Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some thoughts

“Everyone gives themselves permission to behave absurdly when religion is mentioned.” –Christopher Hitchens

Some examples of the bad behavior of the religious...

The scared, the intolerant, the deluded, the self-devaluing (You need religion because you are born bad.), the delusion of mind-reading (Your god can read your mind.), secret death wishes (Doesn't matter if you die since you'll go to heaven. If you see a city or cities blown to bits by a nuclear bomb, you secretly are happy since you think Christ is about to come back.), the grandiose delusion of thinking that you know a god, the bigoted and the erotomaniacs are all characteristics of the religious.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Iron Age thinking or Scientific Age thinking.

Iron Age thinking or Scientific Age thinking. Is it really that difficult of a choice?

The atrocities of the Catholic Church by Christopher Hitchens

If you like Christopher Hitchens and are not fond of the Catholic Church (or if you really don't know much about the atrocities committed by the Catholic Church and would like to know more), you might like this video.

And if you feel that God-bashing is still taboo and disrespectful to believers, in our society today, I submit this is exactly the same attitude of the church leaders when they were burning heretics (those who reject the teachings of the church) in the 1500s.

The video is from the debate called Intelligent 2 Debate. See Christopher Hitchens video here.

Note: After you watch this video, if you are still Catholic, I submit, you are part of a cult.

In Defense of Witchcraft

I can hear Christians gasping with fear and horror at the thought of talking about witchcraft. Lightning and thunder, Fear Not.

Okay, I take it back. For those religious who dislike the words "In Defense of Witchcraft," you should be worried because Sam Harris shows that the way Christians treat atheists today are very similar to their Christians counterparts, who burned witches in the 1500s.

Except that Christians today don't burn heretics (people who reject the teachings of the church) or atheists as they call us, because they know they'd go to jail for murder.

Christians today want atheists to be quiet. Christians of the 1500s wanted the same thing. Christians today say they have very little in common with their Christian counterparts of the 1500s. It's funny how Christians today can easily fool themselves.

Christians today use slightly different tactics.
  • "Don't criticize my religious beliefs, I don't criticize yours." And under their breath, "If it was the 1500s, I'd burn you at the stake."
  • "You need to respect my beliefs." And under their breath, "If it was the 1500s, I'd burn you at the stake."
  • Atheists are immoral people." And under their breath, "If it was the 1500s, I'd burn you at the stake."
  • It's a taboo in our society for people to criticize my religious beliefs." And under their breath, "If it was the 1500s, I'd burn you at the stake."
  • Stop criticizing people's religious beliefs, let everyone believe whatever they want to believe in." And under their breath, "If it was the 1500s, I'd burn you at the stake."
Sam Harris' entire article is found here online: "In Defense of Witchcraft"

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Religion is not dangerous for society. Wrong! Of course it is dangerous.

When the religious masses are homophobic, this allows for the sick gay ministers to flourish, promoting homophobia at the pulpit and then in private doing what they will to unsuspecting youth. Just like priests of the Catholic Church.

So, I hope all you homophobic straight people are happy at the conditions you have helped create to allow these sick people to flourish. I know so well, the excuses that the straight people use. "Oh, that minister or priest isn't sexually molesting children, how could you say such a thing." Or after the abuse is reported, "Well, he asked for forgiveness, it was just a phase, he'll never do it again."

Sick, sick homophobic straight people. Will you ever get it in your head that you are born gay and that being gay is not a phase?

See entire article here on: "Bishop Eddie Long"

God's Bigmouths.

"God's Bigmouths. Men like Bishop Eddie Long are fouling the legacy of the civil rights movement." See article by Christopher Hitchens.

America was not founded by Christians.

"A few Christian fundamentalists attempt to convince us to return to the Christianity of early America, yet according to the historian, Robert T. Handy, "No more than 10 percent—probably less—of Americans in 1800 were members of congregations."

The Founding Fathers, also, rarely practiced Christian orthodoxy. Although they supported the free exercise of any religion, they understood the dangers of religion."

For entire article see:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

If you think Nationalized Health Care is a bad thing, think again.

If you don't think the function of government is responsibility towards it's citizens and for nationalized health care (medical, dental and vision), by the way, then don't use the (socialized) public library system and don't put your kids in (socialized) public schools.

My parents don't want socialized health care but, oops... they put me through the socialized K-12 public school system. How quickly do they forget?

Don't drive your car on the (socialized) public roads and please disobey the (socialized) traffic lights, our tax dollars paid for them, so just ignore them, they are anti-American, isn't that what you are saying?

