Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Religion is not dangerous for society. Wrong! Of course it is dangerous.

When the religious masses are homophobic, this allows for the sick gay ministers to flourish, promoting homophobia at the pulpit and then in private doing what they will to unsuspecting youth. Just like priests of the Catholic Church.

So, I hope all you homophobic straight people are happy at the conditions you have helped create to allow these sick people to flourish. I know so well, the excuses that the straight people use. "Oh, that minister or priest isn't sexually molesting children, how could you say such a thing." Or after the abuse is reported, "Well, he asked for forgiveness, it was just a phase, he'll never do it again."

Sick, sick homophobic straight people. Will you ever get it in your head that you are born gay and that being gay is not a phase?

See entire article here on: "Bishop Eddie Long"

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