Tuesday, December 28, 2010

On Evolution

In 1958, Stanley Miller reproduces the early atmosphere of Earth by creating a chamber containing only hydrogen, water, methane & ammonia. He boils the water & exposes the elements to an electric discharge like lightning, simulating Earth's early processes. After a week, he finds organic compounds have formed, including some amino acids, the "building blocks of life."

If Christians actually looked at scientific discoveries, they'd discard the tribal beliefs of Bronze Age and Iron Age mythology.

For more discoveries about evolution see The Science Channel.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christians stole Christmas from other mythologies. To Christianity: Shame on you!

Atheism is the the absence of a belief in a deity. "You KNOW it's a Myth!" If you don't have an active belief in a god, you're an atheist. It's a very good thing! Millions of atheists are closeted, to find out more about freethinkers and how Christians stole Christmas, read on.

Jesus, if you believe the Bible, was actually born in the Spring, but early Christians changed it to mesh with other mythos.

Christians don't own this holiday, and never did. Christianity is neither the first, nor the 5th, nor the 10th mythology to adopt the Winter Solstice as their major day. Mythra, Bel, Krishna, Horus, and even the Mayan Qetzalcoatl were all born on the Winter Solstice.

Want more fun facts?

In 1999, a poll by Barna found that divorce rates among conservative Christians were significantly higher than for other faith groups, and much higher than Atheists and Agnostics experience.

Associated Press' confirmation of Barna's results. The Associated Press analyzed divorce statistics from the US Census Bureau. They found that Massachusetts had the lowest divorce rate in the U.S. at 2.4 per 1,000 population. Texas had the highest rate at 4.1 per 1,000. They found that the highest divorce rates are found in the "Bible Belt."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why isn't the death of babies depicted at nativity scenes?

Matthew 13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”
 14 So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt, 15 where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”[c]
 16 When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.

What a disgusting story. The all powerful almighty Abrahamic God just sat by and allowed this to happen? My son is being born and I'll just sit around and do nothing. Why doesn't God care? Why is God powerless in this instance? Where is the uplifting moral in this story?

It's easy as  to why the Abrahamic God did not intervene. Invisible imaginary friends who reside in space never do anything for us. They are simply invisible imaginary friends who people claim lives somewhere, out there.

I'm convinced, are you?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"The overturning of "don't ask, don't tell" is likely to create a ripple effect in addressing other gay-rights issues."

The headline above is a quote from a Yahoo news article from today. A ripple affect? Yep. Are Christians outraged? Yep. Why? Because secular law is once again surpassing the repulsive "moral" codes of the Bible.

Anyone in western society agrees that slavery, genocide, the repression of women's rights, child abuse/child labor and the genital mutilation of children is immoral. Yet the Bible, in the Old Testament and New Testament does not denounce slavery, genocide, the repression of women's rights, child abuse/child labor and the genital mutilation of children as immoral.

Why isn't slavery, genocide, the repression of women's rights, child abuse/child labor and the genital mutilation of children denounced as immoral in the Ten Commandments? Because the Ten Commandments are not worth the paper they are printed on.

This brings up a good point. Why isn't equal rights and human rights found in the Ten Commandments? Why doesn't the Ten Commandments insist that injuring, abusing, oppressing, torturing or killing any person is completely immoral? Why are women treated the same as farm animals in the tenth commandment? Why would any woman be part of an organization which states that a woman is simply a man's property. Why aren't women running as fast as they can away from the church and the Bible?

Why aren't there timeless morals and ethics found in the Ten Commandments? They aren't there. The first two commandments of the Bible have nothing to do with ethics, they are simply injunctions. What society says that murder and stealing is allowed? None that I know of.

The Ten Commandments is the best an omnipotent god can do? I'm certainly not impressed. How is it that I've come up with better and timeless morals and ethics than the first few paragraphs of my blog and your omnipotent god failed to do this several thousand years ago? Am I a god? Maybe you think I am. How could I write better morals than those found in the Ten Commandments? It's easy. There is no god. No god inspired the Bible. Ancient primitive men wrote the Bible in the culture and science of their day trying to explain the world around them and they failed miserably.

