Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Horus, an Egyptian sun god who lived around 3,000 B.C.

Hmmm... it looks like the writers (Or shall I say God? Meaning, the so-called "inspired by God" writers of the New Testament.) couldn't come up with an original never-seen-before list of god-like qualities for Jesus Christ.

Here is a web site which shows the parallels between Horus, the Egyptian sun god (3,000 B.C.) and Jesus Christ (1-30 A.D.?) I'm not sure if these birth and death dates of Christ are correct. It's no matter, the point is made.

Christ is simply another mythological sun god, not the son of a god.

There are approximately thirty (30) exact or very close characteristics of the Egyptian Sun God Horus the writers of the New Testament copied from to describe their "new" Sun God Jesus Christ. From the virgin birth, to the names of his parents, to angels announcing his birth, to being a boy teacher at 12, to starting his ministry at age 30, to performing the same miracles, to dying and rising on the third day, to reigning for 1,000 years in the millennium and more.

(Reminder, when you arrive at this web page listed above, be sure to scroll down to see the comparison table of god-characteristics between Horus and Christ.)

Are the masses realizing that it's 2009 and not 1,409?

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