Friday, October 31, 2008

Why Only Several Words are Necessary to Vote No On Prop 8 (California)

July 4, 1776 - Declaration of Independence. Second paragraph, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,...." Why do I need to say anything more?

Proposition 8 in California (2008) states, "Provides that only a marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."

On Faith

I called a homophobic church in La Mesa (East County San Diego, California) yesterday and I spoke with a representative. I made many points, I can't list all my points or his points here, just the highlights. It's funny, he used the antiquated term "practicing homosexuals" excuse me as I vomit. I didn't waste my breath and tell him I have friends who are "practicing heterosexuals."

He told me he feels that all people are born straight (Of course, the only sexuality he knows is straight! That is the only sexuality that makes sense to him.) and that it's the sin in the world that causes people to turn (ha!) to be gay. I said what's good for me is good for you. If I was straight and went to gay, then you went from gay to straight. Of course, he didn't get it. To say he went from gay to straight is as silly as saying I went from straight to gay. He also pretended not to understand the point of 1843. See earlier posted 1843 blog.

After much discussion I said to him that his sexuality is right for him and not for me and vice versa, I said, let's be honest, science currently does not have a definitive answer as to why there are different sexualities. Once it is scientifically proven why, the masses will know and most bigotry and hatred will be squelched.

I said to him, neither of us are scientists. Neither of can categorically state why this happens. I know one thing, I know what I like and I know what you tell me what you like. The fact that you think all people should be straight is your best guess. It's as simple as that.

Then he went on to suggest he had this nugget of truth about salvation (that he felt obligated to tell me about) and how to get to heaven. I know why Christians do this, it's their calling to try to convert people so a jewel can be added to their crown when they reach heaven. I guess there is money in heaven. Who would have known?

Faith. He's guessing. I kills me that Christians say they know God is real (and this guy told me this also, that he knows God is real); however, he is guessing. That's his best guess.

I told him, I have a great belief too. I know Elvis. I pray to him, I talk to him and he's in my apartment when I am there. In fact, he's with me on a daily basis. Doesn't this sound like a child's secret invisible friend? I said if I went running around telling people I have a personal relationship with Elvis, people would say I'm crazy. I'm not sure if he made the connection.

Should There be a License to Have Kids?

I worked with a woman in the 1990's who had three kids. She was a very nice person and had some really nice kids. She went to adopt a cat. She had to fill out an extensive form to see if she was qualified. She failed to qualify to adopt a cat!

When my one of my cousins first had kids, I asked here (without warning) with an innocent tone in my voice, "Why did you decide to have kids?" I will never forget what she said to me. Without hesitation she said, "Because I can." That was the wrong answer, in my book.

She immediately took it back and made up another reason why she wanted kids. Some background, she and her husband work full-time. However, several years ago, there was a time she was out of work. Instead of staying at home with the kids, as a caring mother would jump at the opportunity to do, she continued to send her kids to child care.

I rarely visit them due to their homophobia and because she is always yelling at her kids to shape up, do this, do that. She started yelling—at the top of her lungs—to her kids, from the beginning, when they were very, very young. It was very sad to witness this. Too bad she wasn't licensed to she if was she qualified to have kids.

Here's my advice. Don't have kids just because you can biologically do it! The world now has over six (6) billion people. We did it! Yahoo! We (err, you) have populated the earth. We don't have to worry that the human race will not survive from lack of people.

"Well, (whine, whine) I want my name to continue." Bullshit. And it's again, another wrong reason to have kids, ta boot. No one knows who you are now, no one cares who you are now and no one will care about your name continuing in the future. If you want to make a mark on society, you don't do it by having kids. You make a mark by doing something great, now!

Estimated World Population.
(This site also has the estimated U.S. population.)

Should Gay Boys be Admitted in the Boy Scouts of America?

Here is a direct quote from a homophobic parent writing to Scouting for All: "Any homosexual person in the scouts is a threat to straight children. It is not fair to the heterosexuals to bunk with or take showers with homosexuals. Straight people have rights too."

If your kids are absolutely straight, why worry that one look or nod from a gay kid might turn your "straight" child gay? If your child is really straight he will have no interest in same-sex sex. Ask yourself, if a gay person suggested gay sex to me, would I "turn"? Of course not, because you are straight. The real question for parents is: Am I afraid gay kids will find my children attractive? Or, conversely, is my fear really based on my paranoia that my child will find other kids of the same sex attractive?

♥ "We will no longer tolerate our gay youth having to remain invisible out of fear. We are working to help create a society where gay (GLBT) and atheist youth will feel safe, accepted, and loved for the beautiful individuals they are blessed to be." —Scouting For All Board of Directors, Members, and Volunteers. See: Scouting for All

It's Obvious That Gay Doesn't Work Because There Would be no People Left on Earth.