Don't covet your neighbors property? A thought crime? Gross. To suppress your desire to better yourself, is a bad thing? Christians subscribe to the "Keep up with the Joneses" decree on a daily basis. We've hear the words thousands of times, "God blessed me with material things." How many Christians sell all of their property as Jesus recommends in the New Testament? Christians scoff at this direction by their almighty savior. Christians: It's called cherry picking the Bible. Christians use the Bible for whatever purpose they so desire. It's disgusting.

How many Christians buy that new car, get that kitchen remodel, purchase a new home, move to a better neighborhood, buy that new dress, go to the better restaurant or improve themselves with material things? The list is endless on how Christians disobey the tenth commandment, every single day of the year.

Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments. See YouTube video.

Here's another immoral proposition of the Bible: Circumcision. In case you live in a cave, the medical world (science) has declared that circumcision is an unnecessary medical procedure. Uh?, asks the US cave dwellers. How many female children have you Christians circumcised? Zero? Really? If you think it's necessary for a guy, why not for girls? Get it? If you don't circumcise girls, why do circumcise guys? If you are still shaking your head then you need to read on.

If girls know how to clean themselves, guys certainly can figure this out. The female area is larger and more complicated than the male's. Oh, you don't think it's proper for a female to be circumcised? Really? Get out of that cave! Devout Islams circumcise females and don't think twice about it. Because they get this unnecessary medical procedure from their obsolete religious texts.

The pious Christians think they have the corner on morality. What a joke. You talk to a Christian about abortion, they go crazy. Abortion is wrong, it's morally wrong, wrong, wrong! Really? Have Christians ever heard the terms of human well-being and human suffering? According to estimates, about 1.7 billion people now live in absolute poverty. The number is an estimate. However, it's a huge number. I think it's obvious that Christians really don't have any concern when it comes to real morals—human suffering.

What is more important? Billions of alive children and adults who are suffering on a day to day basis or the issue of abortion? What is the bigger problem? Who is suffering more? Is it better ethics to focus on abortion or to ignore the billions and billions of living adults and children who are suffering everyday in absolute poverty?

What is the more moral issue. The five million children who starve to death each year or gay marriage? The religious spent millions upon millions (at least 20 million dollars or more) in California to stop gay marriage. It's actually called Marriage Equality. I like to call it gay marriage just to make Christians squirm in their seats.

The more than 20 million dollars spent to stop gay marriage could have been used to get food to starving kids, teach people how to plant their own crops, or how about paying off the mortgages of people who were about to lose their homes due to the mortgage crisis. They could have used their money for something to help people but no, the pious Christians used their money to hurt people. Good job! I hope you are happy.

Hey homophobic straight people. Gay marriage is not for you. You ARE straight. We are not asking you to become gay. Gay marriage is for GAY people. Gay marriage can't harm your "straight" marriage, period. The only way gay marriage could harm your "straight" marriage is if one of the spouses in a "straight" marriage are in-the-closet and gay spouse is afraid to be true to themselves. If you are in the closet and married to the opposite sex, you are simply living a lie to you and your family.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." It is a fact that some people who shout the loudest against people who are gay, are in-the-closet gays themselves and can't come to terms with their own sexuality.

A fifth grader knows more about the world we live in than the adults of 30 A.D.

A fifth (5th) grader today knows more about the world we live than a mature adult in 30 A.D. and in fact, a fifth (5th) grader today knows more about mathematics, language, biology, science, space science, history and etcetera, than the primitive men who wrote the Old or New Testament.

Yet two thousand years later, there are millions upon millions of people in the Scientific Age who think these ancient primitive men of the Bronze and Iron Age, knew more how and why the world came into being, than scientists of today—2000 years later.

Science has given us jet airlines, luxury cruise liners, submarines, space ships, skyscrapers, modern homes, cars, trucks, modern medicine—the list seems endless.

What does science say? Science says, we don't know but let's find out. If science is criticized for being wrong, science says, let's make sure we got it right. Science likes criticism, and says if we find better information, then we'll be glad to review and up-date our knowledge base and go with the new information. Science says, if we don't know something, we are okay with that.

