Saturday, December 27, 2008

Mythology and the Bible.

As a teenager, I was a died-in-the-wool born again Christian. I believed I had found the key to eternal life. I thought to myself, what an incredible thing I found.

As a young Christian reading the Bible, it was very easy for me to overlook all the inconsistencies, contractions and the Bible verses that made no sense, in today's contemporary society. For the simple reason that I thought I found the key to eternal life—I overlooked these things—because I did not want to loose the chance to live forever.

Intellectual honesty dictates there is are only two options with the Bible. Either the Bible is the word of God or it is not the word of God.

Let's take the premise the Bible is the word of God.
Everyone who believes the Bible to be the word of God has to rationalize the thousands of Bible verses which contradict each other and must ignore the sexism, racism, hatred and intolerance of others in the Bible. All would need to ignore the verses of strange rituals of the ancient past which would never fly in today's society. To point out two specific points the Bible condones slavery as well as making women second class citizens as told in both testaments.

Condone: : to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless (a government accused of condoning racism) (condone corruption in politics). From, December, 27, 2008, copyright 2008.

Let's take the premise the Bible is not the word of any god.
Without blinders on, it's easy to find ancient mythology, astrology, many contradictions and inconsistencies in Bible verses. There is Egyptian mythology, Greek mythology and Astrology all throughout the Bible—the Old and the New Testament.

Taking the premise the Bible is not the word of any god, allows anyone to clearly see the Bible was written by ancient primitive sexist and racist men. With that said, it now it makes sense as to why the Bible is has many ideological problems, inconsistencies, contractions, mythology and astrology throughout it's entirety.

To be specific, the Ten Commandments are taken directly from the Egyptian book of the dead, the twelve disciples are from the twelve signs of the zodiac, and the New Testament writers gave Christ the same characteristics of Greek Gods and Greek Heroes to prove that Christ is a god. The masses don't believe in Zeus, Apollo or Poseidon any more, so why should the masses believe in the god, Christ?

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