Monday, December 06, 2010

The Myth of Original Sin

When people read the Adam and Eve story and learn about the concept of original sin, this is the spot where everyone should close the Bible and say this makes no sense, this is obviously mythology. This is the point where people should run away from Christianity in disgust and horror.

What is our one greatest single asset? Our ability to think. Our search for knowledge, our curiosity and our desire to understand, this is what has allowed the human race to survive.

What does the Bible say? Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge and became sinful and now everyone born into the human race starts dirty. What? How horrible. Why would anyone want to embrace a religion (or any philosophy) where there is something inherently wrong with us from the start? Who in their right mind wants more criticism in their life, claim it's divine wisdom, call it a moral truth and accept it without question?

Everyone born into the human starts pure, fresh—a clean slate. We are good from the beginning. To think, to wonder, to question, to search, to understand, this is sinful? This is a bad thing?

Why do we have jet airliners, advanced medicine, space travel, cars, cell phones, submarines and etc.? The list of human achievements seems endless, all because someone was curious and wanted to make life better.

Our thirst to know is our most beautiful and greatest attribute. This is certainly not something which is sinful or shameful. The Bible got it horribly wrong and yet people drink the Biblical kool-aid myth of original sin with pleasure.

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