Thursday, January 01, 2009

Religion and Our Shared Humanity

If your religion allows you to believe that other humans based on sexuality, race or sexual orientation don't have the same human rights as you, I want no part of it. We all bleed the same color and we typically all have the same organs and a complete human body. We all share this.

If you claim to be a born-again Christian or other type of religious follower, and if you are wondering why your non-religious family members don't want to talk with you, it's not because Satan has a hold of them.

It's because your rational family members don't want to associate themselves with people who don't understand the basic concept that we all share the same humanity. We all deserve to be treated equally and with respect.

When a break down in family communication occurs, there is no evil one who is causing this trouble. The breakdown is due to your own belief in an ancient religion which allows you to promote your own personal prejudice, bigotry and intolerance towards others as you claim your all loving god approves of your behavior.

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