regions are man-made. Sin is a man-made concept. The Bible was written by ancient primitive men who were simply trying to explain the world around them in the culture and science of their day. And, they did not do a very good job of it.
If you ask them, "Why do you feel justified to hate others?", they will deny they hate. In fact, they will tell you they don't hate anyone! God forbid! How could anyone say this about a loving Christian? Are you nuts?
This is what they say: Those people, those not believing in our god, are sinning against our god. We have seen the light, they have not. They are wrong, we are right. They are bad, we are good. And furthermore, the words, "intolerance, hatred and bigotry" which first spread from our churches, to our families and ultimately into our communities are words which would never have the effect (as you say it would) of dividing people, communities and nations.
In the back of their minds, as they talk to you, they feel proud to hate you (oops, it's call love) since their god hates you. They are justified in hating you. When believers are alone or with their own kind, they will talk about how other humans have fallen by the way side. Of course, they don't call it hate! It is simply the correct way, per their god, to view others.
When talking to Christians point blank, and after saying to them that society has not only moved forward from the immorality of the Bible and in fact, has surpassed the morality of the Bible, they disagree. That society has acknowledged this type of behavior, the hating of others base on their sex, race or sexual orientation, is morally wrong.
Christians are in the "surely you don't mean me" club because they answer in this way: It's God's way! Can't you see this? We are not doing anything wrong. We are not hating anyone. We are blameless. We are clean. Who are you (and I) to question God's way? Our brains can't even begin to comprehend who our god is and how he thinks! Don't you get it? Our god is incredible!! If society moves forward and advances intellectually, morally and ethically, ignore this people! Our god says the older methods of hatred are best!
Even though it is true their god is an intolerant hateful bigot towards part of humanity, for Christians, this is okay. Of course it's okay. Their god approves it! It's not intolerance, hate or bigotry for Christians because this is their god's morality! It's his way. It's okay. It's all good!
Their god does not hate in our contemporary society. Their god used to hate in the Old Testament but in the New Testament, he changed his mind. Now he's a god of love and peace. Hatred is not in his vocabulary. So, when their perfect Bible which was inspired by their all perfect, all wise god says it's okay to hate others, Christians say great! It's okay! It's not a problem! Don't you see? God is telling us to do this! We are allowed to hate, errr, oops, I mean we are allowed to love others in the way our god wants us to love you, it's god's will!
So, even though our society has passed laws against discriminating against race, sex and sexual orientation, god secretly-to this day-doesn't approve of acknowledging that every person on earth, are all part of the human race. We all bleed the same color. This is not god's way. I can accept the way of my hateful god because he knows more than I do! Which is why I'm so happy to be a Christian. It's fun to judge others and hate others and then pretend we don't! God, I love this religion!
On top of this, Christians are proud they were the lucky ones who were discovered by their (thunder and lighting) god! I am so lucky! I am one of a chosen few who know (thunder and lighting) a god! Wow! I'm one of the few people who know this is really true! This is really cool!
You can't see him, you can't touch him, he's invisible! Wow. But I know for sure, I am certain, he exists. And you must not say that I'm crazy because I believe in an invisible god because there are millions of other people who believe the same way I do. So, if the masses believe in an invisible god, we are not crazy! Who are you calling crazy? Not me!
I'm better than those who don't believe this! I certainly don't admit to others that I think this way, but nevertheless, since I really do believe I do know a god, and that he will give me a life after death, it's pretty hard to not feel better than other people who don't belives this. Hmmm, it's basically impossible to not feel better than others. Which is exactly why it's impossible for people to deal with me. I have seen the light! I am told by my god to view you this way. So, it's okay for me to be intolerant, hateful and bigoted toward others!
Of course, it's funny how before the U.S., before our Civil War, many Bible thumping preachers and believers believed that slavery was okay per their god. For those who don't read the Bible, the Old and New Testament do teach us that slavery is okay, as long as we are fairly nice to our slaves. Today, you don't see Bible thumping preachers and their followers touting the benefits of slavery. Wait! Christians now take their morals from society and not the Word of their perfect god? What's wrong with this picture?
And after the Civil War, segregation was popular in the U.S. There were signs which said "white only" and "colored" for water fountains, bathrooms and places of business. Of course, this was okay by Bible thumping preachers and followers. Segregation was a relief for believers. They could at least, be for segregation and rationalize that this was almost a good of thing as slavery was, in the Bible. It was not exactly slavery but it at least segregation was a good way to divide people. Us versus them.
In 1967, Loving vs Virginia was the "landmark civil rights case in which the United States Supreme Court, by a 9-0 vote, declared Virginia's anti-miscegenation statute, the "Racial Integrity Act of 1924", unconstitutional, thereby overturning Pace v. Alabama (1883) and ending all race-based legal restrictions on marriage in the United States." -Wikipedia.
Hold it! Loving vs Virginia overturned what court ruling? Which court ruling did it overturn? Hello out there? Which one did it over turn?
Pace v. Alabama (1883).
Who has heard of Pace v. Alabama (1883)?
What was Pace v. Alabama (1883)?
