Friday, October 02, 2009

Why do nontheists distrust people of faith?

Why do nontheists have a difficult time trusting Christians and other people of faith? Simply because if a person is willing to compromise their logic and believe in ancient or newer mythology then what else will this person be willing to compromise?

Christian lackeys are quick to approve of institutionalized homophobia, bigotry, sexism and intolerance. Or as Anne Lammott put it, "You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do."

Friday, August 14, 2009

How to make the world a better place.

If all religions ceased to exist, the world would instantly become a better place.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Death alone reveals there is no God.

Death alone reveals there is no God. What God would create something so beautiful and allow it to die? It would be child's play for a God to create an immortal being. What God would allow hardships to constantly face his creatures?

If you were a God, would you have done it this way? Probably not. Wouldn't you make humans beautiful people with body's that would remain as the age of a twenty something year old?

Sin created death? Blah. Gross. What God would create such a nasty thing as sin? Sin is man-made. Sin makes no sense. There will always be good and bad people, whether you believe in sin or not. If you were a God and you had to create sin, they why not just forgive everyone? You are either a loving God or you are not.

If you were a God, why create sin? It makes no sense. Finite sin requires infinite punishment. In our modern society, we know this truth, that the punishment has to fit the crime for justice to exist.

Finite sin requires infinite punishment per God. Where is the justice?

There are only two options. God is real. Which means lots of head tilting and excuses why there is no justice for finite sin requiring infinite punishment. Or God is not real. When we say God is not real, everything makes sense.

Sin, religion, God, heaven, hell, angels, Satan where all man-made by ancient primitive mean who created religions to explain the world around them based on the culture and science of their day.

God of the gaps. If I can't explain it, then God did it. Where did I come from? I can't explain it, God did it. Why are we here? I can't explain it, God did it. What happens when we die? I can't explain it, God did it.

Why was my surgery a success? A trained surgeon worked on me. Why was there an earthquake? (Am I so egotistical that I think something that I personally do or not do in bed causes the earth to shake?) No, we live on a living planet, with a molten core and there is plate tectonics which is constantly shifting all the continents of the earth.

God did not create an earthquake, hurricane, tsunami or flood based on what people on earth are or are not doing? My walking down a road does not affect if it will rain or not.

When we can explain things around us, we don't say God did it. When we can't explain things, why do people cop out and say that God did it? Why can't you admit to not knowing something?

If I can't explain things, I simply say I can't explain it. Science can't explain it. I don't create a religion simply because I don't understand the world around me. Also, I don't simply turn to mythology to explain things in the world that I don't understand.

On prayer.

Christians will claim God heals self-limiting illnesses. If a Christian needs surgery, the Christian knows that God will not heal what only surgery can fix. The Bible clearly states in many places that if you pray in Christ's name, he will answer your prayers. God certainly has never healed an amputee. Why can't God find some charity and heal an amputee once in a while?

There are only three answers to prayer: Yes, no and later. These answers are certainly not supernatural. You can pray to a tree and you will get the same answers.

Christ says if two or more people pray in my name, I'll answer their prayer. Why not pray for cancer to be healed worldwide, overnight? Why not pray to end hunger worldwide, overnight? Why not pray that all amputees in the world be healed overnight? Why not pray that all blind people be healed, worldwide, overnight? Why not pray that all deaf people, be healed, worldwide, overnight?

Let's be honest here: Christ supposedly healed the blind and deaf, why won't he do it now? Is He out of touch with reality? Did he lose some of His powers? Did Christ lose compassion? Why can't He now find any mercy, love and caring for His creatures today, right now?

Since no Christian knows the answer to his, the fake excuse always touted as God's highest wisdom is, "That's the mystery of God." If God's highest wisdom is to do nothing, then why would anyone want to be part of this scam?

Remember, Christians will claim that prayers work. But when you call them on the carpet on specific compassionate prayer requests which never work, they quickly back peddle and use any excuse to explain why their ALL POWERFUL GOD (make thunder and lighting noises here) can't do something as simple as heal all amputees, heal all blind people overnight, or heal all deaf people, overnight.

When you take the premise that Christianity is mythology, then it's easy to see why that amputees, blindness, deafness, world hungry is never supernaturally addressed, overnight, worldwide, by a god.

I know what Christians are saying, prayer does not work like this. Yet another excuse for your ALL POWERFUL GOD! Don't you read your own scriptures? Why do I have to repeat YOUR SCRIPTURE, Christ said that if two or more people pray in my name, I will answer their prayers.

When you say that prayer does not work like this, you are saying you know more about prayer than Jesus Christ. Really? I take Christ's word at face value. If prayer does not work when two people pray a selfless prayer, for example, that all blind people are healed and when it does not happen, then obviously there is only one reason for this. Christ was not a god. Christianity is simply mythology.

Salamanders heal themselves everyday without prayer. However, with a small, selfless prayer, God won't even heal one amputee.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Do you believe in a supernatural being?

It's amazing that people are gutsy enough to claim to know a supernatural being. An invisible being that no one has ever seen. Uh huh.

If I told you I talk to an invisible friend and this invisible friend helps to guide my life and in my heart, I know he is real, I know in my heart, I really do know in my heart that my invisible friend is real and my invisible friend reveals universal truths to me--you'd tell me to get psychological help.

But if someone claims they know (make thunder and lighting sounds) God, that is socially acceptable. Uh huh.

Bake Sale

Wouldn't it be wonderful if education in the U.S. was fully funded and the military had to hold bake sales when they needed to purchase new war machines?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A quote.

"Where knowledge ends, religion begins." -Benjamin Disraeli

If Jesus was really a god...

"If I had the power that the New Testament Narrative says that Jesus had,
I would not cure one person of blindness, I would make blindness impossible;
I would not cure one person of leprosy, I would abolish leprosy."

Joseph Lewis, Answer to Preacher Jack Coe, Miami, 1956

Is God Fair?

"Is God fair? The Christians say that God damns forever anyone who is skeptical
about truth of bunkistic religion as revealed unto the holy haranguers. What
this means is that a God, if any, punishes a man for using his reason.

If there is a God in existence, reasons should be available for his
existence. Assuming that such a precious thing as a man's eternal future
depends on his belief in a God, then the materials for that belief
should be overwhelming and not at all doubtful.

Yet here is a man whose reason makes it impossible for him to believe in
a God. He sees no evidence of such an entity. He finds all the arguments
weak and worthless. He doubts and he denies.

Then is a God fair in visiting upon such a skeptic the penalty for his
inevitable intellectual attitude? The intelligent man refuses to believe
fairy tales. Can a God blame him? If so, then a God is not as fair as an
ordinarily decent man. And fairness, we think, is more important than piety."

E. Haldeman-Julius, "The Meaning Of Atheism"

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Egotistical – 2. an exaggerated sense of self-importance. -from, July 11, 2009.

The word "egotistical" is how I describe any person who claims they know, talk and get direction from any god.

Another vision. Eliminate as much plastic as possible.

Eliminate all plastic ware and plastic straws. Plastic takes a long time to decompose. Use wooden chopsticks and paper straws. Plastics straws are harmful to animals. For years, the San Diego Zoo has refused to give plastic straws with their drinks. Good for the San Diego Zoo.

"I can't use chop sticks." That is hog wash. There are more people in the world who use chop sticks than those who don't. If the majority of people in the world use chop sticks, then we can lean to use them also.

Let's eliminate all plastic food storage containers. What can we use? Glassware. It's time to eliminate as much plastic as possible.

We need to outlaw all plastic that cannot be recycled. It would be easier for all countries if we made only one type of plastic. The number 1 plastic. If we only allowed the number 1 plastic to be manufactured then everyone would know that all plastic can be recycled.

Farming. A vision for America and the world.

It is my vision that we start building farms between every township (or communities). It's funny how people remember the old stories of farmers selling their land to shopping malls, schools and housing developments and making a fortune from their land.

It is time to start tearing down some of the neighborhood and regain that land with small independent farms. Imagine. A farm where people could shop for fresh vegatables, fruit, eggs and meat. Maybe some farms would have a country restaurant on their property.

Some farms would allow field trips to a farm and the children could learn about farming and even do some weeding or planting a garden or field. Hay rides would be available to city kids and organizations. Houses, farm, shopping center, farm, houses, farm, hospital, farm, restaurants, farm, houses, farm.

Faith demands respect? I think not.

"The religious touting that faith is a virtue and finally demanding respect for all spiritual beliefs gives shelter to extremists of all faiths." -paraphrased from "Letter to a Christian Nation", Sam Harris, page ix.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Most people ARE athiests in some form, they just don't know it.

It's funny how religious people are worried about 2012. Aren't religious people atheists to the Mayan faith? Oh wait... aren't all religious people atheists to all faiths except their own?

"Where does it say that in the Bible?" This is the typical response from Christians, isn't it funny how I have to read the Bible but Christians don't?

Matthew 4:10 Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.

