Sunday, November 16, 2008


Astrology. 12 months, 12 signs. There are over 6 billion people on earth. If you believe in astrology, are you saying that you believe there are basically 12 types of people in the world?

Take 6 billion and divide by 12, that equals 500,000,000 people. Are you saying you believe that approximately 500,000,000 million people on earth have the same traits, they same type of day or influenced in the same type of way, or will they have the same type of future? Based on their sign?

Oh wait, there are more variations than twelve because it depends upon the exact second you were born, right? Well, I don't believe in that hog wash since since there are only twelve signs. But let's take the position the second you were born will determine your life. 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour or 3,600 seconds. 24 hours a day or 24 X 3,600 = 86,400 seconds in a day. 365 days per year X 86,400 seconds = 31,536,000 seconds in a year. Over 6 billion people on earth divided by 31,536,000 seconds in a year. Which means 190 people on earth have the exact same type of day, future and lives to live based on astrology. Ha! The ancient astrologist never thought there'd be over 6 billion on earth. So the second you were born theory sucks the big one.

Why do people believe in ancient hocus pocus? Primitive men who less schooling that a 5th grader of today created astrology.

"Astrology is now regarded as unscientific both by scientific bodies and by individual scientists[37][38] and has been labeled as a pseudoscience." ---from wikipedia:

"Pseudoscience is defined as a body of knowledge, methodology, belief, or practice that is claimed to be scientific or made to appear scientific, but does not adhere to the scientific method,[2][3][4] lacks supporting evidence or plausibility,[5] or otherwise lacks scientific status.[6] The term comes from the Greek root pseudo- (false or pretending) and "science" (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge")." ---from wikipedia:

"When testing for cognitive, behavioral, physical and other variables, one study of astrological "time twins" [Time twins: Two people born on the same day.] showed that human characteristics are not molded by the influence of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time of birth.[58][59] Skeptics of astrology also suggest that the perceived accuracy of astrological interpretations and descriptions of one's personality can be accounted for by the fact that people tend to exaggerate positive 'hits' and overlook whatever does not fit, especially when vague language is used.[58]

They also argue that statistical research is often wrongly seen as evidence for astrology due to uncontrolled artifacts.[60] A large-scale study, with a sample size of about 15,000 "astro-twins", was published in 2006. It examined the relationship between date of birth and individual differences in personality and general intelligence, and found no evidence that a connection existed.[61] It also found no relationship between the zodiacal signs and participants' personal traits.[61]" ---from wikipedia:

Conclusion: If you are looking at astrology to see the historical significance it has played in ancient cultures or today, that's one thing.

However, since today's science shows that astrology is a pseudoscience (a false science), why waste time thinking the movement of the earth and the moon in relationship to stars has anything to do with how you live or how your life might change or who you are as a person?

Don't you think it would be better to focus on real life than ancient false science. Meaning, don't you think it's better to use your ability to reason, to make day to day decisions and use your brain to determine how you feel about your life than to rely on (or sometimes rely) on an ancient false science?

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