Thursday, December 16, 2010

Objections from creationists rebuffed

Article about people in Baton Rouge refusing to allow the mythology of creationism be taught in school.

And I quote:

"Every claim you hear today from the Louisiana Family Forum and its allies—without a single exception—has been refuted over and over again, in state after state, and in federal court, over almost 50 years," said Barbara Forrest, who serves on the board of the National Center for Science Education. "Not a single creationist claim has ever held up under either scientific scrutiny or legal analysis."

And I quote again:
"Baton Rouge high school student Zach Kopplin said up-to-date biology texts are critical to training Louisiana students to compete in a global economy. While there are plenty of jobs for biologists, "There are zero creationist jobs. Zero," Kopplin said."

Comment seen today on a Facebook page:
"What? Talking snakes and burning bushes have no place in high school education? What a shock!"

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