It's obvious that gay doesn't work, because if everyone was gay, there would be no people left on earth. This is a fools argument that I've heard from homophobic people in person and online. And it's a big fat lie. Because there will never be an all gay society, just as there will never be an all straight society. Wake up people!

There have always been gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people on earth, ever since man has been on earth. And yet... we are still here, the human race did not die out. In fact, there are so many straight people having sex, our planet is now over populated.

The reason it's a fools argument is most surveys conclude the gay population typically runs around 10 percent. Hypothetically, if the gay population was at 50 percent, we'd still have enough straight people feeling it was there duty to populate the earth.

How do I know our planet is over populated? Five million children die of starvation on an annual basis. This is disgusting. Homophobic straight people, I have message for you: Stop having kids. Let rational non-homophobic straight parents and rational LGBT parents raise kids.

Here's another message. You are wasting your time trying to take away the rights fellow United States citizens. Trying to take away rights of citizens in the U.S is anti-American, ta boot. If you really were concerned about humanity you'd form a non-profit organization whose goal would be zero tolerance for children dying of starvation. If homophobic parents insisted upon having kids, you'd adopt to make sure no child is left to starvation.

Homophobic people: Put your money, time and energy where you are not hurting other people but where you are helping people.

An excerpt from "Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris.

One of the most pernicious effects of religion is that it tends to divorce morality from the reality of human and animal suffering. Religion allows people to imagine that their concerns are moral when they are not—that is, when they have nothing to do with suffering or its alleviation. Indeed, religion allows people to imagine that their concerns are moral when they are highly immoral—that is, when pressing these concerns inflicts unnecessary and appalling suffering on innocent human beings.

This explains why Christians like yourself expend more “moral” energy opposing abortion that fighting genocide. It explains why you are more concerned about human embryos than about the lifesaving promise of stem-cell research. And it explains why you can preach against condom use in sub-Saharan Africa while millions die from AIDS there each year.

Harris, Sam (2006). Letter to a Christian Nation. New York: Knopf. Page 25.

Why Cheney and Bush Still Need to be Impeached.

What is more important, the Constitution or a political party?

The Founding Fathers anticipated that the Executive Branch would overreach some day and the Founding Fathers assumed that media would highlight the constitutional principles that are at play. This has not happened in a loud nationwide scale. Shame on the media.

You cannot have spying, an illegal war, torture, massive amounts of military contractors siphoning off our precious tax dollars, blatant ignoring of American law, taping the phone lines of Americans illegally and a President who acts like a king, at the White House.

It is appropriate and necessary that the people as well as politicians of the United States are fearful of a president who acts like a King. This is the same fear of our Founding Fathers, that we could set a precedent establishing a presidency that does not respect the law of the land.

The Founding Founders had just fought a war against a King and they said that monarchial behavior, the behavior of a King—and today our President is acting like a King—is an impeachable offense. For this alone, Bush should be impeached.

To suggest that if you have a different view point or if you are not supporting the present administration that this is not patriotism, this is hog wash. A patriot is someone who speaks up when they feel that our country is on the wrong course.

It is the patriotic duty of every American to be vocally upset about Congress giving almost unlimited power to the White House. In fact, all polls show that the majority of Americans want Cheney and Bush impeached immediately.

If the leaders in the White House are not impeached, a horrible precedent will be set in U.S. history and future generations will look back in disbelief that we allowed this to happen.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Have Found My Favorite Line in a Movie

My favorite line in a movie is the last line spoken in the movie Wanted. I won't spoil the movie, so you'll need to see it yourself. Sorry about that. Of course, I take the last line as related to activism. "Wanted is a 2008 action film which is loosely based on the comic book miniseries of the same name by Mark Millar." -Wikipedia

Note: Wanted is about assassins. So, if you don't like that topic, you might want to avoid this movie. If you like movies based on comic books, then you might like this movie.

Do I Believe in Conspiracy Theories?

When I was younger my answer would be no. In August of 2008, I drove to a local grocery store (in Hillcrest, San Diego, California) and parked my car. As I was walking through the parking lot, I noticed what looked like a small European pick-up truck. I noticed the truck had a flat roof attached to it and as a believer in harnessing solar power, I stood there looking at the truck to see if it was a solar panel or not. I had my fingers crossed.

Within seconds, a lady was fast approaching the truck and shouted, "That's my solar truck!" I immediately replied, "I love you. Don't worry I'm gay." We chatted for a little bit. It turns out it was a small European made pick-up truck with an electric engine. All she had to do was to bolt some posts, a solar panel, and some wiring and wa-la (I know, the actual French spelling is "voila.")—a vehicle which does not need to be plugged in and does not use gas.

She went on to tell me she calls it a "Neighborhood Electric Vehicle" because its maximum speed is forty (40) miles per hour. It can't be driven on the freeway. It's as simple as that.

