Monday, November 03, 2008

It's not Natural for Gay People to Have Sex.

A co-worker said to me last night, look, it's easy to see that it's unnatural for gays to have sex. And... it's obvious our purpose is to procreate with the opposite sex to further the human race. Anyone can easily see that a guy and a girl are made to have sex together. How would you be here if it wasn't for straight people having sex?

Unnatural? The first question to ask is, how do you know this for a fact? The answer: No one knows the ultimate answer as to what is natural sex between two human beings. I know it's natural for me to have sex with a guy and it's not natural for me to have sex, with the opposite sex.

My question is, why is it that many straight people want to make everyone straight? Gay people say, be who you are. Who's doing the converting here? Gays or straights? It just kills some straight people that they can't convert gays to straight.

Procreation. How is it that I am here? Because there are more straight people than gay people. Freak! Our race will always survive because there will always straight people procreating. For this reason alone, the "How is the human race going to survive, if everyone is gay" argument holds no water.

Realistically, what is the chance the human race could either be all straight or all gay? It would never happen this way. Human sexuality is diverse as people are themselves diverse. There is sexual diversity in the human race whether straight people like it or not. What about people who don't like sex, or don't want to have sex? I know straight women who have no interest in sex. Are they perverted for not wanting to further the human race?

Fact: Straight people have already over populated the earth. There are over 6 billion people on earth and about 5 million children die of starvation each year. It's very sad.

How would my co-worker like it if I said this: I can easily say that it's obvious that cultures surviving for thousands of years created the races of Asians, Whites, Middle Easterners, Africans, Indians and so on and so forth, because they did not mix races. Isn't it obvious that these cultures were meant to be separate and not mixed? Tradition dictates that if our various cultures were not mixed for thousands of years, then why mix them now? Why erase the culture and tradition of pure races? Mixing cultures corrupts the human race.

Look at Asian people, not only do they have the same physical traits (straight black hair, slanted eyes, fair to naturally tan skin, etc.) but they have their own culture and language, to top it off. Each race has their own distinct physical characteristics as well as their own culture and language.

It's easy to see that skin color, hair type, eyes that are slanted, noses that are larger or smaller, foreheads that are shorter or taller, and the scent of a person should not be commingled with another race. To mix races is ridiculous. It's obvious that the mixing of races is not natural, don't you agree?

The guy at work who told me it's unnatural for gays to have sex, is a mixed guy of several races. How would he like it if I said that mixed people are a corruption to the human race and it should be made law that he can't have sex with anyone for fear of corrupting the human race even further. That he is repulsive and a danger to society for not being a pure breed human being. How would he feel if I told him this?

Look at young children. Why is it that children of mixed races can learn together, play together and be friends together without noticing each other's skin color? For the simple reason they haven't been taught yet to hate other people due to skin color. Racism is obviously a learned behavior.

You can see men and women are made for each other. It takes a man and a woman for procreation, yes of course, I'm not denying this. However, same-sex sex is for the pleasure of sex, not for procreation. How many times do straight people have sex and they don't procreate?

Filipino Culture. In the Philippines it's natural for two straight friends to hold each others hands when casually walking down the street. It's not considered gay. Imagine if the culture of the U.S.A. allowed for friends and co-workers of the same sex to hold each others hands? For the simple and pure reason as a way to connect as friends—it would have nothing to do with sex. If this ever happened, it would be difficult to tell which guys were gay and which guys were not.


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