Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Final Solution

Doesn't "Marriage equals one man and one women. Protect marriage!" have the similar ring to it, as how the Third Reich promoted the Final Solution? Well... maybe not that similar but homophobic straight people—today—just can't come out and say, "Kill all the gays" anymore. I mean, even homophobic straight people know it's wrong to kill the customer and lose profits.

So, instead, they say it's not an equal rights thing, it's tradition. Don't they mean it's tradition for religious people to teach institutionalized homophobia and why the hell would we want to stop the tradition of blaming "others" for all our troubles? If we don't have the gays to hate, who will we say is causing all the trouble in this world? We'll have to say it's Satan and that's not as fun as saying that gays are causing all the trouble.

From California Protect Marriage (November 2, 200) site. The bold is their quote and the italics are my comments.
"It protects (Don't they mean the law will insist you lie to children and say only two people can love each other only if they are of the opposite sex?) our children from being taught in public schools that “same-sex marriage” is the same as traditional marriage (It is the same. Two people loving each other. There is no difference.), and prevents other consequences (A law recognizing we are all equal? How horrible!) to Californians who will be forced (Forced? It's a free country, you can still hate gays if you still decide you don't agree with the Declaration of Independence, "...all men are created equal....") to not just be tolerant (It's America, you can still hate anyone you want, in private or public, in fact.) of gay lifestyles, but face mandatory compliance (Mandatory compliance of what? That you have to pay taxes? You will still need to pay taxes whether you are a straight or gay couple.) regardless of their personal beliefs." (There is a little something called the Separation of Church and State which makes the United States of America one of the most unique countries in the world. Take your personal bigoted, intolerant beliefs and believe them in the privacy of your own home and church. There is no room for personal prejudices and intolerance in state law or federal law.)

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