Yes, Christians are atheists to all other faiths. The New Testament teachers require Christians to NOT believe in any other gods. You can't even purchase a Buddha statue if you travel to Asia and keep it as a souvenir, it's against the teachings of the Bible. Look it up.

Christians are proud to not believe to all other faiths (which mean they are atheists to all other faiths) because all other religions are mythology of old and honest inquiry of other religions show their scriptures are flawed which means their gods are false.

I'm simply an atheist to all religions because I don't close my eyes at the numberous flawed verses of the Bible and the mythology of Christianity.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Danger of Religion.

The danger of religion is that liberalism allows fundamentalism which allows extremism. Extremism comes directly from religion and from religious followers touting that faith as a virtue.

What many people of faith don’t know (because they either don’t read their own scriptures or they simply ignore the many horrible immoral and unethical verses of their scripture) is that most scriptures have verses which allow the murder and rape of people with God’s blessing (and have other immoral teachings) which is what allows extremists to kill and murder people.

And because other immoral verses exists in scriptures, concerning the poor treatment of people (Slaves, women, children, gay people--typically people who are not middle eastern straight men.), allow people to ignore their own instinctive moral conscience.

Fundamentalist (and some liberal) believers permit themselves to allow the bad cultural morals of ancient Biblical societies to override our high standards and morals of our modern society. Christians today, unfortunately, claim interpreting the Bible in this way allows themselves to be justified to be bigoted and intolerant towards other human beings.

How could a God, who should have the highest of morals and ethics, allow horrible texts in his/her scripture? Here is the reason why these texts are in scripture. Because the Bible was not inspired by God or a god. The Bible (and the scriptures of all religions) were written by ancient primitive who wrote recorded their own cultural morals and science into their scriptures which is why the Bible (and other scriptures) are subject to misinterpretation.

Christians claim that certain followers (or people who claim to follow God) don’t interpret the Bible correctly. An all powerful God who knows the past, present and future would know interpretation of his scriptures would be a huge issue.

If you truly believe your God was creative enough to make the entire incredibly vast, beautiful, wondrous, fantastic, mind-boggling and almost beyond measure Universe, it would be child’s play for a God to write a scripture that could not be misinterpreted.

If you were a God, would you want your people to misinterpret your scripture? No. If you were a God, you would certainly be clever enough to write a scripture which would allow no misinterpretation. No tolerance for misintrepretation. If you were a perfect being for that matter, you would not need worshiped. Anyone in their right mind knows this to be true.

Even if all religions had no bad scriptures, to be intellectually honest with yourself, scriptures do not prove there is actually a God. It just means that some people sat down and wrote a book.

If there were scriptures, from thousands of years ago, filled with impeccable morals and ethics, advanced science, first aid and medical knowledge and food preparation then one could certainly make the case that there is probably was a supernatural being (or an advanced alien civilization) who was trying to talk with human beings.

The simple truth is, there is no reason why a god would have to hide himself/herself/itself. Which is why pretending to believe in any god unseen is sheer make-believe.

The danger of religion is the lack of rationality which allows a pretend belief that can lead to extremism. Extremism does include the Crusades, the Inquisition, witch hunts, abortion doctors being killed by Christians and suicide bombers.

Blind faith also robs people of facing reality and living life in the wonder of it all. I’ve talked to Christians who say the world is not a wondrous place because heaven will be better. These are sad, sad people.


I want to hold a party in 2014 for those who believe something bad will happen in 2012/13 based on Mayan "prophecy." Then I would laugh at them all and ask the question, "Don't you realize the technique for prophecy is to place the date after the death of the oracle so that when nothing happens at the appointed time, the oracle doesn't have to explain why."

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

"Well, I don't understand gay people."

When straight people say something like this, "Well, I simply don't understand gay people. It's beyond me." is precisely why our society are having problems such as homophobia, hatred, intolerance, bigtory and equal rights issues.

On counseling kids.

I was in Santa Fe, New Mexico vacationing, several years ago, and my boyfriend and I were sharing a table with a straight married couple (with kids back home) at my favorite Santa Fe restaurant, Cafe Pasqual's. We had a great conversation and were simply enjoying the moment of eating excellent food with good stimulting conversation.

When the conversation turned to the challenges gay kids face growing up, I made several suggestions to the parents. They told me I really should become a counselor for High School age kids. They told me I said things they never thought about. They were glad to meet me and told me they will take the hints I suggested to them back to Chicago.

Another Richard Dawkins quote.

"Faith is an evil precisely because it requires no justification and brooks no argument. Teaching children that unquestioned faith is a virtue primes them—given certain other ingredients that are not hard to come by—to grow up into potentially lethal weapons for future jihads or crusades." -Dawkins, Richard, 2006, "The God Delusion", Houghton Mifflin Company, page 308

A Richard Dawkins quote.

“Even if religion did no other harm in itself, its wanton and carefully nurtured divisiveness—its deliberate and cultivated pandering to humanity’s natural tendency to favor in-groups and shun out-groups—would be enough to make it a significant force for evil in the world.” –Dawkins, Richard, The God Delusion, Houghton Mifflin Company, page 262

On parenting.

Most parents encourage their sons and daughters to find a mate. "Son, have you found a nice girl?" "Daughter, have you found a nice guy?" If you know your son is gay, do you say, "Son, have you found a nice guy?" And if you daughter is a lesbian, do you say, "Daughter, have you found a nice girl?" I hope the answer is yes. Sexual bigotry is unbecoming, don't you agree?

Are you uncomfortable around gay people?

Are you a homophobic straight person (or a slightly homophobic straight person) and you feel uncomfortable around gay people? Then you can imagine how gay people feel around straight people.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Witty saying.

You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do.

An analogy.

Here is a nice analogy of the definition of a wall or the definition of an impasse.

1) My parents didn't want a gay child.
2) I didn't want homophobic parents.
3) I have no interest in homophobic parents.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Some revisions correcting typos made today.

I made some revisions today correcting typos, grammar and the re-working of some sentences for June's blog.

Monday, June 15, 2009

What religions have never accomplish but science has.

"None of those (All religions.) have ever had any success in the past, in uncovering truths about the Universe, science has.

--Richard Dawkins, interview on BBC HardTalk, August 05, 2007

"That's my faith you mustn't question that."

"The point I was trying to make, is that once you sell the pass about faith, once you agree that faith doesn't have to be justified, then the vast majority of people who have faith are never going to do anything bad, that's fine.

But a few are going to do very violent things and if you then try to challenge, and "Why do you do that? How could you go and make yourself into a suicide bomb? How could you kill like that," they say, "That's my faith you mustn't question that."

They've been taught that, they've been taught to respect faith by moderate teachers. And that's the only point I'm making."

---Richard Dawkins, interview on BBC HardTalk, August 05, 2007,

Moderation allows extremism to happen.

"Moderation in religion, where religion, remember is faith not based on evidence, is kind of cloak of respectability under which extremes can hide.

It [moderation] does provide a kind of smokescreen in which extremism can flourish, more than a smokescreen actually, because if you think about the respect, let's come back to the point of respect, we are all supposed to respect faith.

So if somebody says, "That's my faith," then you're not supposed to say well justify it because faith is not justifiable, you don't attempt to justify faith.

Now if children have been brought up by moderate teachers to regard faith as a virtue, then a minority of them are going to use that faith and use the fact that faith is respectable to justify doing extreme things which of course the moderates wouldn't dream of doing."

---Richard Dawkins, interview on BBC HardTalk, August 05, 2007,

Religious beliefs do not entitle one to receive the respect of others.

“What many people are doing is subconsciously buying into this presumption that religion is entitled to an exaggerated measure of respect.” ---Richard Dawkins, interview on BBC HardTalk, August 05, 2007.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Do we get today's morals from the Bible?

Why is it that many Christians make the invalid claim that today’s morality and ethics comes from the Bible? This is simply not true.

While there might be some good ideas concerning how to treat others scattered throughout the Bible, there is a slew of immoral and unethical practices in the Bible.

I know what you are thinking. Prove it. Thanks for asking, I will.

It is easy to prove today’s modern society has surpassed the morals of the Bible. All one has to do is look at history, after the Bible was written.

• 1095 – 1291 Crusades. "The Crusades were a series of religiously-sanctioned military campaigns waged by much of Latin Christian Europe. The specific crusades to regain control of the Holy Land were fought over a period of nearly 200 years, between 1095 and 1291. Other campaigns in Spain and Eastern Europe continued into the 15th century. The Crusades were fought mainly against Muslims, although campaigns were also waged against pagan Slavs, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the popes." Quote from:

Even though current religious leaders denounce the Crusades and the average person agrees that wars should not be fought based on religious beliefs, unfortunately, this is one lesson modern civilization has not learned on a whole that religious war is morally wrong.

However, today’s modern civilization is trying to surpass religious wars based on the morality of the Bible.

• 1481 Spanish Inquisition. "The Spanish Inquisition was an ecclesiastical tribunal started in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile.

