Thursday, November 27, 2008

Homosexuality. Right or Wrong?

This blog entry is directed toward those who think homosexuality is wrong.

And you know the ultimate truth about human sexuality simply because you are straight? For those with religion on their side: You know the ultimate truth about sexuality because you have a belief?

Belief is not a fact. But, but, but. Be completely honest with yourself. Faith is simply a belief. Nothing more.

Here's a fact, your religion is ancient mythology. What? How dare you speak against my religion. Hmmmmm..... remember something called freedom of speech?

Now go study religions older than Christianity and count how many gods had the same or similiar characteristics of Christ. So, who is the real god? The gods before Christ who have the same characteristics of Christ? Or is Christ the real god who has the same characteristics of previous gods.

If the previous gods before Christ are not worshiped by the masses anymore, does it mean they are not gods? I ask you, if some of the masses believe in Christ, does this make Christ a real god?

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