Now I ask you, if a nice woman in San Diego can go out and buy a European electric pick-up truck, bolt on some posts, top the posts with a solar panel and add some wiring and drive around San Diego without air pollution (brief pause) then why hasn't any U.S. car manufactures—with their millions upon millions of research dollars and their staff of highly trained engineers—offered a solar car to the American public by now?

Want to buy an electric pick-up and truck and do the same thing? Here's the link to the company that sells the electric trucks. I think they also install the solar panel. Not sure.
See: Dymac USA

Three Homophobic Guys at Work

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to two straight guys where I work (on a daily basis, for several days in a row) about homosexuality. At the time I did not know they were two extremely homophobic straight guys. I finally realized this when the one guy asked me (And they both made it crystal clear to me as if there is no difference), "What's the difference between bestiality and homosexuality?" Dumb shit! There is a huge difference. One is having sex with animals and one is having sex with humans.

What the two dumb asses were trying to say to me was that homosexuality is as gross as bestiality is to them. Of course gay sex is gross to them because they are straight! Why are they thinking about gay sex anyway? Even though gays certainly have no interest in heterosexual sex, we wouldn't make that stupid of an analogy.

What homophobic straight guys don't get is that gay sex is natural for gay people. Straight sex is not natural for gay people. So, when a homophobic person thinks that gay sex is unnatural, it's because gay sex is not natural for a straight person. I think homophobic people are the ultimate egotistical people around, since they think that all gay people changed from being straight to gay. Dumb shit. I was born gay. If I turned from straight to gay, then logically, all straight people have to turn from gay to straight. It can't be a one-way street.

In other words, all guys know how raging their sexuality becomes when they hit puberty. So, think about it, if I had raging thoughts about women when I first hit puberty and was born straight, I would have been wanting to have sex with women and I would have been fantasizing about it, then—these homophopbes are saying—for some reason I just switched? Huh? I changed my entire raging sexuality from straight to gay just to aggravate my suburban religious mother, to be harassed at school from homophobic straight people, to be worried if I will be fired from work if they find out if I'm gay, and to lose my rights as a person depending upon what state I live in? I changed my sexuality just to discriminated against? How nuts is this scenario. Homophobic guys just don't think these things through.

The bottom line is that homophobic straight people think they have the last word on human sexuality. Then tonight, I asked another known homophobic guy at work, "Where is the printed instruction manual that came out of your mother when you were born? Where is it? I'd like to read it and see where it says how a man should act (butch vs queeny) or who a man should have sex with (men, women, transgender, wall with a hole-that's for the straight guys) or talk like (deep voice vs nelly voice). His only answer was, "You shouldn't talk about my mother having me, it's a sacred subject." I said, "It's not sacred, it a natural thing that occurs." And I was thinking to myself... "dumb shit." He couldn't answer my question.

You see, if a guy wants to act nelly or queeny, to that guy, it's natural for him. Or at least he wants to act that way. Who cares? If a guy is butch and tough, well that's what he wants and is natural for him. If someone is faking how they are acting, well... people have been like that for thousands of years, so what's new about that?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Did You Know There are Three States That Currently (October 2008) Have Propositions Trying to Make Marriage Between a Man and a Women only?

Right now, Arizona, California and Florida have propositions which if pass will make marriage between and man and a woman, only. Did I tell you I spoke with my homophobic mother (who is now trying to be less homophobic towards me) two weeks ago and she told me that she loved me unconditionally and only wanted the best for me.

"The Best," I quote her. I asked her, "Would you vote for gay marriage in Florida, 'yes' or 'no?'" Without any hesitation, she said, "No." Do you think my mother knows that I know she is lying to me when she says she wants the best for me?

It's time to revisit the past. Harvey Milk (May 22, 1930 – November 27, 1978) was "the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California, as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors." -

Please see this video which has excerpts from one of Harvey Milk's speeches here:

Why do People Think Religious Right People are Nut Cases?

Because Religious Right nut cases have not learned Jesus' message to love one another.

Thank you Religious Right nut cases for institutionalizing the hatred and discrimination of others.

You see, Religious Right nut cases (RRNC) don't see the point—there is no "other." We—I said We—are one shared humanity. There is no "us" or "them." There will always be people who are disenfranchised when you say, "us" and "them." When RRNC realize we all bleed the same color—that we all bleed red—they will be able to begin the healing process from hating others and finally begin to love others for who they are.

In honor of this, I will now stop calling Religious Right nut cases—Religious Right nut cases—in order to affirm they are part of this shared humanity even though they themselves don't know it yet.

(Of course, don't hold this to me, since it's so fun to say the phrase, "Religious Right nut case." Ha!)

The Audacity of People.

Why do a certain percentage of straight people have the audacity to claim they are the gurus of human sexuality? How do they know for a fact—without a shadow of a doubt—they have the ultimate universal knowledge their sexuality is the only valid sexuality on earth and for that matter, our galaxy and the entire known universe?

