Sunday, November 23, 2008

Prop 8ers, what did you win?

Having spent millions of dollars, Prop. 8ers have won the honor of a public ballot, casting millions of stones against equality. Using the Bible to persecute others in 2008 is alive and well. Prop. 8ers misinterpretation of the Bible allows them to rationalize that basic civil rights and equality does not apply to all citizens of the United States of America.

Today, when religious people are called on the carpet for their predecessors persecuting people during the the Crusades (A series of religion-driven military campaigns—major campaigns 1095-1272, minor campaigns through 1798.), the Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834), witch hunts, promoting slavery and segregation, they have a quick explaination that goes something like this, "Those people weren't representing God as true Christians."

Even to a bystander it's crystal clear that Prop. 8ers would have easily and quite willingly joined those in supporting the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, witch hunts, promoting slavery and segregation. Prop. 8ers have now been outed for who they really are. These are people who use the Bible to promote their own personal prejudices.

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