Sunday, November 09, 2008

10,000 People in San Diego Protesting the Prop 8 Vote

Wow. 10,000 people in San Diego marching against Prop. 8. winning. I say, "Wow" because San Diego is a very laid back town and it's not easy getting people in mass for any cause and I mean any cause! By the way... I was there! I wasn't really marching, I was riding my bicycle.

Last night, a San Diego news station reported we had the largest number of people demonstrating against Prop. 8 win in California. Wow again.

It was amazing to be part of this.

Besides the hundreds of Vote No on Prop. 8 Signs, here are a few—a few—of the signs I saw:

• 2nd Class Citizen Nov. 4, 2008
• Separation of Church and Hate
• Keep Mormon Hate Out of My State
• I Love My Gay Wife
• Love
• LDS meet the IRS (Meaning, once it's shown the LDS is doing something political, the IRS could change them from a non-profit organization to a for-profit organization. It would be funny, wouldn't it?)
• I am an American too.
• Yes We Can
• What Rights Are Next?
• Gay Marriage. It Isn't Over!
• Hope Reigns
• Equality For All
• There is no "Us" or "Them" there is only "We." When we use "Us" and "Them" it only divides people (and nations). [Oh... this last one is mine.]

See San Diego's NBC, Channel 7/39 TV news story in text.

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