Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Headline on Jan 5, 2009 States the White House Mourns the Death of Their Cat.

Who cares about their cat? I mourn, every day, the death of Americans killed and the illegal murder of hundreds of thousands (or is it a million?) Iraqis. Why doesn't the media mourn the gigantic loss of human life that the treasonous and criminal Cheney and Bush have perpetrated?

I can't wait for these sick, sick people to leave the White House. Good riddance, don't let the door hit you on the way out and please go directly to jail. Those two horrible people are a disgrace to America. The entire world can't wait for Cheney and Bush to leave office.

It is a public disgrace that Cheney and Bush were not impeached for crimes against humanity. Future generations will not understand how the people of the United States of America allowed eight years of criminal activities from these two disgusting men.

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