"There is a related claim that atheists and scientists generally are arrogant. This is rather ironic. The truth is, is that when scientists don't know something, like "Why did the universe come into being" or "How did the first self-replicating molecules first form on earth", they tend to admit it. Pretending to know things you do not know is a profound liability in science. You get punished for this rather quickly for this." —Sam Harris

What does religion say? We know the ultimate truth. We have the ultimate answer. We don't need scientific studies that other scientists can replicate. We have the answer to some of the biggest questions, "Who made the universe", and "Why are we here?". The religious claim to have the answer and abhor criticism. They don't want more information, they don't like questions and they don't like criticism.

 "Pretending to know things you do not know is the lifeblood of faith-based religion. This is really one of the profound ironies of religious discourse. And the frequency with which you can hear religious people praise themselves for their humility while tacitly claiming to know things about cosmology and physics and chemistry and paleontology, that no scientist knows." —Sam Harris

The people who wrote the Bible did not even know the earth was round or that it circled the earth. They had no idea that our solar system is about half way from the center of the Milky Way galaxy. They didn't k now our galaxy is 100,000 light years in diameter. They didn't even know what light speed means. Yet the religious of the past and of today claim they know the truth about the origin of our entire universe.

Can you see the problem with this line of thinking? The thinking that coming from a position of certainty (and certainty which is based on no evidence) is simply intellectual suicide.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Objections from creationists rebuffed

Article about people in Baton Rouge refusing to allow the mythology of creationism be taught in school.

And I quote:

"Every claim you hear today from the Louisiana Family Forum and its allies—without a single exception—has been refuted over and over again, in state after state, and in federal court, over almost 50 years," said Barbara Forrest, who serves on the board of the National Center for Science Education. "Not a single creationist claim has ever held up under either scientific scrutiny or legal analysis."

And I quote again:
"Baton Rouge high school student Zach Kopplin said up-to-date biology texts are critical to training Louisiana students to compete in a global economy. While there are plenty of jobs for biologists, "There are zero creationist jobs. Zero," Kopplin said."

Comment seen today on a Facebook page:
"What? Talking snakes and burning bushes have no place in high school education? What a shock!"

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Stem cell therapy cures HIV positive man in Europe.

Oh, how the religious right or any intolerant, bigoted religious person must hate this news. I am truly laughing my ass off at all the religious people who think that stem cell research is immoral as well as believing that being gay is immoral.

A double punch right in the gut of the pious religious is fantastic.

First Point:
Religious nutcases believe that stem cell research is an immoral proposition based on some interpretation of their religious texts. First punch: Stem cell research cures an HIV positive man. Notice first, that stem cell research worked. It cured a person not only of a disease but it cured HIV, one of the most dangerous and most difficult diseases that humankind has ever faced, that medical researchers have been struggling to find a cure for.

What's the obvious conclusion here? Those people who have tried to stop life saving stem cell research are completely immoral. I propose that the politicians who voted against spending money on stem cell research should face criminal charges.

Second Point:
Religious nutcases believe that gay sex (or gay people or whatever they say) is immoral per their religious texts. Second punch: Stem cell research cures a gay man. The immoral stem cell research not only cured a person, but it cured an immoral person! (An immoral person, according to religious right delusional nutcases.)

I love this double punch that has hit the religious right in their stomach. I know it hurts them and it makes me happier than a pig in mud.

I have one thing to say to all the people who believe that stem cell research is immoral and to all people who think being gay is immoral, per their religious code: "You're an idiot."

'Tis the season to celebrate reason.

Can I say this enough? 'Tis the season to celebrate reason. 'Tis the season to celebrate reason. 'Tis the season to celebrate reason. 'Tis the season to celebrate reason. 'Tis the season to celebrate reason. 'Tis the season to celebrate reason. Falalala lala la la.

Reason not superstition. Ethics not dogma. Respect not worship. Courage not fear. Fact not myth. Morality not religion. Clarity not delusion. Good not god. Skeptic not cynic. Rationality not ideology.