At first, the activity of the Inquisition was limited to the dioceses of Seville and Cordoba, where Alonso de Hojeda had detected the center of converso activity. The first auto de fe was celebrated in Seville on February 6, 1481: six people were burned alive. The sermon was given by the same Alonso de Hojeda whose suspicions had given birth to the Inquisition." Quote from:

Today’s modern society prohibits religious beliefs to kill people for not believing in their faith. Today’s modern civilization has surpassed the morality of the Bible.

• Middle Ages note:
"Montague Summers, in his translation of the Malleus Maleficarum,[49] notes that red hair and green eyes were thought to be the sign of a witch, a werewolf or a vampire during the Middle Ages;

'Those whose hair is red, of a certain peculiar shade, are unmistakably vampires. It is significant that in ancient Egypt, as Manetho tells us, human sacrifices were offered at the grave of Osiris, and the victims were red-haired men who were burned, their ashes being scattered far and wide by winnowing-fans. It is held by some authorities that this was done to fertilize the fields and produce a bounteous harvest, red-hair symbolizing the golden wealth of the corn. But these men were called Typhonians, and were representatives not of Osiris but of his evil rival Typhon, whose hair was red.'" Quote from:

• Late 1600s – Salem Witch Trials. "Despite reverence for the Bible, the Puritans had established a type of theocracy, in which the church ruled in all civil matters, including that of administering capital punishment for violations of a spiritual nature." Quote from:

(Note: The civilized world no longer approves of religious organizations administering capital punishment.)

Today’s modern society prohibits religious beliefs to kill people for not believing in their faith. Today’s modern civilization has surpassed the morality of the Bible.

• 1865 – "Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution officially abolished and continues to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. (Note: The Southern Baptist Convention formed the premise that the Bible sanctions slavery and that it was acceptable for Christians to own slaves.)" Quoted from:

Today’s modern society prohibits slavery. Note: Slavery was acceptable in the Old and New Testament. Today’s modern civilization has surpassed the morality of the Bible.

• 1920 – Women in all states could vote. Women’s suffrage. (Note: There was an organization called, “National Association Against Woman Suffrage.”) See:

The New Testament does not consider a woman to be equal with a man. A woman could not speak in the church and a woman has to follow her husband in all family decisions.

Today’s modern society has made into law: Equality for all genders. Today’s modern civilization has surpassed the morality of the Bible.

• 1954 – Brown vs Board of Education – Rejected separate white and colored school systems.

Prior to 1954, U.S. citizens and government officials used the Bible to justify the inequality between black and white people. See:

Today’s modern society has made into law: Equality for all races. Today’s modern civilization has surpassed the morality of the Bible.

• 1964 – "The Civil Rights act of 1964 was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that outlawed racial segregation in schools, public places, and employment." Quoted from:

Prior to 1964, U.S. citizens and government officials use the Bible to justify the inequality between black and white people.

Today’s modern society has made into law: Equality for all races. Today’s modern civilization has surpassed the morality of the Bible.

• 1965 – Repeal of the criminalization of birth control nationwide. 1873 – U.S. criminalizes birth control. (Note: This law was spearheaded by a Christian believer named Anthony Comstock [1844-1915].) See: and

Modern society knows that birth control is not immoral. Today’s modern civilization has surpassed the morality of the Bible. (Oops, don't remember? The criminalization of birth control was spearheaded by the Christian Anthony Comstock.)

• 1967 -- – The banning of interracial marriage was lifted by this Supreme Court ruling. See:

Prior to 1967, It was a felony crime for two people of different races to marry in the United States. U.S. citizens and government officials use the Bible to justify the inequality between people of different races.

Today’s modern society has made into law: Marriage legal for all races, off the opposite sex. Today’s modern civilization has surpassed the morality of the Bible.

Marriage Equality between any gender or race is around the corner. Once Marriage Equality becomes law, Marriage Equality will surpass the morality of bigotry and the morality of intolerance as written in the Bible.


Today's modern society does **not** get it's high moral standards and high ethics from the Bible.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Who are my heroes?

For years, I really did not have any heroes. Until I read the book, "Letter to a Christian Nation," by Sam Harris. Now I have a hero.

In fact, after reading, "The God Delusion," by Richard Dawkins, I now have two heroes.

Of course, I'd have to add James Randi, I read many of his books before Sam Harris' book. Randi has such an awesome website:

Who else? Carl Sagan and the people who publish the Skeptical Inquirer. And there are the scientists--who when faced with a scientific problem they can't solve--don't assign a supernatural reason for not knowing the answer. They are my heroes also.

And my friends and acquaintances I have met over the years who refuse to rationalize religion (and who rarely speak up about it), they are my heroes also.

I guess I have a lot of heroes.

Requoting from "Letter to a Christian Nation," by Sam Harris

“Religion is the one area of our discourse where it is considered noble to pretend to be certain about things no human being could possibly be certain about.” --Page 67, Harris, Sam (2007), “Letter to a Christian Nation”, New York: Knopf

Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.

Religion poisons everything.

All you have to do is believe in Jesus.

Religion poisons everything.

I know in my heart that God is real.

Religion poisons everything.

Jesus, what a sweet, precious name. Jesus.

Religion poisons everything.

We are proof that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is alive and here. (Polytheism.)

Religion poisons everything.

Oh Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

Religion poisons everything.

(Christopher, you are one of my heroes also.)

Religion is dangerous to society.

“More generally (and this applies to Christianity no less than to Islam), what is really pernicious is the practice of teaching children that faith itself is a virtue. Faith is an evil precisely because it requires no justification and brooks no argument. Teaching children that unquestioned faith is a virtue primes them— given certain other ingredients that are not hard to come by—to grow up into potentially lethal weapons for future jihads or crusades.

Immunized against fear by the promise of a martyr’s paradise, the authentic faith-head deserves a high place in the history of armaments, alongside the longbow, the warhorse, the tank and the cluster bomb. If children were taught to question and think through their beliefs, instead of being taught the superior virtue of faith without question, it is a good bet that there would be no suicide bombers.

Suicide bombers do what they do because thy really believe what they were taught in their religious schools: that duty to God exceeds all other priorities, and that martyrdom in his service will be rewarded in the gardens of Paradise. And they were taught that lesson not necessarily by extremist fanatics but by decent, gentle, mainstream religious instructors, who lined them up in their madrasas, sitting in rows, rhythmically nodding their innocent little heads up and down while they learned every word o the holy book like demented parrots.

Faith can be very very dangerous, and deliberately to implant it into the vulnerable mind of an innocent child is a grievous wrong.” –The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins, 2006, page 307-308

Is there a God? Does sin cause problems on earth?

The real answer is this. No one knows (at this point in time) how the universe was created. Scientist don't say they know that God created the Universe, simply because there is a gap in science.

If there is a gap in science, an unknown, scientist say there is an unknown. Let's keep searching! Now that is exciting stuff. Scientist to not assign supernatural causes to things they can't explain.

Which brings up another point. It's easy to see why people grasp at religion when science can't explain things. Where are we from? Oh shit, not sure. Hmmmm, must be, God did it! Yes, that's it! I have the answer! Wow!

What happens when we die? Oh shit, not sure. Hmmmm, we either go to heaven or hell, per God! Ah ha! I have the answer again! God sends us to heaven or hell. I'm so glad I know these things with complete certainty!

In the past, (in the not so distant past) when there was a drought and people were dying, what happened? Oh shit, God is mad at us, we need to repent. Oops! Wrong. They didn't have modern science back then, so they simply assigned a supernatural reason for the drought. God was not mad. We exist on a living planet which is orbiting the sun, which is what creates weather. It's called, earth science.

The Black Plague.. Hmmm... we don't have science to figure this out, so let's just say, God is mad. Yes! That's it. God is mad because of our sin! Human sin (egotism here) is the cause of the Black Plague! We have the answer. Errr.... wrong again!

"No one in the 14th century seems to have considered rat control as a way to ward off the plague, and many people began to believe only God's anger could produce such horrific displays. There were many attacks against Jewish communities.[45] In August of 1349, the Jewish communities of Mainz and Cologne were exterminated. In February of that same year, Christians murdered 2,000 Jews in Strasbourg.[45] By 1351, 60 major and 150 smaller Jewish communities had been destroyed.[46]" ----

The human body? Where did it come from? The estimated age of the earth is around 4.54 billion years. It takes a lot of time for life through evolution to take place.

For starters, you can Google using these search terms: Natural selection, evolution, Darwinism. I typically look at the Wikipedia entries as Wikipedia is very accurate.

Is there a God?

Concerning if there is or is not a god that created the entire Universe. No one knows if there is a god. That is real truth.

If there is a perfect all knowing god, he/she/it has not revealed him/her/itself to the world. This is obvious. The writers of the Old and New Testament copied many ideas from other religions into Christianity. After creating the entire incredible Universe, how could an all powerful God loose His creativity when putting together his religion?

Many Christians constantly infer only their religion provides the morality we need to make moral laws for humanity. Do Christians know the history of humankind? Human morals started before religion began. It is a fact that modern civilization has surpassed the morality of the Bible.