In Pace vs. Alabama (1883) "The court argued that it was the duty of the state to protect marriage as a public institution. The state needed to protect married couples "against disturbances from without." By such "disturbances" the court meant interracial relationships. Intimate relationships between whites and blacks, "elements so heterogeneous that they must naturally cause discord, shame, disruption of family circles , and estrangement," were incompatible with the white family life that the state needed to protect, the court argued. Therefore such relationships had to be prohibited, and interracial couples had to be broken up." -Pace v. Alabama (1883), Wikipedia
Well, now I know. I know who has heard of Pace vs Alabama. The religious right homophobic intolerant, hateful bigots! That's who. The religious right nutcases of today use the very words from the Pace vs Alabama court ruling.
Back to Christians being impossible to deal with, this is why. If a god gave you a brain, he'd want you to use it. People of faith say you have to ignore reason to believe in their god. Why would any god want you to ignore reason and critical thinking skills when your "god" gave you a brain. However, this is exactly why it's next to impossible to deal with Christians, because they believe they don't have to use their brain and they are urged not to think for themselves and use their own judgment to make good decisions on an every day basis. They prefer being told what to do.
Also, it makes no sense to say you don't have to use your brain, when thinking about whether your religion is true or not. Would a god want people to blindly follow him? Would he want people that gullible to follow him?
This notion of following a god or worshiping a god is nuts. A perfect god needs nothing. A perfect god does not need to be believed in, or followed or worshiped. Think about it. If a perfect god would reveal itself to the masses, why would it do this? It's perfect, it needs nothing. If a perfect god felt he had to give a scripture for his people, it would be the most perfect timeless book of morals and ethics the world has ever seen and would apply to all cultures and time periods in human history. This would be child's play for a perfect all knowing god.
What's wrong with religion? All regions are man-made. Sin is a man-made concept. The Bible was written by ancient primitive men who were simply trying to explain the world around them in the culture and science of their day. And, they did not do a very good job of it.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Do You Believe the Bible is the Inspired Word of God?
Do You Believe the Bible is the Inspired Word of God? Yes? Great.
Do you believe society's morals come from the Bible? Yes? Great.
Do you believe homosexuality is wrong? Yes? Great.
Do you read the Bible? No? Then, why did you answer yes to all the previous questions?
If God wrote a book, don't you want see what He has to say?
For those who read the Bible, read on:
If God is all powerful, all perfect, all wise, omnipotent, and knows past, present and future, why did He not write a perfect, timeless book filled with high morals and wisdom that would apply to any culture in any time period of human history on earth?
If you read the Bible and claim it to still be perfect, why do you ignore the hundreds of nutzo verses? I know why. You are desperate to believe you have found the key to everlasting life and don't want to miss the chance of living forever in "heaven".
The fear of not knowing what happens to you when you die drives you to believe the absurd notion that somehow a God can extend your life beyond death. It's funny how the masses so easily accept the delusional thinking that if science doesn't know the answer then you simply say God did it.
Why are we here? Science does not know. God put us here!
What happens to us when we die? Science does not know. God determines where we go after we die!
In the 1400s, 1500s, etc., people would say, why did we have a drought? Science did not know. God must be mad at us! Wrong!
Now science does know. We have droughts because we are on a living planet and it's called Earth Science. Now the masses can't say that God causes natural disasters. The masses know better, there is Earth plate tectonics which cause earth quakes, storms which cause flooding, cold weather and hot weather due to the tilt and distance earth is from the sun.
Now, any question that you or science can't answer does not make it necessary to believe in any god to help you find an answer that leaves you satisfied. If you don't know the answer to a question about earth or life, we simply say, we don't know.
Maybe science will find the answer some day, maybe it won't. But it's okay, as we are simply human beings and we will probably never know all the answers. I don't have to believe in any form of mythology just because I don't an answer.
Do you believe society's morals come from the Bible? Yes? Great.
Do you believe homosexuality is wrong? Yes? Great.
Do you read the Bible? No? Then, why did you answer yes to all the previous questions?
If God wrote a book, don't you want see what He has to say?
For those who read the Bible, read on:
If God is all powerful, all perfect, all wise, omnipotent, and knows past, present and future, why did He not write a perfect, timeless book filled with high morals and wisdom that would apply to any culture in any time period of human history on earth?
If you read the Bible and claim it to still be perfect, why do you ignore the hundreds of nutzo verses? I know why. You are desperate to believe you have found the key to everlasting life and don't want to miss the chance of living forever in "heaven".
The fear of not knowing what happens to you when you die drives you to believe the absurd notion that somehow a God can extend your life beyond death. It's funny how the masses so easily accept the delusional thinking that if science doesn't know the answer then you simply say God did it.
Why are we here? Science does not know. God put us here!
What happens to us when we die? Science does not know. God determines where we go after we die!
In the 1400s, 1500s, etc., people would say, why did we have a drought? Science did not know. God must be mad at us! Wrong!
Now science does know. We have droughts because we are on a living planet and it's called Earth Science. Now the masses can't say that God causes natural disasters. The masses know better, there is Earth plate tectonics which cause earth quakes, storms which cause flooding, cold weather and hot weather due to the tilt and distance earth is from the sun.
Now, any question that you or science can't answer does not make it necessary to believe in any god to help you find an answer that leaves you satisfied. If you don't know the answer to a question about earth or life, we simply say, we don't know.
Maybe science will find the answer some day, maybe it won't. But it's okay, as we are simply human beings and we will probably never know all the answers. I don't have to believe in any form of mythology just because I don't an answer.
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