Friday, January 16, 2009

Top Ten Reasons To Buy Organic

This "Top Ten Reasons To Buy Organic" found below is from the paper grocery bag at the organic food store where I shop.

1) Protect Future Generations: Because of their smaller size, children receive four to five time more exposure than adults to cancer causing pesticides in foods.

2) Prevent Soil Erosion: Soil is the foundation of the food chain; conventional farming is responsible for unsustainable soil loss but organic farming helps build soil.

3) Protect Water Quality: The EPA estimates that pesticides pollute the primary source of drinking water for more than half the country's population.

4) Save Energy: Conventional farming uses more petroleum than any other single industry and more energy is used to produce synthetic fertilizers than to cultivate harvest crops.

5) Keep Chemicals Off Your Plate: Synthetic pesticides and herbicides are poisons designed to kill living organisms and can also be harmful to human beings.

6) Protect Farm Workers: Farm workers have higher exposures to harmful pesticides.

7) Help Small Farmers: Most organic farms are small, independently owned family farms.

8) Support a True Economy: Conventional food prices don't reflect hidden costs borne by taxpayers, including nearly $75 billion annually in federal subsidies.

9) Promote Biodiversity: Conventional mono-cropping, the practice of planting large plots of land with the same crop year after year, leads to a lack of natural diversity of plants and leaves the soil lacking in natural minerals and nutrients.

10) Taste Better Flavor: Organic farming start with the nourishment of the soil which eventually leads to the nourishment of the plant and ultimately our palates. Conduct your own taste test!

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