Saturday, October 02, 2010

Another Sam Harris quote

“Ever religious person feels the same criticism of other people's faith that we do as atheists. They reject the pseudo miracles and the pseudo claims to certainty of others.

And they see the confidence tricks in other people’s faith and they see it rather readily. Every Christian knows the Koran can’t the perfect word of the creator of the universe and anyone who thinks it is, hasn’t read it closely enough.

And it’s just in this hermetically sealed discourse that isn’t really being self-critical—we make a very strong case when we point that out.

And point out also, that whatever people are experiencing in church or in prayer—no matter how positive—the fact that Buddhists and Hindus and Muslims and Christians are all experiencing it, proves that it can’t be a matter of the divinity of Jesus or the unique sanctity of the Koran.”

–Sam Harris, 30th of September 2007

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