Friday, October 31, 2008

Why Cheney and Bush Still Need to be Impeached.

What is more important, the Constitution or a political party?

The Founding Fathers anticipated that the Executive Branch would overreach some day and the Founding Fathers assumed that media would highlight the constitutional principles that are at play. This has not happened in a loud nationwide scale. Shame on the media.

You cannot have spying, an illegal war, torture, massive amounts of military contractors siphoning off our precious tax dollars, blatant ignoring of American law, taping the phone lines of Americans illegally and a President who acts like a king, at the White House.

It is appropriate and necessary that the people as well as politicians of the United States are fearful of a president who acts like a King. This is the same fear of our Founding Fathers, that we could set a precedent establishing a presidency that does not respect the law of the land.

The Founding Founders had just fought a war against a King and they said that monarchial behavior, the behavior of a King—and today our President is acting like a King—is an impeachable offense. For this alone, Bush should be impeached.

To suggest that if you have a different view point or if you are not supporting the present administration that this is not patriotism, this is hog wash. A patriot is someone who speaks up when they feel that our country is on the wrong course.

It is the patriotic duty of every American to be vocally upset about Congress giving almost unlimited power to the White House. In fact, all polls show that the majority of Americans want Cheney and Bush impeached immediately.

If the leaders in the White House are not impeached, a horrible precedent will be set in U.S. history and future generations will look back in disbelief that we allowed this to happen.

1 comment:

David Jones said...

George Bush is not even close to holding the title of most oppressive presidents in this country's history. I am not a fan of Bush, but I can think of many presidents, most of whom we consider "good" who made George Bush look like a boy scout when it came to the oppression of civil rights: Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, William Taft, Franklin Rosevelt, just to name a few biggies.

We seem to have a very selective historical memory in this country. I'm all for impeaching Bush if we do hold to the same standard for every president, which we won't and can't. A person who is for impeaching Bush, but at the same time believes FDR was one of the great presidents of this country, has indicted themselves as a hypocrite. Not only did FDR repress all oposing viewpoints in the press, but he jailed anyone who presented opposing views, and he jailed American citizens for being Japanese in heritage, women, children and men. Bush is such an amateur in comparison.