Wednesday, December 03, 2008

I Know God is Real Because I Feel it. Oh, Really?

I have had many people say to me, "I know God is real, I know it and I feel it. Once you know it and feel it, you'll have this unimaginable joy." I think, "Oh, really?!"

If I say I feel I'm at the beach and I know it and I feel it. You might not say I'm crazy but you might think I'm meditating with positive thoughts.

If I say I know Elvis personally, he is real and I know it and I feel it. You'd say I was crazy.

Can you guess what I think of people who say they personally know the all powerful and all knowing creator of the universe?

1 comment:

David Jones said...

Personally, I think the belief in no creator is just as stupid and insane as the belief that there is one. The existence of nothing for an eternity makes more sense to me than the existence of matter, whether through the action of a creator or because somehow, somewhere, matter has always pre-existed in some form in some dimension. It is, therefore, as much of a stretch to not believe in God as it is to believe in God. I don't find either scientifically or philosophically easy to accept.