Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Truth About Prayer.

Prayer is a superstition. The best way to see if prayer works is to try it, prayer will never work for you. There are only three answers to prayer. Yes, no or wait. Every answered prayer is only a coincidence. You can pray to a bottle of milk and you will get the same answer, yes, no or wait.

It's impossible for any God to loose when the only answers to prayer are yes, no or wait because yes, no or wait is always true, no matter who or what you pray to.

When you pray, you want to move the ambiguity from prayer so your prayer won't be answered by coincidence. For example, instead of praying for one person to be cured of cancer, pray that all people are cured of cancer.

So, how do you prove prayer is a superstition? Someone has already made some youtube videos for us.

YouTube Video 1:
Proving that prayer is superstition. See video:
Proving that prayer is a superstition.

Actual URL address of video:

Youtube Video 2:
Prayer - The best optical illusion in the world. See video:
The best optical illusion in the world. (On prayer.)

Actual URL address of video:

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