Thursday, October 07, 2010

I hope those religious who say being gay is morally wrong are happy.

“In a news release, the group noted that the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association dispute the efficacy of reparative therapies that attempt to alter a person's sexual orientation and said a 2009 study in the medical journal Pediatrics found that telling teens they can change their orientation often increases the likelihood of suicide.”

See entire article “Utah gay activists protest Mormon church remarks” which I just took this above quote from.

Christians and believers of all faiths who believe they know the mind of their god (Damn, I'm impressed, you know what a god thinks! Wow.) and claim it's their duty to belittle and demoralize gays—I hope you are happy at all the people you have helped commit suicide.

This is morality of Christianity and Islam, help young people commit suicide. Yeah, Christians, Muslims and people of other faiths love to believe—without thinking—that hatred towards others is perfectly moral. Hey, I'm offended when you tell me that my religion is immoral. I can be as immoral, errr... “moral” as my god tells me to be.

Damn, Iron Age thinking is the best! Never use your brain, just believe that hurting other members of the human race is as moral as it gets. Hey, love the sinner but not the sin is their code for, “love to influence people that you hate to commit suicide.”

The moral blindness of Christianity, Islam and other religions is transparent to everyone except the believers. I hope all of you who are Christians, Muslims and the like are happy with your “moral” teachings and dogmas. How do you sleep at night?

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