A perfect, all powerful god does not need worshiped, would not invent sin, would not require that we believe in him and would not need anything, including helper angels.

If I was God, I would not care if people I created believed in me. Why? Because I created them. I know I created them. Why do they have to believe in me when I already know I exist?

Now, let's say I'm God, and I now decide to become invisible to everyone. Yet, I demand that people believe in me to get to heaven. How unfair is that? People have to believe in something they can't see? And what about people who have never heard about Christianity in their lifetime, don't you think that's unfair? I do.

If I was a God and decided to create sin, why not just forgive everyone? It would simply take the wink of an eye to forgive everyone.

In addition, an all powerful God would not need to create any religion. Why would a God need religion? He has nothing to prove to anyone.

If I was God and I decided to make a person with two parts, a finite human body and a spirit that lives forever, why can't everyone go to heaven?

In fact, why not just make a body that lives forever? Why does anyone have to go to heaven? Why make a separate entity called the spirit? Also, as science can't detect your spirit, why does anyone believe in an infinite spirit? It's nuts.

If there is a God, then he is either active or not active in our world. For Christians to say that God is sometimes active and sometimes not, makes no sense.

If I was a God and I felt my creatures needed help, I'd be there for them all the time.

Out reason a God? If there is such a thing as a God, I probably could not out reason a god.

However, I can out reason ancient primitive men who created religions.

It is easy for me and many others to look at the Bible using hind-sight, knowledge of modern science, and education to easily see the many problems of the Bible and it's dogma.

The problem with Christianity stem from man creating a religion, not from a God creating a religion.

Religion, science and morality.

Religion has failed. Religion was originally used to try to explain the world around us. The earth is the center of the universe, this is in the Bible. Religion tried to give us morality, this failed.

On science.

Science has given us many of the answers about life and the world around us. There are massive amounts of Science which shows that natural selection as part of evolution created all the living things on our planet. Why do Christians scoff at the volumes of scientific fact concerning this point? Intelligent Design does not show this, I.D. is false and is a lie.

As we know, science does not have all the answers to all of life’s questions and when this is so, science says “I don’t know or I don’t know yet.” However, science certainly does not boldly lie and say it knows were we came from and what happens when we die as religions claim to know.

On morality.

Biblical morality includes murder (people who curse their parents, people who worship other gods, etc.), rape (okay to rape women in war, if people want to have sex with a man in your house, give them your daughter instead), incest (okay for fathers to have sex with daughters), genocide (the killing of an entire community since they don’t believe in your god), human sacrifice and to love one another and do not judge others, these are morals taken directly from the Bible. The problem is, there is no guide post in the Bible to direct religious followers as to which morals are right and which morals are wrong.

Society and human interaction and empathy, over time, have changed the moral standards of the masses (the civilized world) over centuries. These moral changes have exceeded the morals of the Bible and of past societies. Biblical morality includes human sacrifice, the rape of women and men, slavery, murder (if you worship another god, you are to be killed, and there are many other reasons to murder people you know.), genocide, slavery (Old and New Testament) and women being second class citizens (in the New Testament).

These ancient Biblical morals are now shunned by the masses. The masses won’t stand for Christians who are directed by the Bible to murder people who worship any god besides the God of the Bible. The masses will not stand for rape of any type, even though there are many examples in the Bible where it is allowed, per God. Please read the Bible to know what circumstances rape is allowed in society.

The civilized world will not stand for slavery, even thought the morality of the Old and New Testament admonishes us that slavery is acceptable and we are to treat slaves properly. The Bible in the New Testament allows women to stay second class citizens; however, the masses are changing their mind on this point and are demanding equal rights for all people, whether Black, Asian, gay, or a woman.

The moral standards of humanity are being set higher than Biblical morality as the centuries pass. Morality comes from social interaction and education. The morality of the masses is passed onto to each other through, books, movies, TV, government laws, discussions, debates, the internet, etc. which help to spread higher societal morality for civilized society.

Napoleon's take on religion.

Napoleon said, "Religion is excellent stuff for keeping the common people quiet," and with Seneca the Younger, "Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." page 276, the God Delusion.

On Sin and Hell.

Ancient primitive men created the concept of Heaven, Hell and sin. Their theory, if you are not Saved by Christ, your punishment is eternal hell due to your unforgiven sin. Okay, let's take a serious look at this dogma.

For justice to exist, the punishment must fit the crime. No matter how many bad deeds one commits in this world, there is a limit. Yet, Hell’s punishment is infinite. Their theory, finite sin requires infinite punishment. Are these the words and thoughts of a a perfect and Just God?

Finite sin requires infinite punishment. Where is the justice? On this point alone, isn't it obvious the Bible was written by ancient primitive men who were trying to create a religion (for whatever reason); however, did not think these things quite through?

Faith is not a virtue.

“Christianity, just as much as Islam, teaches children that unquestioned faith is a virtue. You don’t have to make the case for what you believe. If somebody announces that it is part of his faith, the rest of society, whether of the same faith, or another, or of none, is obliged, by ingrained custom, to ‘respect’ it without question; respect it until the day it manifests itself in a horrible massacre like the the destruction of the World Trade Center, or the London or Madrid bombings.

Then there is a great chorus of disownings, as clerics and ‘community leaders’ (who elected them, by the way?) line up to explain that this extremism is a perversion of the ‘true’ faith. But how can there be a perversion of faith, if faith, lacking objective justification, doesn’t have any demonstrable standard to pervert?” –The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins, 2006, page 306.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” – Voltaire.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

With no response, with less than one week, I sent another email.

Dear So And so,

I hope you are going to reply to my main message to you. I feel you owe it to me. However, I would not be surprised if you did not respond. I won't lose any sleep over no response from you, I can reassure you of this.

Do I sound slightly ticked-off in my original email to you that begins, "Let's get serious..."

I would hope you would be glad that I eventually did not accept the Christian belief system as fact. To be a sheep to the slaughter. I would also hope you would be glad that I am not happy at the people of my teenage years who had the guts to indoctrinate younger people like myself into believing something that has no basis in fact.

I have researched my entire life for answers to religion and god by using rational thought. In the 1980's I began to stop rationalizing why there are so many contractions in the Bible.

When I call Christians on the carpet concerning the disgusting and ridiculous laws of the Old Testament and the New Testament, Christians become offended that I question the "Mystery of God." They typically say we don't follow the Old Testament. And they rationalize verses which make no sense in the New Testament.

Yet Christians say a perfect god inspired the Old Testament and the New Testament. If god is perfect why would there be even one mistake or problem in his scriptures? Making excuses for an all power god as to why his scripture is a complete mess is Christian rationalization at its best.

Using the expression the "Mystery of God" (Or saying things like, "How can you question an all powerful God?" or "How can you question the mytery of God?") is a cop-out and a rationalization, also.

Why can't an all powerful god do something as simple as write a timeless scripture? Why can't an all powerful god write a scripture that is filled with moral and ethical wisdom and include a vast knowledge science for all people, which would apply to people living in any time period of human history? Why can't an all powerful god write a scripture that has complete continuity without any contradictions?

Why would an all powerful god have to inspire people to write his scripture? An all powerful god would not want his scripture to be polluted by his imperfect creatures, do I not speak the truth? An all powerful god would have written and published his scriptures by himself and given it to his people. All these things concerning "God's Scripture" would be child's play for an all powerful god who made the huge, huge universe our galaxy is part of.

I have refused to rationalize that which is not rational. I used to be a follower, not anymore.

This is my question to you. Would you rather associate with people who simply take a guess at life's big questions: Where did we come from? What happens when we die? (Want to know the answers to these questions? Answer: We don't know, yet.)

Do you want to associate yourself with people are simply pretending to be happy because you know an imaginary god, you pretend your imaginary god forgives you of your imaginary sin. Are you happy because you believe in an imaginary god who will give you an imaginary ever-lasting life after you die? And are you happy because you pretend that after you die, you will live in an imaginary place called heaven?

Or would you rather associate yourself with people who don't blindly follow others guesses but rationally inquire about the world we live in and takes the history of humankind seriously. Would you not rather associate yourself with people who see the similarity between ancient mythology and ancient religions and call a spade a spade. That all religions are simply ancient guesses by primitive men to try to explain the world around them.

The masses now have the education and fortitude to search for and find the answers to the guesses of ancient primitive men concerning their mythology, rituals, religions and gods.

"Increasingly, world civilization is becoming secular; that is, it emphasizes worldly rather than religious values. This is especially true of Europe, which is widely considered post-religious and post-Christian (though with a small Islamic minority). Secularist winds are also blowing strong in Asia, notably in Japan and China." —Free Inquiry, April / May 2009
Volume 29 Number 3, page 6, A Short Primer on Secular Ethics, by Paul Kurtz.


After this email, he responded and said he is on the road and will respond to me. Time will only tell.

An email to a former Christian leader who Facebooked me this month.

Dear So And So,

Let's get serious. I've been studying the Bible since I was fifteen. Questioning, yes, god-forbid, questioning why are there so many religions and gods out there. This is what I have found.

