Sunday, December 19, 2010

"The overturning of "don't ask, don't tell" is likely to create a ripple effect in addressing other gay-rights issues."

The headline above is a quote from a Yahoo news article from today. A ripple affect? Yep. Are Christians outraged? Yep. Why? Because secular law is once again surpassing the repulsive "moral" codes of the Bible.

Anyone in western society agrees that slavery, genocide, the repression of women's rights, child abuse/child labor and the genital mutilation of children is immoral. Yet the Bible, in the Old Testament and New Testament does not denounce slavery, genocide, the repression of women's rights, child abuse/child labor and the genital mutilation of children as immoral.

Why isn't slavery, genocide, the repression of women's rights, child abuse/child labor and the genital mutilation of children denounced as immoral in the Ten Commandments? Because the Ten Commandments are not worth the paper they are printed on.

This brings up a good point. Why isn't equal rights and human rights found in the Ten Commandments? Why doesn't the Ten Commandments insist that injuring, abusing, oppressing, torturing or killing any person is completely immoral? Why are women treated the same as farm animals in the tenth commandment? Why would any woman be part of an organization which states that a woman is simply a man's property. Why aren't women running as fast as they can away from the church and the Bible?

Why aren't there timeless morals and ethics found in the Ten Commandments? They aren't there. The first two commandments of the Bible have nothing to do with ethics, they are simply injunctions. What society says that murder and stealing is allowed? None that I know of.

The Ten Commandments is the best an omnipotent god can do? I'm certainly not impressed. How is it that I've come up with better and timeless morals and ethics than the first few paragraphs of my blog and your omnipotent god failed to do this several thousand years ago? Am I a god? Maybe you think I am. How could I write better morals than those found in the Ten Commandments? It's easy. There is no god. No god inspired the Bible. Ancient primitive men wrote the Bible in the culture and science of their day trying to explain the world around them and they failed miserably.

Don't covet your neighbors property? A thought crime? Gross. To suppress your desire to better yourself, is a bad thing? Christians subscribe to the "Keep up with the Joneses" decree on a daily basis. We've hear the words thousands of times, "God blessed me with material things." How many Christians sell all of their property as Jesus recommends in the New Testament? Christians scoff at this direction by their almighty savior. Christians: It's called cherry picking the Bible. Christians use the Bible for whatever purpose they so desire. It's disgusting.

How many Christians buy that new car, get that kitchen remodel, purchase a new home, move to a better neighborhood, buy that new dress, go to the better restaurant or improve themselves with material things? The list is endless on how Christians disobey the tenth commandment, every single day of the year.

Christopher Hitchens on the Ten Commandments. See YouTube video.

Here's another immoral proposition of the Bible: Circumcision. In case you live in a cave, the medical world (science) has declared that circumcision is an unnecessary medical procedure. Uh?, asks the US cave dwellers. How many female children have you Christians circumcised? Zero? Really? If you think it's necessary for a guy, why not for girls? Get it? If you don't circumcise girls, why do circumcise guys? If you are still shaking your head then you need to read on.

If girls know how to clean themselves, guys certainly can figure this out. The female area is larger and more complicated than the male's. Oh, you don't think it's proper for a female to be circumcised? Really? Get out of that cave! Devout Islams circumcise females and don't think twice about it. Because they get this unnecessary medical procedure from their obsolete religious texts.

The pious Christians think they have the corner on morality. What a joke. You talk to a Christian about abortion, they go crazy. Abortion is wrong, it's morally wrong, wrong, wrong! Really? Have Christians ever heard the terms of human well-being and human suffering? According to estimates, about 1.7 billion people now live in absolute poverty. The number is an estimate. However, it's a huge number. I think it's obvious that Christians really don't have any concern when it comes to real morals—human suffering.

What is more important? Billions of alive children and adults who are suffering on a day to day basis or the issue of abortion? What is the bigger problem? Who is suffering more? Is it better ethics to focus on abortion or to ignore the billions and billions of living adults and children who are suffering everyday in absolute poverty?

What is the more moral issue. The five million children who starve to death each year or gay marriage? The religious spent millions upon millions (at least 20 million dollars or more) in California to stop gay marriage. It's actually called Marriage Equality. I like to call it gay marriage just to make Christians squirm in their seats.

The more than 20 million dollars spent to stop gay marriage could have been used to get food to starving kids, teach people how to plant their own crops, or how about paying off the mortgages of people who were about to lose their homes due to the mortgage crisis. They could have used their money for something to help people but no, the pious Christians used their money to hurt people. Good job! I hope you are happy.

Hey homophobic straight people. Gay marriage is not for you. You ARE straight. We are not asking you to become gay. Gay marriage is for GAY people. Gay marriage can't harm your "straight" marriage, period. The only way gay marriage could harm your "straight" marriage is if one of the spouses in a "straight" marriage are in-the-closet and gay spouse is afraid to be true to themselves. If you are in the closet and married to the opposite sex, you are simply living a lie to you and your family.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." It is a fact that some people who shout the loudest against people who are gay, are in-the-closet gays themselves and can't come to terms with their own sexuality.

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