Sunday, November 09, 2008

Did you Know I Bleed Red?

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to some homophobic straight guys at work about marriage equality. I said to them, "Did you know you I bleed red? The same color as you bleed?" No response. "I have the same organs as you also." Still no response. They didn't get it.

Their only answer to marriage equality was it had nothing to do with equal rights, that it only had to do with gays wanting to have the traditional title, "Marriage"—that straights have had for years. They said that we could call it anything we want (a civil union or we can make up a name) but we don't have the right to take away all these years of tradition and call gay marriage a marriage.

I said, "So, we know the Declaration of Independence says, 'All men are created equal', you don't believe in this?" The one guy said, "We are all equal, except for the point about marriage."

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