All religions are man-made. Sin is man-made. There is no such thing as a God and no such thing as sin. Day/Night. Good/Evil. Day/Night. God/Satan. Day/Night. Heaven/Hell. Ancient guesses by primitive men trying to explain the world we live in.

Ancient primitive men who were ignorant of the science we have today, (since they did not have modern science to explain the world around them) were scribes and these "religious" people created religions, including the Bible, to explain what science could not. To explain the world around them. To give a so-called purpose for living and in addition, they added their own bigotry, intolerance and hate to their texts.

Adding bigotry, intolerance of others and hatred to a "spiritual" text is not inspired from an all powerful god who knows the past, present and future. An all powerful god who knows the future would one day know the masses would learn to read and know the masses would easily recognize the lack of wisdom, a book that is not timeless and a book that lacks continuity and has inconsistencies.

Faith is simply a guess. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John did not even know Christ. They wrote about Christ some 30 years after Christ died. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John used "god-like" characteristics from Greek and Egyptian mythology (and who knows what other mythology they used from the Middle East) to create Christ's "god" characteristics.

There are many messiah/saviors who lived before Christ--who have the same characteristics of Christ.

There is an Egyptian God called Horus. He lived around 3000 B.C. There are approximately thirty (30) characteristics that are the same between Horus and Christ, such as: born of a virgin, born in late December, birth announcement by angels, an attempt to murder him as a baby, no information between 12 and 30 years of age, baptized at 30, had twelve disciples, walked on water, cast out demons, healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, death by crucifixion, descended into hell for three days and resurrected after three days. These are some of the characteristics that both Horus (Egyptian Sun God who lived in 3000 B.C.) and Christ (1-33 A.D.).

Here are more messiah/saviors who were written about before Christ lived:

Attis, Greece, 1200 BC
Born of a virgin
Born on Dec 25th
Dead for 3 days

Mithra, Persia, 1200 BC
Born of a virgin
born on Dec 25th
had 12 disciples
performed miracles
dead for three days
Sunday was the worship day
known as the Truth, the life

Krishna, India, 900 BC
Born of a virgin
Born on Dec 25th
Start in the East
Performed Miracles

Dionysus (Greek god of wine.)
Born of a virgin
born on Dec 25
performed miracles
was a traveling teacher
Known as the King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega

Need more messiah/saviors who had similiar characteristics of Christ who also lived before Christ?

Chishna of Hindostan
Budha Sakia of India
Salivahana of Bermuda
Zulis (or Zhule), Osiris, Orus of Egypt
Odin of the Scandinavians
Crite of Chaldea
Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia
Baal and Taut (The only begotten of God) of Phoenecia
Indra of Tibet
Bali of Afghanistan
Jao of Nepal
Wittoba of the Bilingonese
Thammuz of Syria
Atys of Phrygia
Xamolxis of Thrace
Zoar of the Bonzes
Adad of Assyria
Deva Tat and Sammonocadam of Siam
Alcides of Thebes
Mikado of the Sintoos
Beddru of Japan
Hesus (or Eros) and Bremrillah of the Druids
Thor (Son of Odin) of the Gauls
Cadmus of Greece
Hil and Feta of the Mandaites
Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico
Universal Monarch of the Sibyls
Ischy of the island of the Formosa
Divine Teacher of Plato
Holy One of Xaca
Fohi and Tien of China
Adonis (Son of the virgin Io) of Greece
Ixion and Quirinus of Rome
Prometheus of Caucasus
Mohamud (or Mahomet) of Arabia

You believe in prayer, right? Matthew 18:19 (New International Version), Christ said, 19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven."

Okay Don, get one thousand (1,000) born-again Christians (who just asked to be forgiven) and get one (1) person who has quantity one (1) pinky finger that was amputated.

Now, have all 1,000 Christians pray that the finger on this amputee be healed. Do you know why the amputee will not be healed? Christian answer: I have to make an excuse as to why my all powerful god can't do something as simple as heal an amputated limb. Realist answer: God is imaginary.

I can't believe you have gone all these years and not searched for the real truth about the world we live in. If I said to you, go 90 mph in your car and hit a wall and you won't be hurt, you'd say, forget it, you have to prove it to me.

Now you say, based on a guess, that you know the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE? Are you nuts?

"Religion is the one area of our discourse where it is considered noble to pretend to be certain about things no human being could possibly be certain about." -Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris, 2007, page 67.

So And So, you are already an atheist to all religions other than your own. You don't believe in the "Allah" as God (Islam) or Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism or Taoism, right? You are an atheist to all these other faiths, except your own. I am simply an atheist to all religions.

It's time to get serious and take a realistic look at the false testimony of your so-called god and the false testimony of all religions who proclaim to know or have knowledge of any god.

If there was an all powerful god he/she would not be afraid to show him/herself. Let's be honest with each other on this point.

It's time to see the real truth about religion. Please take a look at these videos, the websites listed below. Also, I'd recommend you read the book listed below also. videos:
10 questions that every intelligent Christian must answer

Prove to yourself that Jesus is imaginary in less than 5 minutes

Proving that prayer is superstition

The best optical illusion in the world! (About the superstition of prayer)


-"Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris, 2007, New York: Alfred A Knopf

I think it's time to seriously take a look at the real truth about all religions, don't you think?



Are the Ten Commandents the ultimate statement of morality? Nope.

“If you think that it would be impossible to improve upon the Ten Commandments as a statement of morality, you really owe it to yourself to read some other scriptures. Once again, we need look no further than the Jains: Mahavira, the Jain patriarch, surpassed morality of the Bible with a single sentence: “Do not injure, abuse, oppress, enslave, insult, torment, torture, or kill any creature or living being.”

Imagine how different our world might be if the Bible contained this as its central precept. Christians have abused, oppressed, enslaved, insulted, tormented, tortured, and killed people in the name of God for centuries, on the basis of a theologically defensible reading of the Bible. It is impossible to behave this way be adhering to the principles of Jainism. How, then, can you argue that the Bible provides the clearest statement of morality the world has ever seen?” —Harris, Sam, 2006, "Letter to a Christian Nation," page 22, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, a divison of Random House, Inc.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

There Is Nothing Wrong With Believing In A God.

Hi, I'm a Christian, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness or Islam believer (pick any god) and because you don't believe in my faith, I can hate you in God's (Allah's) name.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Imagine if all the schools in the United States had complete funding which allowed all Americans to receive top notch schooling. And imagine if the military had to have a bake sale every time they wanted to purchase a new machine of war.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Zen Moment?

When I tell people I ride my bike every day, most people can't believe it. Their tone of voice changes as if I've found my zen. Acquaintances wish they could do the same.

No matter how many times I hear this, I am always surprised at other people's surprise of me riding my bike on a daily basis. I usually don't respond but I typically think in the back of mind, it's as easy as getting on a bicycle and riding it.

Ugh.... I have lots to post but did not.

I'll try to catch up with some posts this week.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What do Straight Parents do?

What's the first thing that many straight parents do when they find out one of their children are gay? They freak out. They say it's a phase. They tell them it's not natural. They tell them that being gay is wrong. They tell them that being gay is a sin. They beat their kids. They throw them out of the house. They try to change them to be straight. They cut off financial support. They treat them with less respect than their straight kids. For gay guys: When will you meet a nice girl? For gay gals: When will you meet a nice guy? They say there is something wrong with them. They say, "What will other people say?" They put so much pressure on their kids that the suicide rate among gay kids is three times higher than their straight counterparts.

Here is my message to homophobic straight parents: Fuck you, assholes.

(Homophobic parents don't care how much damage they inflict on their gay children, since they think pushing heterosexuality on their children is not morally wrong. Of course, if a gay person makes advances to a straight person, that's wrong! Hypocrites. Homophobic parents will also vote against their gay children concerning marriage equality.)

Are Gay Children Safe With Homophobic Straight Parents?

Are gay children safe with homophobic straight parents? Hell no.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Will the Real Anti-Christ Please Stand Up?

Christians ignore hundreds of gods, who lived before Christ, with the same god-like characters as Christ. The writers of the New Testament copied characteristics of previous gods to "prove" that Christ is the one "true" God. For Christians, the real anti-Christ can now stand up: History.

As You Look Back On Life Was Your Discriminatory Religion Worth it?

Is the religion you believe in, support your own personal prejudices towards others? For example, if you are straight, do you believe your religion only favors those who have your own sexuality?

When there is division in your family due to your religion, I hope dividing your family was worth it. Was it?

If I said, I believe in Dionysus (Greek God of Wine/Festivals 900-800 B.C. or slightly later), Horus (Egyptian God of the Sun, 3,000 B.C.), Indra of Tibet 725 B.C., and Jao of Nepal (622 B.C.), you'd probably say why do I believe in all these mythological gods?

Did you know all these gods share the same characteristics of Christ? All the above gods were born a virgin birth, were a miracle worker/teacher, crucified and came back to life and ascended to heaven and all lived before Christ.