What about the high divorce rate in America?

There is a bumper sticker, "4 out of 5 Baptist divorcees want gays to stop undermining the sanctity of marriage." Excuse me as I vomit looking at the high divorce rate in America.

Interview with a homophobic straight dad.

Interviewer, "What are you going to do if your son turns out to be gay?" Homophobic straight dad, "First of all he's not going to be gay. But if he turns out to be gay, I'll beat him into submission until he sees the light and becomes straight." Interviewer, "Where is the love and compassion for your son?" Homophobic dad, "That is my love and compassion for my son."

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Real Threat to Marriage

The only threat to a couple's marriage is: Divorce, infidelity or disloyalty. Another couple being married whether straight or gay cannot negatively impact another marriage. Unless one of the people in a straight marriage is actually gay (and deeply in the closet) and decides to come out when gay marriage is legal and then decides to get a divorce.

Is a single mother or a single father with kids a threat to marriage? Is an Aunt or Uncle or Grandparents raising their relative's kids a threat to marriage? If I was a single mom or dad or a relative raising my siblings kid(s), I'd be ticked off with all the talk of what makes a perfect family. Are the people who say a marriage is only between a man and woman saying single parents and other relatives raising their sibling's kids undermining marriage? What about single people like myself, am I undermining marriage? As a single person, am I of less value to society since I'm not married? Does being single make me harmful to our society?

What is a family? I like to think a family ensures that no one is left behind because all members are accepted because of their love towards each other. People who love each other no matter what their sexuality is. I know an Asian family who not only loves each other but they will financially help each other. If someone in their family needs a car, they all pitch in a buy the other person a car. They put their money where their love is. I've never heard of an average American family doing this.

Is a family made of love or is a family made of heterosexual couple who claim they have the last word on human sexuality? Why do certain heterosexual people believe there is no room for diversity in a family committed to loving each other?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why I will Vote No on Prop. 8

San Diego, California - Prop 8 states, "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California." Either you believe in the separation of Church and State or you overtly and blatantly are against one of the most important principles (from the First Amendment) of the United States of America. If you believe the U.S. needs to be guided on Christian principles, then you must believe that the U.S. can be guided on the principles of all religions. Either you believe in the separation of Church and State, or you don’t. In addition, either you believe in equal rights for all Americans or you don’t.

It seems that Prop 8 was written by straight people who insist their sexuality is the only valid sexuality to be recognized by law. Homophobic straight people apparently are the gurus of human sexuality; they have taken it upon themselves to publicly take a vote to prove they have the last word on human sexuality.

Homophobic straight people wear blinders when it comes to sexuality and can’t recognize there is sexual diversity in our world. Homophobic straight people say that gay sex is unnatural. Of course it is unnatural for straight people to have gay sex. As it is unnatural for gay people to have straight sex. When gays ask straight people to vote for marriage equality, it does not mean that gays are asking straight people to be gay!

Gays are not saying that marriage for straight people should be between a straight person and a gay person, or that all marriages should be gay. Gay people are saying marriage for gay people is between two gay guys or between two lesbians. Gay people don’t want to marry a straight person.

If you are straight and vote for marriage equality, it does not mean that you are partially gay or that you want to be gay or that you are secretly gay or you could change to be gay. It simply means you recognize: A) There is sexual diversity in our world. B) There is a clear separation of Church and State. C) There should be equality for all Americans.

People are born gay. It is not a choice. If homophobic straight people insist that sexuality is a choice then straight people where born gay and chose to be straight. As the last sentence makes no sense so does the opposite sentence that straight people illogically spout: Gays were straight and then chose to be gay.

For those who oppose equal rights based on religious interpretation we could go back 2,000 years ago to know that Jesus’ main message (beside salvation) is one of love not of hate. However, we only need to look back to the year 1843.

In 1843 Physician Martin Berry discovered a sperm and an egg is necessary for conception. What was science's answer to conception before 1843? The male sperm was a miniature baby. Why was sperm called the seed in the Bible? You plant a seed in the soil, water it and it grows into a plant or tree.

The Bible was written in the science and culture of it’s day. When the Bible was written, the science of the day stated the process of conception was the same as the plant world. Man plants a seed (sperm/entire baby) into a woman (soil/incubator), she waters it (with blood) and it grows. Why was masturbation, gay sex and straight people pulling out to practice birth control—wrong, according the writers of the Bible? They thought it was murder.

Christian America and the Middle East

Why is it that Christian America is completely against the Koran which was written by primitive Middle Eastern bigoted intolerant men who taught that slavery was okay and that women are second class citizens?

Why does Christian America so adamantly defend the Bible which was written by primitive Middle Eastern bigoted intolerant men who taught that slavery was okay and that women are second class citizens?