Wednesday, September 22, 2010

If you think Nationalized Health Care is a bad thing, think again.

If you don't think the function of government is responsibility towards it's citizens and for nationalized health care (medical, dental and vision), by the way, then don't use the (socialized) public library system and don't put your kids in (socialized) public schools.

My parents don't want socialized health care but, oops... they put me through the socialized K-12 public school system. How quickly do they forget?

Don't drive your car on the (socialized) public roads and please disobey the (socialized) traffic lights, our tax dollars paid for them, so just ignore them, they are anti-American, isn't that what you are saying?

Don't call the (socialized) police when you need them, don't call the (socialized) fire department when your house is on fire and don't call a (socialized) ambulance when you need one.

Don't accept social security (social, socialized, get it?) when you qualify, don't accept (socialized) medical and medicare when you qualify, don't accept (socialized) welfare if you need it, don't accept (socialized) unemployment checks when you need it and don't accept (socialized) first start for your kids.

Don't accept any government (socialized) grants or loans for college or business, don't accept any form of (socialized) food assistance from the government. If you need a (socialized) court appointed lawyer—don't accept it, just figure it out for yourself.

If you have disabilities, don't ask the government for socialized help for medical equipment and by god, don't use government required handicapped parking spaces. The government went too far by demanding we have handicapped parking spaces, too much government control in our personal lives, right? Some people say the government should have less control in our lives and in business? Really?

Don't visit any (socialized) city parks or (socialized) national parks—yep, yep, government workers maintain these parks. Our tax dollars keep these parks going—wow, socialized park and recreation areas are so anti-American, is that what you are saying?

Don't fly in airplanes, we have socialized air traffic controllers. Yep, yep, government taxes pay the wages for air traffic controllers. Are you saying that flying in airplanes controlled by government paid air traffic controllers is anti-American?

Don't visit Washington DC and see the many (socialized) attractions there for free (or at a low cost), god forbid, please don't see socialized Washington DC.

If you are in a lake or in the ocean and are in trouble, don't call the Coast Guard or life guards, paid for by our taxes, our socialized rescue teams.

And please don't support the US Military—who needs this form of socialized military? Our taxes pay for the military, if you don't want socialized military forces, then pay for the military out of your own pocket. Which jet did you want to purchase today?

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