Did you know:

The Ten Commandments are taken directly from the Egyptian book of the dead. (Note: There are about 400 commandments in the Egyptian book of the dead.)
Virgin birth: Copied from previous gods/religions
Born on the 25th of December: Copied from previous gods/religions
Baptism with water: Copied from previous gods/religions
Communion host: Copied from previous gods/religions
Miracle worker/teacher: Copied from previous gods/religions
12 disciples: 12 signs of the zodiac
33 years: That's how many vertebrae are in the human spine. Many Gods who walked earth have a life span of 33 years.
Crucification: Copied from previous gods/religions
Three crosses: Copied from previous gods/religions
Resurrection: Copied from previous gods/religions
Trinity: Copied from previous gods/religions
Holy Spirit: Copied from previous gods/religions

Yet Matthew, Mark, Luke and John never met Christ. In fact, they wrote about Christ thirty years after Christ was dead. Why did the writers of the New Testament copy the same qualities from hundreds of gods who lived before Christ? For the simple reason there was no "God" to inspire them.

If God is all knowing—past, present and future, then God would know that one day the masses would be educated, that books would be researched and published about previous gods and the internet would facilitate the distribution of incredible amounts of information world-wide to the masses.

Obviously, if "God" is all knowing, all powerful, all perfect, who knows the past, present and future—a god who was powerful enough to create the entire universe, yet this "God" couldn't do something as simple as inspire the writers of the New Testament to develop an original set of god-like qualities for Christ. And it's simply for the reason, there is no "God".

Are you happy that you believed in a fake god and selectively quote the Bible to justify your own personal, pre-existing prejudice against gay people and whomever else you are against? And ruined personal family ties, ta boot.

Friday, February 20, 2009


If you are a person who has decided it only takes "faith"to know there is God—without requiring proof—then don't you owe it to yourself to seriously look at the other side of the coin and consider the rationality of it all, that there is no God?

Hint: Remember it's at least a 50/50 chance there is or is not a God. If you accept God on faith, which is an easy thing to do (Requiring no thinking involved, the lazy way out.), then isn't it worth the task to think things through by using rational thought and common sense to see if believing in a God makes any sense at all?

A normal rational person can look and find oh so many problems at having a blind faith in a "God." Here are a few examples below:

Faith says you must believe that Christianity is the only true religion. Faith makes many excuses as to why there are so many religions world-wide. If you don't believe in God, the answer is simple as to why there are many religions world-wide because all religions are man-made.

Faith believes in good (derived from God) and evil (from the Devil). Faith dictates that God creates good and his fallen angel Satan causes evil. If you don't believe in God, you simply know that the concepts of good and evil are simply from day and night. Primitive men (and women) knew that the day brings warmth, light and goodness and night brings, cold, darkness the unknown. Day = Good, Night = Evil. Therefore, the concepts of good and evil are born.

Faith says that sin is real. If you don't believe in God, you realize that sin is simply man-made.

Faith invents many, many excuses as to why God does not heal amputees. If you don't believe in God, you realize the amputees are not healed by God, because there is no God.

Faith says God answers prayers. If you don't believe in God, you realize no prayers are ever answered by God, because there is no God.

Faith states God answers prayers and accepts that the only answers to prayer are "yes", "no" or "later". If you don't believe in God, you realize that you can pray to a jug of milk and you'll always get the same answer to your prayer, "yes", "no" or "later" and the reason is simply: There is no God.

Faith makes many excuses as to why Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians. Christians get married in front of "God" and their Christians friends. Christian friends are praying for their marriage to last a lifetime. "What god has put together, let no man put asunder." (Asunder: 1: into parts, 2: apart from each other in position.) God is all powerful, right? Why doesn't God make a Christian marriage last forever? Faith makes many excuses for Christians getting divorced, for example, sin caused the divorce, or the divorce was caused by their lack of faith in God—oh there are so many excuses. If you don't believe in God, you simply realize that marriages don't last due to personality conflicts, infidelity, physical abuse, financial problems, intellectual incompatibility, falling out of love, lack of commitment to the marriage, lack of communication between spouses, substance abuse and the list goes on and on.

If God created the universe (Creating the universe took a lot of work and I'd venture to say, if there is a God, then God has an outgoing personality, don't you agree?) how could a God with an obvious outgoing personality pretend to be shy and not appear to us everyday? Faith makes excuses as to why God does not show himself: It's in God's plan. There is a reason and the reason is mysterious. Excuse after excuse. Is not God proud of his universe? Don't you think he'd want to show off a little bit and ensure his creations see who the creator is, the one who made this incredible place? If you don't believe in God, you know why God does not appear to us, because God does not exist.

Why does God need worshiped? Faith makes excuses as to why God needs to be worshiped. A person who does not believe in God, knows a perfect being does not need to be worshiped.

Why are there many contradictions, homophobia, rape, human sacrifice, the condoning of murder, the condoning of slavery, Egyptian mythology, Greek mythology and Astrology in the Bible? Faith says the Bible is perfect and faith demands believers to blatantly ignore all the problems the writers created when they authored the Bible. Some believers develope elaborate rationalizations to explain the contradictions and to explain the vast amount of problems found in the Bible. A person who does not believe in God, easily says, after "God" created the ENTIRE UNIVERSE (Yes, this is shouting.) it would have been child's play for a "God" to inspire a perfect book. A timeless book filled with wisdom, having total continuity, no contractions, announcing we all share the same humanity, filled with advanced mathematical formulas and scientific knowledge, denouncing slavery, supporting equal rights for all, would all be a part of "God's" Bible. But the Bible is not this, and we can easily see why the Bible was not inspired by a "God" because there is no "God." The Bible was written by primitive, bigoted, intolerant, racist and chauvinistic men.

When you assume there is no "God", then all of a sudden, the tough questions about faith, God and the Bible are easy to answer. All the various excuses or rationalizations to explain faith, God and the Bible go away in the blink of an eye.

There is a saying, if you want to become an Atheist, read the Bible.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Why would I want to spend one minute with a straight person—as friends—who does not agree I share the same humanity as they do and who does not feel I should be afforded the same rights as they do concerning marriage equality, under the law?

(Hint: Respond to my blog so others can either agree with or not agree with an intolerant point of view.)

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Tom Brokaw Sees Vice President Cheney As 'Dr. Strangelove'

See this article by Cybercast News Service (

Tom Brokaw sees Vice President Cheney as 'Dr. Strangelove':

MSNBC "An end of an error."

Letterman: 'Dick Cheney Couldn't Care Less About Americans'

Dick Cheney Smirking During State of the Union Address

Dick Cheney telling the truth about Iraq. Video from 1994.

Dick Cheney Benny Hill Style:

The below quote is from entry by "lampshadetattoo" ( logon name) under the Benny Hill style video clip. I couldn't have said it better.

"For me, this was a very powerful moment—seeing Cheney leave the White House in a wheelchair symbolized the weak, enfeebled, worn-out policies of an unhealthy and sick administration on its way toward an ultimate ideological and long-overdue-for death! Soon, the ideas and sick policies of Cheney and the rest of the sociopathic and spiritually bankrupt ideologues of the Bush administration will return to the garbage heaps of history! CHENEY in a WHEELCHAIR is a living symbol of all that needs to die in D.C."

Below is a quote from George Phenix whose blog is entitled, "Blog of the Ages." The blog entry headline reads, "Good riddance, George Bush." Phenix's blog entry is worth reading, it's a short easy read.

"...I have no respect for George Bush. For the office, yes. For the man, none. ...George Bush may have left the building, but not soon enough. Get over it? We’ll spend decades getting over it."

George Learns He Shouldn't Golf While Soldiers Die

George W. Bush: Listen to Osama bin Laden, Not U.S. Citizens

George: Saddam Hussein Has Weapons of Mass Destruction

Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11

God, Bush is such an asshole.

Isn't It Funny How the News Stations Have Changed The Way They Report The News?

Since Obama is now the President of the United States, I see news story after news story about equal rights, the importance of science, private sector accountability, the importance of green issues, taking financial institutions to task and how this country is in desperate need of change.

Then I heard stupid Dick Cheney trying to put false fear into the news concerning the possibility of "terrorist attacks." Let's be honest, Cheney is an asshole. This week, a person on TV said something like this, "Cheney is just trying to use fear tactics just to be in news. Good riddance Cheney. No one has any interest in you."

I See Homeless People Eating Out of Trash Cans

Matthew 10:31 (New International Version)
31So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Luke 12:6 (New International Version)
6Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.

If human beings are worth more than a sparrow, then why do I see many homeless people living (eating and sleeping) on the streets of downtown San Diego? And why do I see homeless people eating out of trash cans?

Are You Really a Moral Christian?

"One of the most pernicious effects of religion is that it tends to divorce morality from the reality of human and animal suffering. Religion allows people to imagine that their concerns are moral when they are not—that is, when they have nothing to do with suffering or its alleviation.

Indeed, religion allows people to imagine that their concerns are moral when they are highly immoral—that is, when pressing these concerns inflicts unnecessary and appalling suffering on innocent human beings.

