Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why is religious moderation dangerous?

Why is religious moderation dangerous? The categories generally accepted of those who are believers are religious moderates, religious fundamentalists and religious extremists.

Starting backwards, most would agree that religious extremists are dangerous for society. Religious moderates and religious fundamentalists always cry out and say, they are not part of *our* groups! False. Religious extremists are faith based groups.

Religious fundamentalists say, our religion is right and all the others are wrong. I'm sure we can agree that the religious right, by my definition, does not like any type of religious organization than their own.

What about religious moderates? Religious moderates spout quite contently that all faiths are okay with them. What the hell? Religious moderation by definition support religious extremists. How many times have you heard religious moderates spout, you can't criticize another person's faith? It's a bullshit statement.

People don't respect beliefs, we only respect reasons. For example, change the subject from God to the lottery. If I told you I believe I will win the lottery, do you respect my belief of winning the lottery?

If I change the subject from God to a diamond. If I said to you that I believe there is a diamond buried in my back yard the size of a refrigerator and this belief gives me meaning to my life. I have found peace in my life by having the belief there is a diamond buried in my backyard the size of a refrigerator. I know this is a truth because I believe and you can have this same belief also and have peace in your life.

If I said this in a job interview, I would not be taken seriously. If I made this statement at a political rally, I'd never be voted into office. Yet publicly claiming a belief in a god is respected, by many, in our society.

Times have changed. There are many secular countries, based on UN studies, who's quality of life indices are much higher those societies with a high population of religious believers.

It is time that religion is outed for what is really is. Religion is mythology. Religion is dangerous for society at large. All religions are man-made. And religion is an insult to our intelligence.

Most of what I have written is paraphrased from after watching a Sam Harris video.

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