Human solidarity is the reason to be nice to each other. We are all members of the same species. In contrast, most major religions claim the only true solidarity between humans is that you must join their exclusive religious club and subscribe to their tenets, dogmas or teachings. You are in their club or out. Out! What a horrible and fool proof way to divide people.

What major religions, in their religious texts, make the claim that, "We are all in this together" or "We all share the same humanity" or "We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person" whether you are a believer or not? None that I know of. You have to join their club to be "Okay".

When you reject all religious dogmas (or teachings), what happens? To be human, you don't have to join any club. You ARE part of the club simply by being born.

When we reject the teachings of all religious teachings, we can easily say, "We are all in this together" and "We all share the same humanity" and "We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person".

It truly is the season to celebrate reason.

(Found "Reason, not superstition" paragraph from: http://www.atheistnexus.org/profile/SubrataBanik)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

On moral people.

A moral person needs religion as much as a blind person needs sunglasses.

Gay marriage will ruin the institution of marriage? Uh?

The divorce rate is still 50%, or is it higher? Some notable examples:

Larry King is getting his 8th divorce, Elizabeth Taylor is possibly getting married for a 9th time, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage. Jesse James and Tiger Woods are screwing EVERYTHING, yet the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage?

No other group of people can destroy marriage because straight people already destroyed it by legalizing divorce.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

People ask me if I'm an Atheist.

People ask me if I'm an Atheist. What? Am I an Atheist? Let me make sure I understand your question.

Are you asking me if I have dismissed—as you have dismissed—thousands of gods which used to be in good standing with our ancestors?

Is this what you are asking me?

Are you asking me if I've used my brain and thought about the mythology of all religions?

Are you asking me if I still cling to the Bronze Age and Iron Age mythologies which have the disgusting love-life with blood sacrifice?

Are you telling me that since you have dismissed all past religions and all current religions—except for your own—that this does not make you an atheist to all the religions you have rejected?

When will the religious understand that they are atheists to all other religions, current and past, (except for their own) with which they do not subscribe.

Are you asking me that for the same reasons you dismiss all other religions, is exactly why I dismiss yours?

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The Word of God? Really?

Why would God miraculously reveal "His Word" and not miraculously preserve "His Word"?

Monday, December 06, 2010

The Myth of Original Sin

When people read the Adam and Eve story and learn about the concept of original sin, this is the spot where everyone should close the Bible and say this makes no sense, this is obviously mythology. This is the point where people should run away from Christianity in disgust and horror.

What is our one greatest single asset? Our ability to think. Our search for knowledge, our curiosity and our desire to understand, this is what has allowed the human race to survive.

What does the Bible say? Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge and became sinful and now everyone born into the human race starts dirty. What? How horrible. Why would anyone want to embrace a religion (or any philosophy) where there is something inherently wrong with us from the start? Who in their right mind wants more criticism in their life, claim it's divine wisdom, call it a moral truth and accept it without question?

Everyone born into the human starts pure, fresh—a clean slate. We are good from the beginning. To think, to wonder, to question, to search, to understand, this is sinful? This is a bad thing?

Why do we have jet airliners, advanced medicine, space travel, cars, cell phones, submarines and etc.? The list of human achievements seems endless, all because someone was curious and wanted to make life better.

Our thirst to know is our most beautiful and greatest attribute. This is certainly not something which is sinful or shameful. The Bible got it horribly wrong and yet people drink the Biblical kool-aid myth of original sin with pleasure.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Are we obligated to repect someone's religious beliefs?

People always tell me, "Mike, you should respect people's religious beliefs." If I tell you that I believe that Tennessee is on the West Coast, you have no obligation to respect my belief. Which is why I don't respect anyone's belief in Bronze Age or Iron Age pseudoscience (astrology, psychics, ESP, reincarnation, ghosts, etc.) or mythology (religion).

For those who want to know. To answer the question, "Are we obligated to respect someone's religious beliefs? The answer is no.

This season, what do we celebrate?

This season, celebrate REASON.