Saturday, December 27, 2008

The winter holiday season seems to come so fast and there never seems to be enough time.

The winter holiday season seems to come so fast and there never seems to be enough time. With that said twice, I propose some new changes for the U.S. Federal Government. The Federal Government will pay all it's citizens for three, oh, let's make it four weeks of vacation during December. We need some charity here.

Remember, if the U.S. Government paid it's citizens vacation time, businesses would not bear the burden of vacation time. Of course, some people might need a reality check as to where we would get the money from. And we won't need to raise taxes for the average citizen. We simply transfer money that would have been spent from the huge f'ing military budget to it's citizens. Period. (Stop using my tax dollars to kill people, it makes me sick.)

When the U.S. Government starts paying it's citizens for an extended vacation during December, it will allow people to shop, to make holiday food, take care of themselves, visit with friends and family, and of course, to celebrate one or more of 65 winter festivals such as: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, HumanLight (Humanist Holiday), Dong zhi (Chinese Winter Solstice), or Diwali (Hindu Festival of Lights). See my recent blog (below) highlighting 65 winter celebrations.

There might be more than 65 winter celebrations around the world, who knows? Of course, anyone can make up their own winter celebration, why not? If you think of a great winter celebration, get it online and get it out there. Other people might like it.

People give lots of lip service to family values. How can anyone take the phrase "family values" seriously when one or more parents are working all the time. Parents who work over 40 hours a week are not being responsible to their "family." Parents who work 40 hours a week still don't have enough time to spend with their family.

Also, don't you think family values is a misnomer? How can anyone serious say the phrase "family values?" What is really important here? Our personal lives. It's family and friends who are important. Some people might not have a family. With that said, isn't it obvious, that for many of us, our family is a close network of friends. Talking about "family values" excludes friends. It's not a family value to exclude friends.

The point is this. If we are such a great country, then let's lead the world by making a bold statement, "The most important part of living is our personal lives." The celebration of being with friends and/or families is our top priority.

Once again I'll say it, "If we can find the money to kill people, we surely can find the money to help people." Let's put our money where our mouth is, on helping the living, live. It is time for the U.S. Government to pay all it's citizens an extended vacation in December.

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