Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Sam Harris on Morality.

Religion has the worst morals and ethics. We all agree that slavery, owning people like farm equipment, is morally wrong. However, the God of Abraham did get this wrong, in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Yet people claim that Christianity is of divine origin.

Why would anyone want to cling to the teachings of the Bible when these teachings are immoral? To do good things for bad reasons. You better be good or you'll go to hell. There are many good reasons to do good things. To love and fear your God. That's the very definition of sadomasochism. How revolting.

To love your neighbor. Compulsory love. Disgusting. And furthermore, most people can barely love themselves and/or their partners and/or their families. Show me a family where everyone gets along and I'll show you my unicorn. The commandment of loving your neighbor is not only an impossible commandment to follow but impractical.

How many feet or miles away, do you love your neighbors? The ones on your block, those in a two block radius, a 1 mile radius or more? How many Christians invite all their neighbors to their house every weekend to show their love to their neighbors?

To love your enemy. What? Sorry, Christ got it wrong. This is an absolutely bad moral. You defend yourself against your enemy. How many Christians want to dismantle the US Military?

I can reassure you that my Christian relatives love the military. They certainly liked Bush and the way he waged war. Where is the love there? Christians say their Bible is divine yet completely ignore the teaching of loving their enemy. Christians ignore any verse of the Bible when it's convenient for them to do so.

Sam Harris wants to begin talking about morality and human values in the context of our growing scientific understanding of the world.

Sam Harris is interviewed by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. See the interview here online.

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