This explains why Christians like yourself expend more “moral” energy opposing abortion than fighting genocide. It explains why you are more concerned about human embryos than about the lifesaving promise of stem-cell research. And it explains why you can preach against condom use in sub-Saharan Africa while millions die from AIDS there each year."

—Harris, Sam, 2006, "Letter to a Christian Nation," page 25, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, a divison of Random House, Inc.

Sam Harris is an Awesome Author.

Don't you think it's about time for another quote from Sam Harris?

Do You Doubt the Theory of Evolution?

"Christians who doubt the truth of evolution are apt to say things like "Evolution is just a theory, not a fact." Such statements betray a serious misunderstanding of the way the term "theory" is used in scientific discourse.

In science, facts must be explained with reference to other facts. These larger explanatory models are "theories." Theories make predictions and can, in principle, be tested. The phrase, "the theory of evolution" does not in the least suggest that evolution is not a fact.

One can speak about "the germ theory of disease" or "the theory of gravitation" without casting doubt upon disease or gravity as facts of nature."

—Harris, Sam, 2006, "Letter to a Christian Nation," page 69, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, a divison of Random House, Inc.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Concerning Jesus Christ.

In the 1970's, I easily believed that Christ died and rose for our sins because of the incredible hope for everlasting life. Why should I not believe in a messiah/savior who promises eternal life?

With just a small amount of research, one can find hundreds of messiah/saviors who were born of a virgin on the 25th of December, were miracle workers/teachers and died and rose to heaven three days later. Some of these ancient gods have some characteristics of Christ and some of these gods have many characteristics of Christ.

It is really the other way around. The writer's of the New Testament took many characteristics from previous messiah/saviors and gave these to Jesus Christ.

If God is all powerful, all knowledgeable and knows the past, present and future, would it not be child's play for God to have inspired the writers of the New Testament to create a brand new set of God-like qualities/characteristics for his son, Jesus Christ?

How much easier is it for me to *not* believe in Christ (and his promise of everlasting life) since it is obvious the writers of the New Testament simply copied previous messiah/savior characteristics to "prove" the validity of Christ as the son of God.

Why Do People Believe In The Mythology Of Religion?

The promise of everlasting life is probably the number one reason to believe in the mythology of religion. The second reason would be the promise of talking and knowing an all powerful God. The third would be the miracles which your God has done in the past and the miracles you think your God is doing today.

It boils down to this. Your god violates the laws and principles of science. How cool is that? Alas, all religions are man-made and there is no truth in the existence of God. There is one truth, the truth of when you stop believing the mythology of religion, you'll begin to enjoy life on earth as it was meant to be.

How Well Do You Know American History?

"The fact that the United States was not founded as a Christian nation was early stated in the terms of a treaty with Tripoli, drafted in 1796 under George Washington and sighed by John Adams in 1797:

[Article 11.] As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Musslemen; and as the said States never have entered in to any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the partied that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

(First and second paragraph by Dawkins, Richard, 2006, "The God Delusion," page 40, Boston & New York, Houghton Mifflin Company.)

Uh err.... well... what about the Pledge of Allegiance? Huh? " Nation under God,..." What about that? By bringing this subject up, means someone doesn't know American history. The original Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 and did not have the words, "one Nation under God." The " Nation under God..." phrase was added to the Pledge of Allegiance by religious fanatics in 1951. This merging of Church and State, to be blunt, is pure bullshit.

It is time we strike the words, " Nation under God..." from the Pledge of Allegiance.

Uh... what about "In God We Trust?" This official U.S. motto did not become nationwide until 1956. Again... religious fanatics pushed for these words to be on our currency. Again, another bullshit decision made into law which goes directly against our founding fathers. Please see the first two paragraphs.

If Christian Americans insist we have the words, "In God We Trust" on American currency, then there is no reason why we can't have the following:
On $1.00 bills: "In Allah We Trust"
On $2.00 bills: "In Baal We Trust"
On $5.00 dollar bills: "In Buddha We Trust"
On $20.00 bills: "In God We Trust"
On $50.00 bills: "In Zeus (or Apollo or Poseidon) We Trust"
On $100.00 bills: "In Science We Trust"

So what's the solution? It's very simple. Take off the words, "In God We Trust" on American currency. No one can prove the existence of God. There is a clear separation of Church and State for the very reason, that if I pushed Buddha on Americans by enacting laws to do this, Christian America would freak out.

How do you think non-Christian taxpaying Americans feel when Christianity is pushed on them by Christian-Americans when they enact laws which promote the mythological God of the Christian religion?

Just because someone (or millions) of people feel that God exists, does not mean it is so. If I tell someone I feel that Elvis is real to me and I talk (pray) to Elvis and I feel Elvis is protecting me and that Elvis is my personal savior and lord, just because I feel this, does not make this so.

Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris

Are you a devout Christian? Meaning you pray on a regular basis, read the Bible on a regular basis, go to church on a regular basis and go to Bible study on a regular basis? You have accepted Christ as your personal savor? As an intelligent normal rational human being, it is time to purchase (or check-out this book from the Library) the book called, "Letter to a Christian Nation," by Sam Harris. It's an easy read and a book worth reading.

Are you a Christian in name only? You believe in God and believe the Bible is true. However, you don't pray on a regular basis and you don't go to church on a regular basis and you don't attend a weekly Bible study. It is time, as a rational intelligent human being, to read the book, "Letter to a Christian Nation," by Sam Harris. It's an easy read and a book worth reading.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

How Did the Universe Come Into Existence? Why Are We Here?

These are the questions everyone would like to know. How did the universe come into existence? Why are we here? If the answers to these questions are beyond science then the answer to these questions are certainly beyond faith leaders and their followers.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What Does The Ruling Power Fear?

The ruling power fears any truth but their own. —The Golden Compass (film), 2007

Do You Believe In What The Bible Says?

As a Christian, do you or don't you believe in what the bible says? For example, here are some Old Testament verses below:

Genesis 38:8-10
"8Then Judah said to Onan, "Lie with your brother's wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to produce offspring for your brother." 9 But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the LORD's sight; so he put him to death also." (No condoms allowed, the hell with science!)

Leviticus 20:9
"For everyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother. His blood shall be upon him." (Shit, I just cursed my parents. Okay, I'm ready to be stoned to death.)

Deuteronomy 22:22
"If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel." (Kill, kill, kill! Hey, if the Bible says it's so, it must be okay. Right?)

Some New Testament verses:

1 Corinthians 14:34
"women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says." (Just like the Austin Powers movies. Dr. Evil: Let me tell you a little story about a man named Sh! Sh! even before you start. That was a pre-emptive "sh!" Now, I have a whole bag of "sh!" with your name on it. )

1 Timothy 2:11-12
"11Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. 12And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence." (Sh!)

Colossians 3:22-23
"22Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. 23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" (I thought with an African American President in the White House, that The President would not stand for slavery but the Bible says we need to treat our slaves properly. Therefore the Bible does approve of slavery. Whew, that was a close one.)

I can hear Christians screaming at this point and shouting, "These verses don't apply today. We know how to interpret the Bible."

Oh really? How to you explain the following crystal clear verses below.

Old Testament verse:

Isaiah 40:8
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever." (This verse is crystal clear on this point.)

New Testament verses:

1 John 5:3
"This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome," (This verse is crystal clear on this point.)

1 Peter 1:24-25
"24All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, 25but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you." (This verse is crystal clear on this point.)

Joshua 1:18
"Whoever rebels against your word and does not obey your words, whatever you may command them, will be put to death. Only be strong and courageous!" (This verse is crystal clear on this point.)

How can anyone call themselves a Christian if they don't obey every verse in the Bible? The unvarnished truth: Christians cherry pick Bible verses they want to obey or not obey and choose which verses they prefer to support their own personal prejudices against others.

Christians don't understand there is no "other." Using the phrase or thinking the phrase "those other people" divide families, communities and nations. Christians as a whole do not understand we all share the same humanity. "We" unites. "Other people" divide. Which ministers preach "We?" Very few. There is no such thing as Christian versus non-Christian. There is only "We."

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dubai, McDonalds and Type 2 Diabetes.

A doctor from Dubai noted that only after McDonalds began selling food in Dubai did Type 2 diabetes show in some of their patients.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is Your Religion Immoral?

If any religion allows it's believers to view any minority as less than equal to themselves (based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and so on...) how could anyone seriously believe in that religion?

When a religion does not not teach the we all share the same humanity, that's when the red flag needs to go up and up!

Hind sight is crystal clear when it comes to religions of old that discriminate against other human beings. It's quite obvious these religions were written solely by ancient primitive racist and sexist men.

It's time for people to view religions for what they are: Ancient mythology of old.

The Cost of Organic Food

The two most common complaints I hear about organic food are:

1) I don't believe it makes a difference.

2) It costs too much.


1) If conventionally grown food is safe, why is there so much cancer in our society?

