Saturday, December 27, 2008

The advantages/disadvantages of cars versus bicycles.

The advantages of a car.
It's easy travel short, medium or long distances, fast. It's possible to haul lots of things in a car. Several people can ride in a car. Driving a car is fun. One can listen to the radio or music in the car. For those with air conditioning and heating, there is a big advantage of being comfortable inside a car.

The disadvantages of a car.

It cost a lot of money to maintain. It means buying gas. It means polluting our world. A car's exhaust damages our planet as well as our lungs. If you are involved in an accident it can result in either a minor injury, permanent disability or death. It's easy to pull into drive-thrus and purchase fast food—food that has little to no nutritional value.

The advantages of riding a bicycle.
It is usually more of an adventure when riding a bike. It's easier to meet people when on a bike—if you meet someone riding a bike, you instantly have something in common to talk about. It's easy to remember to make healthy food in advance for the trip. Cardiologists and other doctors are happy that you are exercising. It cost much less to purchase and maintain a bicycle. You don't have to purchase gasoline for your bicycle. You see more when you are on a bike. Your eye-hand-brain coordination is improved by being on a bike. You health improves every time you ride your bike. You are doing your lungs and the earth a favor when riding a bike. Riding a bike is fun, fun, fun. It's easy to stop, take a break or rest at a moments notice. You don't have to look for parking spaces, you can find places to lock your bike almost anywhere. You typically don't get traffic tickets on a bicycle. You don't pay for parking meters—in fact, you use a parking meter to lock your bike. You receive sunlight on your skin which is healthy as long as you don't get burned. You feel alive when you ride a bicycle. You feel free on a bicycle. When you ride a bicycle on a regular basis, you have more energy. In city areas, you can go faster on a bicycle than in a car. It's easier to loose weight and stay toned when you ride consistently. You can ride the opposite way on one-way streets. You can ride your bike where cars can't drive. You can find short cuts when riding a bike that can't be used by cars. You can take your bicycle into the entrance of a building—you can't drive your car into the entrance of a building or you'll get arrested. It's safer to ride a bike down a city street than walk. You can travel much faster on a bicycle than walking. Riding a bike is safer on your joints than running. You can ride faster on a bike than running. You can ride on the street, a sidewalk, a paved path, a dirt path and grass on a bicycle.

The disadvantages of a bicycle.
You can't go medium or long distances, fast. You typically cannot have others ride with you. You get wet in the rain. You can get hit and killed by a car.

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