Don't call the (socialized) police when you need them, don't call the (socialized) fire department when your house is on fire and don't call a (socialized) ambulance when you need one.

Don't accept social security (social, socialized, get it?) when you qualify, don't accept (socialized) medical and medicare when you qualify, don't accept (socialized) welfare if you need it, don't accept (socialized) unemployment checks when you need it and don't accept (socialized) first start for your kids.

Don't accept any government (socialized) grants or loans for college or business, don't accept any form of (socialized) food assistance from the government. If you need a (socialized) court appointed lawyer—don't accept it, just figure it out for yourself.

If you have disabilities, don't ask the government for socialized help for medical equipment and by god, don't use government required handicapped parking spaces. The government went too far by demanding we have handicapped parking spaces, too much government control in our personal lives, right? Some people say the government should have less control in our lives and in business? Really?

Don't visit any (socialized) city parks or (socialized) national parks—yep, yep, government workers maintain these parks. Our tax dollars keep these parks going—wow, socialized park and recreation areas are so anti-American, is that what you are saying?

Don't fly in airplanes, we have socialized air traffic controllers. Yep, yep, government taxes pay the wages for air traffic controllers. Are you saying that flying in airplanes controlled by government paid air traffic controllers is anti-American?

Don't visit Washington DC and see the many (socialized) attractions there for free (or at a low cost), god forbid, please don't see socialized Washington DC.

If you are in a lake or in the ocean and are in trouble, don't call the Coast Guard or life guards, paid for by our taxes, our socialized rescue teams.

And please don't support the US Military—who needs this form of socialized military? Our taxes pay for the military, if you don't want socialized military forces, then pay for the military out of your own pocket. Which jet did you want to purchase today?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why does religion pride itself in devaluing humanity?

How can anyone be serious about a "divine" being who created an institution which devalues our humanity by it's basic teaching that we are born sinful? Why would a deity take pleasure in devaluing our own humanity?

Why would anyone promote an idea of a better life after death when it's impossible to prove this proposition. Anyone can make any claim about life after death because no one can prove them wrong, since people don't come back from death. And again, saying that life after death is something to look forward to, devalues our humanity.

If I tell you there are multiple heavens, who are you to tell me I'm wrong?

Who wants to be part of an organization where in many of it's teachings devalues our humanity? Why would anyone care to believe in an organization which devalues our humanity?

What is a better moral? A) Enjoy each day to it's fullest and do your best to never harm another person. Or... B) To think this life is basically okay (but could be better because of your belief in evil and sin in the world) and you secretly look forward to dying because you believe there will be a better life for you. Which is a better teaching to live by, A or B?

How moral is the teaching of an afterlife? Is the secret death wish that all followers believe in and tell others about, (do you really believe that this) is the height of wisdom of your religion or deity?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Paying ATT phone bill using the automated prompt menu by phone.

This section is to help you pay your ATT phone bill over the phone using their automated voice prompt system using your phone key pad without having to speak to their computer.

1 (877) 377-2790 (Phone number to pay ATT bill using their automated phone system.)

Note: When their system makes a mistake (or if you make a mistake) and they try to transfer you to an operator, I just hang up and start over.
  • As soon as you hear the recording you can start by using your key pad to enter your area code and followed by the rest of your phone number. (Wait for prompt.) (Note: It won't allow you to add your phone number and the 3 digit security at the same time.)
  • Enter your 3 digit customer code. (Wait for prompt.)
  • You can press 1 which indicates you’ll pay the entire amount. (Wait for prompt.)
  • OR... if you are going to make a partial payment, you can enter the amount you are going to pay on your telephone key pad and use the * (the star symbol) for the decimal point. (Wait for prompt.)
  • They will repeat total of amount you want to pay. Press 1 for yes, or 2 for no. (Wait for prompt.)
  • For check: press 1, for credit card: press 2. (Wait for prompt.)
  • Enter routing number. (Wait for prompt.) Press 1 for correct. (Wait for prompt.)
  • Enter the account number. (Wait for prompt.) Press 1 for correct. (Wait for prompt.)
  • Then confirm which account you are using: Press 1 for checking. Press 2 for savings. Or press 3 if you are using another type of account. (Wait for prompt.)
  • ATT will repeating order, to say yes, accept press 1. (Wait for prompt.)
  • ATT will give you your confirmation number and then you can slam the phone down on the receiver or hit end on your cell.