2) How much does it cost for three or four bags junk food and processed foods? And how much does it cost to purchase raw organic vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans, tuna, chicken and meat which might take just be a bag or two of food?

Bicycling Short Distances Versus Driving A Car

My bicycle had a flat the other day and I was forced to drive my car. You know you are doing something right when your schedule is ruined because you are driving a car instead of a bicycle.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Worth of a Nation's Greatness

It has been said that the worth of a nation's greatness can be measured by the manner in which it treats its weakest members.

I see many dirty (and not cared for) homeless people in downtown San Diego living on the streets.

The Cheney and Bush administration found the money to kill people but they couldn't find the money to help people.

Obama has the Backing of The People.

How could anyone effect a positive change in our horrible economy? How could anyone effect a positive change to reduce the false culture of fear that the Cheney and Bush propagation machine used to con Americans?

Those people who have an aversion to Obama don't take one thing into account. Obama has the backing of the majority of Americans and the people of the world. He has the power to affect positive change for our country and the world. It's exciting.

All Obama needs to say is we need peace in this world and it will happen. All Obama needs to do is to speak the obvious—that we all share one humanity—and the entire world will listen.

He has the power to change a nation. This will in turn will change the world. That is powerful.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Top Ten Reasons To Buy Organic

This "Top Ten Reasons To Buy Organic" found below is from the paper grocery bag at the organic food store where I shop.

1) Protect Future Generations: Because of their smaller size, children receive four to five time more exposure than adults to cancer causing pesticides in foods.

2) Prevent Soil Erosion: Soil is the foundation of the food chain; conventional farming is responsible for unsustainable soil loss but organic farming helps build soil.

3) Protect Water Quality: The EPA estimates that pesticides pollute the primary source of drinking water for more than half the country's population.

4) Save Energy: Conventional farming uses more petroleum than any other single industry and more energy is used to produce synthetic fertilizers than to cultivate harvest crops.

5) Keep Chemicals Off Your Plate: Synthetic pesticides and herbicides are poisons designed to kill living organisms and can also be harmful to human beings.

6) Protect Farm Workers: Farm workers have higher exposures to harmful pesticides.

7) Help Small Farmers: Most organic farms are small, independently owned family farms.

8) Support a True Economy: Conventional food prices don't reflect hidden costs borne by taxpayers, including nearly $75 billion annually in federal subsidies.

9) Promote Biodiversity: Conventional mono-cropping, the practice of planting large plots of land with the same crop year after year, leads to a lack of natural diversity of plants and leaves the soil lacking in natural minerals and nutrients.

10) Taste Better Flavor: Organic farming start with the nourishment of the soil which eventually leads to the nourishment of the plant and ultimately our palates. Conduct your own taste test!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Is 2012 the End-of-the-World? No, it's not. The 2012 End-of-the-World Prediction is Complete Bullshit.

At work today, a woman (in her twenties) told me she saw a T.V. show last night which told of the Mayan end-of-the-world prediction for 2012. She told me she couldn't sleep last night as she was extremely worried. I said, "Do you know there was a end-of-the-world prediction for 1,000 A.D? And... there have been many end-of-the-world predictions every century since."

She wasn't convinced at this point. I said, "How old is the earth?" She didn't know. I didn't know. I said, "Let's look it up on-line." I quickly found the Earth is approximately 4.54 billion years old. I said, "It's not the year 2009. 2009 is a bullshit year. This date of this year is actually 4.54 billion and such and such and such and such." Then she looked at me and said, "Oh." She said, "I'm still a little scared." I rolled my eyes.

When I came back to my apartment today, I quickly referenced a book to finish this blog entry because the research by James Randi has already been done for us. In Appendix II of his 1995 book titled, An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural, lists "49 End-of-the-World Prophecies—That Failed."

"December 31, 999 A.D. The biblical Apocrypha says that the Last Judgment (and therefore, one supposes, the end of the world) would occur one thousand years after the birth of Jesus Christ. ...public documents of that era began, "As the world is now drawing to a close..." —Randi, James 1995. An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural. Appendix II, New York, St.Martin's Griffin, New York.

aprocrypha - 2capitalized a: books included in the Septuagint and Vulgate but excluded from the Jewish and Protestant canons of the Old Testament b: early Christian writings not included in the New Testament -from, January 9, 2008
---end definition---

Randi provides a nice list (with descriptions) of end-of-the-world predictions for 992, 1000, 1033 (Why the year 1033? After 1000 A.D. passed and the world did not end, they quickly revised their end-of-the-world date to be at Christ's death day, instead of this birthday.), 1186, 1260, 1524, 1532, 1533, 1537, 1544, 1572, 1584, 1588, 1624, 1648, 1654, 1665, 1666, 1704, 1719, 1736, 1757, 1761, 1774, 1801, 1814, 1820, 1843, 1874, 1881, 1914, 1936, 1947, 1953, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1980, 1996, 1999.
—from Randi, James 1995. An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural. Appendix II. New York, St.Martin's Griffin, New York. [There are several dates above I left out, from Randi's book.]

The 1999 prediction was from Nostradamus. And yes, none of Nostradamus predictions are real, they are all fraudulent. For more information about Nostradamus see this book: Randi, James 1993. The Mask of Nostradamus. New York, Prometheus Books.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

What If?

What if I said, "Seniors don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People in their 20's don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "Asians don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People of Arab descent don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "African Americans don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People who are a mixed-race don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "Women don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "Men don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People who have interracial marriages don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "Christians don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "Atheists don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People who don't drink coffee don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "Blonds don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People with green eyes don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "Single people don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "Divorced people don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People who like spaghetti don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People with cancer don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "Physically challenged people don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People under 5 feet and people over 6 feet don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People with IQs less than 80 don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "KKK members don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People who skateboard don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People who wear only black with black make-up don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People who like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "People who make less than $25,000.00 a year don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "Trekkies (People who are avid fans of Start Trek.) don't have the right to vote."

What if I said, "Gays don't have the right to marry."

Homophobic person, "Well... uh hum... being gay is different. It doesn't apply."

Gay person, "That is the point. We are different, in one aspect of our lives. It seems that homophobic people can only focus one thing. He/she is gay. As if gay people have no hobbies, likes or dislikes, all wear the same clothing, eat the same food, drive the same car, have the same hair style, talk the same, shake hands the same, etcetera.

People living with blinders on don't see a lot. Gay is not the only aspect a person's life. We all have multiple differences that make up each one of us—gay, straight, bisexual, or transgender.

Different does not mean bad.
That is the point, we (gays) are different in one aspect of our lives—our sexuality. Did we lose the right to our citizenship because we are gay? Did we lose the right to get a driver's license because we are gay? Did I lose the right to vote since we are gay? Do we still have to pay taxes since we are gay?

Why don't we have the right to marry?

We are simply human beings like the rest of the straight world. We all share the same humanity."

Why did people worship Sun Gods?

The Sun brings warmth, life and goodness. Who would want to worship a Night God? The night brings cold, darkness and the unknown. Day/Night, Good/Evil, Pure/Sin. See the correlation?

How have people described Sun Gods throughout the centuries? Here is a nice list to help get you started.

"The Sun of God, who will come again (every morning), he is the light of the world (the sun), the risen savior (Sun) who will come again (as it does every morning), the glory of God (the sun), who defends the works of darkness (the night), can be seen coming (every morning) as he is born again (every morning), up in heaven (in the clouds), with a crown of thorns (sun rays). " —from the Zeitgeist movies, links found below.

The masses did not know about general concepts of space science and astronomy until this century. So, the masses didn't know the atmosphere was several miles thick and then after that, space. Then our solar system, then our galaxy and then the entire universe. In the past, don't you agree that most people naturally thought of heaven as just past the clouds?

Zeitgeist Part 1 of 3

Zeitgeist Part 2 of 3

Zeitgeist Part 3 of 3

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


The seaweed (or sea vegetables) I purchase is from Korea. Where is your seaweed from?

Horus, an Egyptian sun god who lived around 3,000 B.C.

Hmmm... it looks like the writers (Or shall I say God? Meaning, the so-called "inspired by God" writers of the New Testament.) couldn't come up with an original never-seen-before list of god-like qualities for Jesus Christ.

Here is a web site which shows the parallels between Horus, the Egyptian sun god (3,000 B.C.) and Jesus Christ (1-30 A.D.?) I'm not sure if these birth and death dates of Christ are correct. It's no matter, the point is made.

Christ is simply another mythological sun god, not the son of a god.

There are approximately thirty (30) exact or very close characteristics of the Egyptian Sun God Horus the writers of the New Testament copied from to describe their "new" Sun God Jesus Christ. From the virgin birth, to the names of his parents, to angels announcing his birth, to being a boy teacher at 12, to starting his ministry at age 30, to performing the same miracles, to dying and rising on the third day, to reigning for 1,000 years in the millennium and more.

(Reminder, when you arrive at this web page listed above, be sure to scroll down to see the comparison table of god-characteristics between Horus and Christ.)

Are the masses realizing that it's 2009 and not 1,409?