Friday, February 12, 2010

It's Time to Pass U.S. Health Care Reform

The function of government is responsibility towards it's citizens. Yet, in the U.S. there is still an anti-state political culture.

We don’t like to call a government program using "central". We have a central bank but it’s called the Federal Reserve. We don’t call it the Central Revenue Service, we call it the Internal Revenue Service. Americans talk the anti-socialism talk but don’t walk the walk.

Americans say they don’t want a socialist government but some of the strongest support for socialist programs are Social Security and Medicare. What about the farm subsidies that the government provides? Socialism? No one balks at that?

We have government sponsored libraries, the postal service, public parks, public roads, police departments, fire departments, ambulance service, NASA, the Navy, the Army, the Marines, the Air Force, the Coast Guard and Homeland Security, to name a few. In fact, which politicians balked at Homeland Security? Practically no one. For that matter, who balks at all the above services that are in place to help U.S. Citizens?

Look at the government intervening recently with the many bank bailouts and the three top car manufacturers in the U.S. Yet, people yell and scream horror at the idea of government intervention for health care reform but did not balk at the banks and car companies being helped. If the U.S. government did not do so many good things for it’s citizens, western civilization would be completely different today.

The function of government is responsibility towards it's citizens. It is "We the People" not "We the Corporations". To help our citizens, we simply shift some funds from promoting war and death and spend the money on life. It is time we start walking the walk and pass health care reform.

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